

Registered Member
I am new to these forums but quite intrigued by what I have found. I want to post a personal experience and see what theories and explanations rise from it.

About three years ago I had a 3 day spell in which each morning I awoke in the early morning hours to see a very large spider slowly crawling across the ceiling directly above me. It would crawl for about 15-20 seconds and then disappear right before my very eyes. Now this occured every morning for 3 days straight and every morning it occured in the same spot, same spider, and had the same outcome with it disappearing right before my very eyes. Now, I was fully awake all three times this happened and I can still vividly remember these visions. But I can remeber my reaction to seeing this spider just as vividly as I can visualize it. I was always startled at first, but then my initial fear quickly sub-sided to a feeling of extreme comfort and curiousity. Allmost like I was not afraid of the spider, but happy to see it and extremely curious about its destination. Now I must mention some possible explainations on why I had these visions. First off I have experimented with LSD for years and had taken some the week previous to this occurence. I also have experienced extreme bouts of Deja Vu ever since I was a child. However, I have never had any visions as lucid and as powerful as this. For the remainder of these 3 days I was extrodinaryly detatched from my surroundings and to this very day I get a feeling of discomfort talking about it. There is much more I could write about what I experieced those days but I would like to get some helpful input from this community before I specualte about the true cause for these visions. Thanks for your time.
I for one think drugs can be very dangerous. LSD is one that can make you see things "very real" - and also you can have a relapse from LSD weeks, months or even years after using it (correct me nicely if I'm wrong?) - So, what you are seeing most likely is a side effect from a drug is what I'm thinking....

I myself think our bodies are powerful enough and most complex without using drugs.
Sounds like a hypnogogic hallucination. Funny thing is that I've
woken up before and seen a rather large spider on my pillow
next to me. Normally I just went back to sleep but for some
reason one time it startled me and I literlly jumped out of bed
and was ready to squish it... but it disappeared of course. An
interesting thing to note. Alot of hypnogogic hallucinations that
my friends have told me about involve spiders... sometimes
translucent worms... sometimes a dark figure in the doorway...
but mostly spiders. odd.
Mauka, I know what you are going though with your vision of that spider

When i was 8 years old, every night for about 2 months there would be this glowing ball that would run along the top boarder of my room. The ball would stop and a woman would step out of it and then stand with her hands on her hips. She kinda reminded me of superwoman but medgit size. Then she would bo back into the ball and go around the room again and do the same thing over and over. My eyes were wide open when this would happen. And it only also occured before I went to sleep. Till this day I still don't know what it was. Maybe it was my imaginary friend. I have no clue. But I myself was not on drugs so I can most definitely relate to what you had experienced.

Thanks to all who posted replies. I was quite interested in the fact that several similar stories involving visuals of spiders came to light. I truly wonder why these manifestations tend to present themselves in the form of a spider? I also should mention that I haven't had any other experiences with visuals before or after this particular incident. But most of all I am curious about my reaction to these visuals. As I mentioned, when I first saw the spider I was really startled......but within a split second ( I don't even think I had time to move) my fear sub-sided to an extreme sense of relaxation and comfort and I had this overwhelming feeling of curiousity, intrigue, and sense of importance about the spider. I really can't explain it!! This is a crude analogy but it was like I knew I was getting to see a glimpse of something extremely important and I had remember every detail. I had no feelings of speculation......just of exteme interest. I watched the spider crawl for 15 seconds and then it vanished in a way that seemed as if it was composed of sand and being blown by the wind. This happened right before my very eyes every morning for 3 days straight.

Did anyone else experience feelings similar or completely opposite to these during your visual experiences?
Except that one time where I freaked... the other times I saw
spiders my reaction was apathy.
I'm posting this a year later; I wonder if you're still reading this!

Both my brother (40 years old) and I (35 years old) have had similar experiences for most of our lives. About once/month on average it happens almost exactly as you describe it. There is nothing in our childhoods (no traumatic experiences, and no reason to fear spiders) that would explain this. We live in different states, and I have no experience with acid or similar drugs that would explain this as a flashback. We both experience it when we're in very light sleep, usually 20 minutes or so after falling asleep. I sense a spider (or something that looks like a spider), about the size of my hand, hovering close above me or on the pillow next to me. I fully open my eyes and I'm certain I see it. Generally, I'm too startled to try to really focus on it and communicate with it; I jump out of bed & flip the light on. I used to search the room, but now I just fully awaken, then shut the light & go back to sleep. My theory has always been that it's something spiritual (open to interpretation, depending on your religion or beliefs) that, because of our genetic similarities, my brother and I happen to both be in tune with. I don't think it's actually a spider, but something that our brains don't fully understand and somehow interpret as a spider. I may forget to check this forum. Feel free to email me at