Violence Vs. Sex


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I was going through a site i found and i came across an artical which discusses something that has bugged me for years. Its a short artical so i will just post it

really would like to understand why violence is not considered obscene in our culture, but sex is. I was going to put two pictures next to one another for this article... one with a real murder victim shown and another of a sexual image... but honestly I could not in good conscience have the violent pictures on our site that I came across.

I actually vomited after looking and I regret even having looked for them. The real murder victim pictures that I saw were of a man's face split apart by a machete, a little boy's head caved in by blows from a baseball bat and even a woman's face ripped off after being attacked in her own home.

When you see things like that it makes you wonder how our society and political leaders can make war and violence seem acceptable, but deem consensual sex between adults which is something that is beautiful, pleasurable and causes no harm as something obscene.

Passion Vs. Passion

A perfect example is the bloody and brutal movie The Passion of the Christ. The MPAA has rated it R, while The Dreamers, which features nudity and sex, is rated NC-17.

I am not going to comment about all the controversy regarding The Passion of the Christ as to whether it is accurate or not or if it is a good movie worth seeing. The point I am trying to make is not about the substance of either movie... it is about rating movies in a bias manner. Is violence in any rated R movie more obscene than anyone that is nude or showing physical affection? Yes! So why not make a highly violent movie NC-17 as well?

America's movie rating system is hypocritical, insulting to parents, and it's based on dangerous ideas about the protection of humans and society.

Now it goes on to disscuss the 2 movies and if your interested read the link (work friendly)

Why is it that in Australia it is illegal to show an errect penis on TV yet its fine to show someone head blown off (shindlers list)?

Why is it as soon as you have a pair of breasts, genitals or ass out a show gets the same rating as shows dealing with serial killers?

The laws were recently changed in SA to mean that X and R rated movies had to be kept seprate from everything else in a DVD store and the reasons given by the pollie who introduced this were "not so mad max had to be hidden but so that the vertually soft core porn shows were away from children" Sorry, why exactly is something that shows a naked body "porn" and why is that bad anyway? Its no wonder women grow up hating there own bodies and fearing there own sexuality
as if this doesnt prove my point, google war sexuality (2790000) v violence (15500000)

and even sex v violence
Sorry, why exactly is something that shows a naked body "porn" and why is that bad anyway? Its no wonder women grow up hating there own bodies and fearing there own sexuality

Because religion has deemed it that way for many years and religious people have allot of clout to have things done the way they see fit. Also many people want to have some form of censorship for one reason or another and they also have allot of clout but I think they were probably very religious as well. Many would say that the children shouldn't be shown pornography because it somehow affects them adversely but none of those people seem to think that showing fighting where people are being mutilated does.
We Norwegians make jokes about sexuality and sex all the time. Generally, to us it is violence that is unatural, and sex is natural.

In Norway there is not sex on TV for underages since well, it is something that should come with age, i am not religious and i believe that, it is not because of religious, but i believe it is the only sane thing.

However, society should not make people ashamed of our bodies, that are natural, not society, not religion, it is wrong to put shame on people for something they can't change. It's also insane i believe, narrow minded and so forth.