
What is your vision?

  • Constrained

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Unconstrained

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Is your vision constrained or unconstrained?

Constrained means that you think people are bad because they are naturally and goverment is only necissary to restrain that. Since people are bad thought they should never be given much power. So constrained feel goverment should be small.

Unconstrained means that you think people are bad because the other institutions causes them to be bad. You believe that the goverment needs to control the enviorment so people wont be bad. So unconstrained feel goverment should be larger.

There is not much contrasting here so I don't exspect to see stuff like im in the middle. So what do you believe?
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neither since both concepts are pretty silly and foolish wouldnt u say ?

Lets start people = good/bad , by nature or anything else . I dont acknowledge any traditional concept of goodness or badness , if we are to speak of such phenomena , it should be (at least in this context) good for and bad for . And i wouldnt agree on the nature thing , by nature we are all more/less the same , nature creates simply capabilities it doesnt decide how these capabilities are being used etc . Anyways , id say by education and experience people become stupid/ignorant . That is why they do stupid/ignorant things to eachother , whitch you might call bad .

Now getting at the point , they become ignorant they are not ignorant . Even if they were by ignorant by nature , it still would not change the view we are getting at here . I would most definetly say that the government (globally and efficiently) should create/correct circumstances so that people at least are lead , so their ignorance cannot become responsible for their faillure and this "badness" evolving from it .

Hell Id even tell them where they can or cannot walk......ow wait thats nothing new is it ?

But that is assuming the government is perfect and great and led by people like myself :D . Since the government (in the west) tends to be this "democracy-thing" , they tend to represent the people . People are ignorant , a good representation is an ignorant representation . And thats whats happening at this moment , now those people I wouldnt want to have arranging all sorts of things , it ends up in a circel if u know what i mean . So 2 options leave me : based on the current situation , Id go for total anarchy , whitch isnt possible so we end up with very little government controll . But this is just the best out of 2 evils , the real solution is an intelligent government creating/controlling absolutely everything that is favorable to controll in such a situation (whitch is about everything) .
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
neither since both concepts are pretty silly and foolish wouldnt u say ?

Lets start people = good/bad , by nature or anything else . I dont acknowledge any traditional concept of goodness or badness , if we are to speak of such phenomena , it should be (at least in this context) good for and bad for . And i wouldnt agree on the nature thing , by nature we are all more/less the same , nature creates simply capabilities it doesnt decide how these capabilities are being used etc . Anyways , id say by education and experience people become stupid/ignorant . That is why they do stupid/ignorant things to eachother , whitch you might call bad .

Now getting at the point , they become ignorant they are not ignorant . Even if they were by ignorant by nature , it still would not change the view we are getting at here . I would most definetly say that the government (globally and efficiently) should create/correct circumstances so that people at least are lead , so their ignorance cannot become responsible for their faillure and this "badness" evolving from it .

Hell Id even tell them where they can or cannot walk......ow wait thats nothing new is it ?

But that is assuming the government is perfect and great and led by people like myself :D . Since the government (in the west) tends to be this "democracy-thing" , they tend to represent the people . People are ignorant , a good representation is an ignorant representation . And thats whats happening at this moment , now those people I wouldnt want to have arranging all sorts of things , it ends up in a circel if u know what i mean . So 2 options leave me : based on the current situation , Id go for total anarchy , whitch isnt possible so we end up with very little government controll . But this is just the best out of 2 evils , the real solution is an intelligent government creating/controlling absolutely everything that is favorable to controll in such a situation (whitch is about everything) .

By bad I mean activites that would hurt society. Stealing murder exc.

Then you would be unconstrained. If you think the main reason people hurt each other is because of ignorance because education is a social institution and you said that goverment should have control over it.
I don't think I can believe that. Otherwise why would somebody risk thier life for the better of thier cause? Why would a person become a sucide bomber? Even if they have been humiliated or persecuted they can still have children with relative ease.

BTW why was this moved to philosophy I wanted a political poll on vision not philosophical. Yeah they come close but so do other subjects.
Why was this moved to philosophy I wanted to see a political poll not a philosophical one.