Virtual Justice Etc


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
IF we perfect artificial simulation, could it be used to penalize criminals and/or teach them the error of their ways? Much quicker, cheaper, easier rehabilitation?

There is an episode of the Twilight Zone about this : Oops! I thought I was putting a link here but evidently I do not know how. It is titled The Pool Guy & is on Youtube. Of course, 1 TV show could not cover all the angles & aspects.

If certain men could get what they want/need/whatever in a holodeck, might that reduce rape numbers? If people could go in there & get whatever or do whatever they need to do to relieve stress or somewhat fulfill desires, might all crime rates go down? Might we all get along together better? Might marriages be better & last longer if people could go in there & have artificial simulation affairs. Or if couples could go anywhere & do anything for their honeymoon, 2nd honeymoon or romantic vacation.

Wikipedia claims "Scientists and researchers predict that variations of The Holodeck will become a consumer-ready product by 2024." I do not know what exactly is meant by variations of.
Virtual prison cells, like in the sense of waterboarding, as a means to achieve a goal here confinement and torture sounds particularly viable, to me. Those being the soul purposes of each only.

and why not make marriages better? seems more a matter of how and implementing. The general notion of simulation does not go against traditions and whatnot of marriage and it's betterment, can't think of any reasons at least. So in whatever form, I say cool why not? Rape, crime, and "ack of resources" (?), on the otherhand, is more complicated. Namely, the crime of rape would notbe reduced with whatever simulation. Rape is not about erm "shortage" etc., the very act of sex. Contrary to being about desperation, the act is most likely a display of aggression, domination, and power. So it could not get to the underlying nature of the problem.
I am sure such things are already in the works.

Like i am sure the mind control people, can give you phobias. Like i assume they could give you a phobia of going out, this is probably the way prison things will be done in future, and i am sure its being done today in society. They probably can give you a phobia of people and going out, and you may not even want to leave your home. I am sure its being done. It probably does not work on everyone, but they are probably doing this sort of thing already.

So although the idea seems ok, i would think society is already far into this sort of thing.

I think at the level they are at, it doesn't work on everyone yet, but i see this as one of the possible ways of future prisons, and i assume its already being used on people, but like i said, it probably at this time does not work right in all people. But they will get there.

Obviously, one can think of other things they can do, with phobias, and phobias can be life destroying, and make you totally afraid of what your afraid of, so work like this with phobias, is only really starting, but i would suggest mind control experts in west have been at this for at least 2-3 decades already.
I can't tell if you're joking. Please elaborate. Mind-control and virtual similation? MORE? Who are "they"? Like a war or phobia? you seem particularlu interested in this. And your attitude seems to encourage said mind-control if not kidding.So confused.
I am being serious.

The prisons of future will be house arrest and they just give you a phobia not to go out. Or they could give you phobias of other things, if you know what i mean.

Like i said, it probably is not that effective yet, as real horrible people still will go out, and only the most quiet people will feel it mostly, but eventually i would think even the most horrible people would have this done to them, and the phobia will be effective enough to control them.
I am being serious.

The prisons of future will be house arrest and they just give you a phobia not to go out. Or they could give you phobias of other things, if you know what i mean.

Like i said, it probably is not that effective yet, as real horrible people still will go out, and only the most quiet people will feel it mostly, but eventually i would think even the most horrible people would have this done to them, and the phobia will be effective enough to control them.

How is that related to artificial simulations?
Virtual prison cells, like in the sense of waterboarding, as a means to achieve a goal here confinement and torture sounds particularly viable, to me. Those being the soul purposes of each only.

and why not make marriages better? seems more a matter of how and implementing. The general notion of simulation does not go against traditions and whatnot of marriage and it's betterment, can't think of any reasons at least. So in whatever form, I say cool why not? Rape, crime, and "ack of resources" (?), on the otherhand, is more complicated. Namely, the crime of rape would notbe reduced with whatever simulation. Rape is not about erm "shortage" etc., the very act of sex. Contrary to being about desperation, the act is most likely a display of aggression, domination, and power. So it could not get to the underlying nature of the problem.

I do not buy that rape is not about sex by a long shot. Whatever the motives or causes tho, if a person feels driven to do something, might they possibly get it out of their system by doing it in an artificial simulation?
How is that related to artificial simulations?

Same thing, really. Your talking about how they will stop crime in future, and a holodeck will have to have some interface to how the mind works.

Personally i am not to sure, that problems will be fixed with people playing there fantasies out in a holodeck. They say the same about games today, that they claim its good for people to release there frustrations and anger out in games. This is what your getting at, and the same argument is played out today with computer games.

I was just saying, the future of prisons will be phobias, and how humans will be able to give you phobias.

I am just saying, your argument about holodeck, is same as argument for porn on net, plus violent video games. So if the holodeck ever comes, it will have the same arguments people have today about games and porn.
I can't tell if you're joking. Please elaborate. Mind-control and virtual similation? MORE? Who are "they"? Like a war or phobia? you seem particularlu interested in this. And your attitude seems to encourage said mind-control if not kidding.So confused.

Don't be confused; andy is just off his meds again.

He also believes there are HUGE underground bases all over the world and are used by governments to mind-control their citizens - and many other crazy ideas. Pay no attention to him.