Virtual reality

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Valued Senior Member
I was thinking, would sex become possible? I mean the brain works in an intricate way to release chemicals which in turn make our emotions such as happy, sad, anger. I was thinking if you could embed a chip in a brain which would stimulate a particular part of the brain via electrical pluses. So basically we can feel the high of sex without even actually haven sex?

Its all in the mind!
I'd bet money you'd get tired of it pretty quick, even if it was possible. Plus, a lot of the joy of sex is muscular, not chemical. Then again, if there was no soreness in the nether regions from all the stresses of sex? No guilt? No "using someone?" No sharing of the covers. No jimmy-legs. No bad smells. No bad tastes. Hmmmm. I'd try it. Get on that asap, s'il vous plait.
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Cottontop3000 said:
I'd bet money you'd get tired of it pretty quick, even if it was possible. Plus, a lot of the joy of sex is muscular, not chemical. Then again, if there was no soreness in the nether regions from all the stresses of sex? No guilt? No "using someone?" No sharing of the covers. No jimmy-legs. No bad smells. No bad tastes. Hmmmm. I'd try it. Get on that asap, s'il vout plait.

You'll be able to enjoy the pleasure of sex, women will be obsolete for sex.
Cottontop3000 said:
Yeah, but could you cuddle with your VR machine or your implant?

No. We can just keep women but not for sex for cuddling making babies and cooking food. I mean we can't abandon women altogether. Wow that is a scary thought not having women around, I mean who would clean my room and to my washing. Am so lazy.
He's not kidding Cottontop. The guy is a first rank nutter. Well maybe not first rank. More like third.

Here is an example from another thread:
Muslim said:
I mean a virus is smaller then bacteria. Its so small you need an electro microscope (or what ever you call it) to see it. Do you think something that is so small you can even see it is going to kill 150 million? do you even know how many people is 150 million? the only reason everyone is saying this is because they want to sell vaccine at a higher price and freak the shit out of everyone.
Cottontop3000 said:
my dog. change your ways, man.

Obviously the concept of sarcasm is lost upon Ophiolite. I was obviously being sarcastic in my previous comment. He just can't take the fact that I don't believe 150 million might die because of the bird flu :rolleyes:
spidergoat said:
Why, you want your 72 virgins early?

Is that supposed to be a cheap insult? It has nothing to do with me wanting anything its a hypothesis.
No, Muslim, to be entitled to call yourself a human being you have to display the capacity for intelligent thought and application of reason. You fail on both counts.
Ophiolite said:
No, Muslim, to be entitled to call yourself a human being you have to display the capacity for intelligent thought and application of reason. You fail on both counts.

Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have descended into an abyss of irreversible lunacy. You're just another Internet-addicted idiot suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind.
spidergoat said:
Yes, I think you are dreaming of sex without sin.

Sex before marriage = Sin
Sin = Hell

If it was allowed in my religion I would have so much sex until I passed out before marriage.
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
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