Virgin Birth Confirmed

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ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2008) — Scientists have confirmed the second-ever case of a “virgin birth” in a shark, indicating once again that female sharks can reproduce without mating and raising the possibility that many female sharks have this incredible capacity.

Lead author Dr. Demian Chapman, shark scientist with the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science at Stony Brook University, Beth Firchau, Curator of Fishes for the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, and Dr. Mahmood Shivji, Director of the Guy Harvey Research Institute and Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, have proven through DNA testing that the offspring of a female blacktip shark named “Tidbit” contained no genetic material from a father.


I wonder what lies atheists will come up with to deny this scientific fact.
This makes no odds, you see God is all powerful, even if humans don't have this ability, he could have still impregnated Mary.

Why he had to piss about doing all that I don't know, why didn't he just click his fingers and appear on Earth as Jesus?

I wonder what lies atheists will come up with to deny this scientific fact.
Helloooooo, rabbits have done this for ages. When a self-pregnancy occurs in rabbits, the offspring are all females that are genetic clones of the Mother. Rabbits can also self-terminate a pregnancy if conditions warrant it.

Nothing new here.

Humans have never been able to do this. Ever.

No possible proof that "Mary" did it either. Nothing but an old story, made up by very ignorant people who lived two thousand years ago.

Sharks and rabbits are not humans.....ya think?
Helloooooo, rabbits have done this for ages. When a self-pregnancy occurs in rabbits, the offspring are all females that are genetic clones of the Mother. Rabbits can also self-terminate a pregnancy if conditions warrant it.

Nothing new here.

Humans have never been able to do this. Ever.

No possible proof that "Mary" did it either. Nothing but an old story, made up by very ignorant people who lived two thousand years ago.

Sharks and rabbits are not humans.....ya think?

Just wanted to quote this in case Oil missed it the first time. :D
Helloooooo, rabbits have done this for ages. When a self-pregnancy occurs in rabbits, the offspring are all females that are genetic clones of the Mother. Rabbits can also self-terminate a pregnancy if conditions warrant it.

Nothing new here.
For your information rabbits are not sharks. So you're wrong, this is quite new.

Humans have never been able to do this. Ever.
You would've said the same thing about sharks last week. And guess what? You'd be wrong...:rolleyes:

No possible proof that "Mary" did it either.
No possible proof? How scientific of you...:rolleyes:
The pressure in poor misguided OilIsMastery's head has turned his brain into a decent sized hunk of quartz.
Everything he thinks is crystal clear....but still rocklike.
OilIsMastery Scientists have confirmed the second-ever case of a “virgin birth” in a shark, indicating once again that female sharks can reproduce without mating and raising the possibility that many female sharks have this incredible capacity.

This is hardly big news. There are a number of animals that have female cloning as a reproductive strategy, including a species of frogs that have lost all their male members. The poor gals have to trick males from another species in to mounting them to stimulate their egg laying.

This has never been recorded in humans and it always results in female ospring.

Although if it happened in crock, whose sex is determined by temp, I wonder if male clones of the mother would result. Hmm...
This is hardly big news.
Tell that to Science Daily which published the article. Apparently they think it was big news or they wouldn't have published it.

There are a number of animals that have female cloning as a reproductive strategy, including a species of frogs that have lost all their male members. The poor gals have to trick males from another species in to mounting them to stimulate their egg laying.
Yet more evidence.

This has never been recorded in humans and it always results in female ospring.
Wrong. It has been recorded. Read the Bible. Until last week it had never been recorded in sharks.

Although if it happened in crock, whose sex is determined by temp, I wonder if male clones of the mother would result. Hmm...
The universe is a mystery but God knows all.

"Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done." -- Sir Isaac Newton
Wrong. It has been recorded. Read the Bible. Until last week it had never been recorded in sharks.

First, the Bible is not an historically-accurate document. Second, this was the second time a shark had done the "virgin birth" thing, not the first. So why don't you try reading your own links, pal.

"Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done." -- Sir Isaac Newton

I do love how you people only take a scientist at his word when he makes a claim without evidence...
OilIsMastery: For your information rabbits are not sharks. So you're wrong, this is quite new.

No, in fact, you're wrong. You were making a comparison of the animal self-impregnation to that of the jebus mommy. You were attempting to make some point about how new the instance was in animal self-impregnation. I'm telling you that it isn't new. I don't care if it's a shark or Kermit the freaking frog. Animal self-impregnation has happened for a long, long time.

You would've said the same thing about sharks last week. And guess what? You'd be wrong...

It makes no difference. The so-called virgin birth of jebus is fiction. It never happened. Hell, in those days, people had no idea that sperm created babies in the first place. I think Yosef and the jebus mommy were playing around a little with no penetration and thought that was an absolute method of never getting pregnant. They were wrong. They had no idea that Yosef had in fact knocked up the jebus mommy and created what they would call the son of the invisible being thing.

See? I've figured it all out for you. You can put your comic book babble away and stick to real life now.

No possible proof? How scientific of you...

Hell man, don't roll your eyes, show me some sort of real proof that any human self-impregnation has ever happened. Stories from some book translated by someone who has never even heard the language they're translating, doesn't count.

The proof you offer is hocus pocus crap that even those who believe in your invisible sky pixie can't agree on. You expect a group of people in a Science Group to believe it?

I want some of whatever it is your smoking.
I wonder what lies atheists will come up with to deny this scientific fact.

What the hell are you talking about?
Why would atheists have to make up any lies about this?
It happened.
It happens.
There is nothing to deny.
This has nothing to do with God.
There is nothing about being an atheist that would force someone to deny this is possible.
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