VIP - The Evidence Of a Decadent Culture (or/and System...)


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I suppose you all know what VIP stands for, don`t you? It means Very Important Person.

Have you ever noticed WHO are those Very Important People? Yeah, well... they are rich people. So what? Rich people are very important because they are rich, because they have a lot of money? Why they have all privileges (including life...)? Why, for example, Titanic`s First Class passangers were all saved and the Third Class was mostly drowned?

The question is: Do our society valorize money more than life?

It seems so. Look for wars, for all kinds of violence; people killing other people to get money...

Do you respect those that has no money? It seems that our society don`t. Otherwise, why would we have a kind of class where the ´important` person is rich? And intelligence? And Love? What makes someone really important?

Perhaps we should reevaluate our definition or ´Important`...?:rolleyes:
Or perhaps our values... what do you think...?:bugeye: :eek: :eek:
Welcome back Nelson!

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Have you ever noticed WHO are those Very Important People? Yeah, well... they are rich people. So what? Rich people are very important because they are rich, because they have a lot of money? Why they have all privileges (including life...)? Why, for example, Titanic`s First Class passangers were all saved and the Third Class was mostly drowned?

Sadly, yes, since one life equals to another, the next thing to weigh it on is wealth.

The question is: Do our society valorize money more than life?

Well sometimes, you are creating a loophole here. First class = first priority (more importance).

It seems so. Look for wars, for all kinds of violence; people killing other people to get money...

Money can do that...

Do you respect those that has no money? It seems that our society don`t. Otherwise, why would we have a kind of class where the ´important` person is rich? And intelligence? And Love? What makes someone really important?

What they do.

Perhaps we should reevaluate our definition or ´Important`...?:rolleyes:
Or perhaps our values... what do you think...?:bugeye: :eek: :eek:

Everyone has their own definition. Who would you save, your family member or a stranger?

You value your family member more. The family member's life is equal to that of the stranger, from there you start to weigh other factors that determine importance to you. And that is what they did in Titanic.
When you're talking about a company which sells a service as the VIP service then yes, the more wealthy are the more important TO THAT COMPANY.

Someone will to spend more money on a company is more important TO THAT COMPANY.

Not in general, just TO THAT COMPANY.
Yep Yep

Yes Tyler, that is what I meant by a "loophole"

If I owned a business, I would save the person that has 1 billion dollars worth of stocks than another who only has 10 dollars worth.

In no way am I disregarding the value of life. I don't like it when people start loopholes, loopholes lead to other loopholes.
Welcome back Truthseeker! I'm glad to see you posting again.

Yes, I think our society valorizes money. It's human instinct to be capitalist. And unfortunately, some of the richest people are too stupid to understand to responsibilities of being rich. Philanthropists are few and far between among the rich. Bill Gates was sort of a philanthropist. He donated quite a bit of money to charity. The most notable, though, would have to be Rockeffeler. Now he was a smart many. I respect that guy a lot.

Anyways, as I was saying.....we're capatalist because we want power. The more money we have, the more powerful we are. If someone wishes to become powerful, then they'll basically bootlick powerful people, or at least show a submission of some sort. Look at the behaviour of the very social monkey? They display that pretty well.

Basically, we should learn to overcome these animal instincts. In order for humans to reach a higher level, we have to take care of eachother personally. There are enough resources to go around. Being communist is counterproductive, though. Keep that in mind.
Forcing people to share never works. The best kind of charity is when the donor and the recipient know who the other person is. That way, the donor will be inclined to give again, or recieve if need be, and the recipient visa versa.

Also, I think it's obvious that we valorize money over human life. Why else would kids be living on the streets? Capitalism has two faces to it. But compared to the alternative, it's much better. YOu see, in modern socialism (the communist left wing) people are forced to do good deeds. It's a more capitalistic form of charity than capitalistic charity -- see what I'm saying. Those leftist hippies hold a bigger evil over their heads.

People don't have to share everything, they just need to learn to help people when they need it, and to accept help when they themselves need it. And voila, the world will be a better place.
Modern socialism (democratic communism) doesnt work well enough. Private charities are ten times better.

And one more thing. Never vote left, Truthseeker. Modern Socialism does NOT work.

Originally posted by Elbaz
Never vote left... Modern Socialism does NOT work.
In truth, the whole left-wing/right-wing concept of a political spectrum is outdated and can no longer represent all possible systems.

