Virgin birth


Valued Senior Member
There are only two Scriptures in the entire Old Testament that refer to the virgin conception of Jesus. Although there are many about the Messiah.

Gen.3:15 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." This is the only place in the Bible where it is called her seed and not his seed. The lineage was never attributed to the woman but the man, this is why when we read the genealogies the women are not included in the records, it was the men who begat.

Isa.7:14: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. the sign which usually is interpreted as a miracle or unusual event is describing a virgin conception and through her God will be in a human son.

My question is, if Jesus was really born by a virgin woman,
why Jesus himself had never mentioned about this?
Jesus never declared that he was born by virgin.
Imagine it like this, let's say a friend of yours wants to get your memoir's in order when you died (been killed by a government regime not native to your land), When your friend writes your biography, he can't exactly state "His mother and father weren't married and his mother a bastardised child who might or might have not been the fathers" because it might anger or upset anyone that's related to you and to be honest you'd probably kick his ass for his insolence if you were alive. So they'd likely write something like "His birth was a miracle to his parents, granted to them out of wedlock" or some such flowery crap to cover "all are bases".

Historically if the Bible was a true record (which it isn't people of the amount of hypocrisy in it's pages) then those that write about Jesus's birth would likely not been old enough to remember or weren't at the location of the birth, so it's all make believe pulp to fill the unknown factors that might otherwise be questioned.
How did the authors of Matthew and Luke know so well about the miraculous experience of Marry when she conceived Jesus?
If the story is so important to the faith, why didn't Jesus mention it himself in his preaching to prove that he is divine?
Jesus never emphasized virgin birth when he testified himself.
So, virgin birth is very doubtful.
My question is, if Jesus was really born by a virgin woman,
why Jesus himself had never mentioned about this?
Jesus never declared that he was born by virgin.

The important thing is the teaching and not his history of upbringing . Do you think Hawkings history is important on how he was born or how he become paralyzed. The importance of the man is what come out of his mouth
Worship him, if you believe he is your personal saviour.
Don't, if you don't.
His conception has very little to do with your decision. The signs and portents necessary to convince the people of that time (Romans, btw, not Jews) seemed to include virgin birth. Whatever, it worked; the religion was established and thrives over much of the world to this day. People join it for their own reasons, reject it for their own reasons and leave it for their own reasons.
Quibbling over long-ago details won't make a difference.
How did the authors of Matthew and Luke know so well about the miraculous experience of Marry when she conceived Jesus?
So, virgin birth is very doubtful.

You are a riot . Can you not think Mary could tell Matthew about the early life of Jesus . Is there somebody coaching you to make such pointed dumb questions. Your post is just to down grade Christianity , which is goes hand in hand which the atheists.
The gospel writer Matthew wrote his gospel at least 40 years after Jesus died.
The important thing is the teaching and not his history of upbringing . Do you think Hawkings history is important on how he was born or how he become paralyzed. The importance of the man is what come out of his mouth

Bad breath? Sorry, I'm not a Hawking fan. I would just as soon slingshot him back into whatever black hole he crawled out of.
Bad breath? Sorry, I'm not a Hawking fan. I would just as soon slingshot him back into whatever black hole he crawled out of.

And he'd probably tell you where to stick your rapture.
And he'd probably tell you where to stick your rapture.

I never got into the rapture idea. I think God wants us to stick around on planet earth and do what can to make it a better world. When we die we can go to heaven.
And he'd probably tell you where to stick your rapture.
The words up his black hole come to mind.

Mazulu said:
Bad breath? Sorry, I'm not a Hawking fan. I would just as soon slingshot him back into whatever black hole he crawled out of.
I sense jealousy.

Or did the spiritual realm teach you to hate and want to murder disabled people as well?
I sense jealousy. Or did the spiritual realm teach you to hate and want to murder disabled people as well?

I learned how to hate from being around atheists on this website. Actually, technically speaking, I first learned how to hate when I was in the military (I guess that's not unusual).

I'm not jealous of Hawkings. I just find it absurd that information theory about black holes is extended to include "consciousness". Technically, I don't want to kill him, I just want to watch him fall into a black hole, very very slowly. We can watch him for generations, yet knowing that he already reached the event horizon where his atoms were ripped apart.

Bye Stephen Hawkings! Have a nice annihilation.
The gospel writer Matthew wrote his gospel at least 40 years after Jesus died.

So what do people loose memory . beside Matthew could have children and his children could have taken note . Tell me did Pythagoras do his own memos or did Socrates do his own writing, So your comment about Matthew , which you are attempting to discredit is not valid , you will have to discredit most of the ancient writing .
If he was circa 35, that's 75 years after birth. (senility obviously isn't something I stated prior.)

You are plan stupid to post such dumb thing . I am 77 I remember wen I went to school in Germany during Hitlers time . Perhaps your kind have mental handicap.
If the story is so important to the faith, why didn't Jesus mention it himself in his preaching to prove that he is divine?.

Because the immaculate conception/removal of original sin (even the concept of original sin) wasn't around at that point. It came later as the founders of the Church tried to come up with a self-consistent philosophy.
Billvon is right. Also it was added later because it made Jesus align with previous messiah prophecies. I should add that even being born from a virgin wouldn't prove the divinity of Jesus. This is a phenomenon that is common among some creatures, and it might not be impossible in humans.
You are plan stupid to post such dumb thing . I am 77 I remember wen I went to school in Germany during Hitlers time . Perhaps your kind have mental handicap.
Does anyone else see the irony in this post?