The fight between the right and the left is merely a struggle between two groups, one large and poor, the other small and rich. The object of the struggle the material gains accruing from control of Government machinery. As long as the Government makes the seizure of wealth a legalized privilege, the struggle for that privilege goes on (apologies to Albert Nock for poor paraphrasing).

Don’t vote left. Don’t vote right. Vote the candidate that best represents your views.

I'm talking more along the lines of Don't vote NDP/Communist. It just doesn't work. Look no further than the Canadian province of BC, and the damages done there.

I don't think you should vote fascits either. Infact, the more radical you become, the more similar you become to the radicals on the opposite side of the spectrum. Interesting fact.

Oh, and Switzerland is a completely different thing. I don't consider it what we would call modern socialism. The people basically pay their government for a service, IE healthcare, and things are taken care of. Freeloaders are very rare due to the economic conditions and social structure which exists there and in very few other places.

Socialism doesn't work because people are greedy. Capitalistic. We have to learn to work with capitalism. Not against it.
Tyler and ~The_Chosen~,

About the ´loophole`...
It seems alright for me...
But my point is that people even kill for money. And there is corruption. And those kinds of thing...

Besides that, a competitive system seems to attract this kind of differentiation and also the violence...

Oh, and Nelson I'm going to go join xev now in killing myself.

Yeah... you and Xev always have fundamental comments to post...
I couldn`t sleep without this information...
Thank you very much...:eek:


I don`t know much about socialism...
But social democracy works very well in Canada. Just look at Canada`s development rank in the world! First since I don`t know when! (more then ten years... I guess...) :)

Forcing people to share never works.

It never works and is stupid!
Why do that??
You know... if you give willingly, with Love and with no pride, it feels really good :) To simply give is very good. We should make a system like that. unfortunatly, it seems that we are very far from that... :( People are too attached to material goods... :(
Note: BC`s problem is because the liberals are a maiority there. The problem is not the social democracy, but the liberals that are abusing the power of their maiority.

Just look to the rest of the country! The problem is in BC because of the liberals` maiority, not the social democratic system...!
Hi Truthseeker,

I don`t know much about socialism...
But social democracy works very well in Canada. Just look at Canada`s development rank in the world! First since I don`t know when! (more then ten years... I guess...)

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. We can have a very high rank in anything, but that doesn't really mean all that much for our future. Canada's world ranking in wealth has slipped like 15 places in the last few years. Is the rest of the world getting richer, or is Canada getting poorer. Truth is, it doesn't make a difference. Canada's accumulated debt is huge. The liberals plant to pay it off in 80 years. 80 years!!! That's way too long. Do you realize what a burden it'll be on generation y? Our economy will suffer thanks to this social democracy, and no matter how much more money we try and scrounge, and throw at our systems, they will deteriorate, and our ranking in the world will sink even further. Lefties aren't fiscally responsible, and that damages the very thing they're trying to spend money on. In the 70's, left was in, and Countries became caught up in mushrooming debts.

I'm not really talking about not voting liberal, as they are more of a moderate party, I'm just saying don't vote for parties like the NDP. VERy bad idea. THey do nothing but waste money.

Just look to the rest of the country! The problem is in BC because of the liberals` maiority, not the social democratic system...!

The New Democratic party was in power in BC before those pesky liberals. They did ALOT of damage. Do a search on the net. They really screwed around with the system and wasted a ton of money.

It never works and is stupid!
Why do that??
You know... if you give willingly, with Love and with no pride, it feels really good To simply give is very good. We should make a system like that. unfortunatly, it seems that we are very far from that... People are too attached to material goods...

Exactly! Charity is very important. If everybody gave 5-10% of their income to various charities, IN GOOD WILL, everything would be much better for everyone. It's not that simple though.......

I have the impression you focus in the liberals and so on instead of focusing in the problems (debts, corruption, etc...). It seems you think the problem is the social democracy, but you are looking to the debts. What is the problem with the system? Because debts, every single country in this world has (probably an hyperbole...:p)...

Anyways... the discussion in this thread is not that one...
I guess if people would find pleasure on sharing instead of retaining possessions, people would be happier. A person who gives wholeheartly is actually happier than a person that is obscessed in keep everything for his or herself... :)

Tthe problem is that our culture teaches the exact opposite - that having tons of meaningless things gives pleasure. Well, the truth is that it doesn`t. See for example a car. There are many people that dream to have a car (ewwww). Than, this person buys the car. In one month the stress caused is easily seen. Yyou not only spend tons of money to buy the car but also tons of money to mantain it, to fix it, to fill it up with gasoline... And the stress in Trafic Jams is considerable. That`s why I`m saying that we need new values... ;)
Yep Yep
Yes Tyler, that is what I meant by a "loophole"

If I owned a business, I would save the person that has 1 billion dollars worth of stocks than another who only has 10 dollars worth.

In no way am I disregarding the value of life. I don't like it when people start loopholes, loopholes lead to other loopholes


it is more commonly known as "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS"

its called being a "sub" human
it is not human nature!
it is perverted greed
-and you think a suicide bomber is the bad person...???:rolleyes:


and so we would not have the saying!

the earth has a few more thousand years left in her
so im sure we will all get another go....? maybe...
cos we sure aint winning in this one!

if i was to enjoy watching people dying from natural disasters
would that make me any different than a company that produced military weapons?
can we call that cultural differences?
elitest mountain ski REsorts would be one of my favs!...along with wildfires through wealthy housing estates...

oh please "go on" just have a little thought
you never know]
it might not hurt "that" much


Nothing about being sub-human.

Let's do some math shall we?

Life = infinite value

2 men.

1 businessman that has $1,000,000,000 of stocks in your company. (Let's call him Y)

1 stranger who has nothing in your company. (Let's call him X)

You cannot save them both, you must choose.

:rolleyes: Hmmm...who would I pick?? :rolleyes:

Y = life + $1,000,000,000 of relation to your company

X = life + $0 of relation to your company

Y > X, not in terms of life, but in terms of importance

Y ? X
Life + $1,000,000,000 ? Life + $0
the two infinite values cancel each other out
$1,000,000,000 > $0
Y > X

Do not create the stupid loophole and say I don't value life. Any other human (not sub-human) would do the same.

Point taken~
I don`t think so...
ripleofdeath is right...

You think that the rich is more importamt than the poor just because he is rich. Iif you are a businessman, than you are extremely egoistical!! How would you like not to be saved only because you are poor? :eek:

Really... our society REALLY valorizes money more than life...! In a disguised way, of course...

The rich man can be greedy, violent and stupid...
The poor lovely, kind and gentle...
Still... the rich is more important than the poor and deserve to live more than the poor (that`s exactly what you said if you pay attention...)

What you said is that life has a price!!!! You said that the rich man can buy his own life with his money!!!!!111 You are saying that the life of a rich man is worth saving more than the life of a poor just because he is rich!! See what you are saying...
The rich man can be greedy, violent and stupid...
The poor lovely, kind and gentle...

But for the most part, it's the other way round. ;)
hey all

i c TruthSeeker must (BY (Q)S' STANDARDS)

is that rite (Q) ...?
because he is sounding fair and reasonable.
baaaaa haaaaa hahahah

you forget the rich child!!!
how many rich people are good parents?
maybe the same number at the start as poor parents...?

and it is a big BUT...
the war of etrision/poverty and ill health kills off alot of the
"poor bad parents" as well and mostly of, the poor children
where in the situation of the "rich bad parents" the child abuses the power of money to gain more power.

hows that for an equation??? :D

do you see a patern or an illusion???
im not sure what the true figures are but its certainly the way it is painted in the media(oxymoron maybe)

think of this
who actualy produces the most amount of products with thier work?
not the rich person
they maintain people in slavery by low wages to maintain thier wealthy life style.
and it is almost always!!!
im not into flogging a dead horse so ill leave it there
why is it you need to be RICH to afford a charity dinner ticket if in fact it is for sale in the first place and then they give soo little to the charity....???
most people with lots of money will step-on and kill who ever they need to to keep making it!
and when the poor people do the same thing it is called crime/- not business!!!

if its not obviouse by now i would suggest one thing!

dont worry
be happy

cos poor people dont jump out windows when they loose all thier money!... mostly :D

who was the last great scientist to be born to a wealthy family and then recieve a wealthy upbringing???

just a quick thought

Sadly, yes, since one life equals to another, the next thing to weigh it on is wealth.

