Violence-Jesus-Krishna-Moahamad-Human Incarnation


Violence-Jesus-Krishna-Moahamad-Human Incarnation

Q’ran says that a Muslim should protect even the enemy belonging to other religion. It says that a Muslim can speak about the preaching of Allah to the enemy and then leave the enemy in protected place. It never says that the religion should be spread by violence. It speaks about the war for justice, which is not the war for propagation of religion. For that matter, Gita arose only from the state of war, which was fought for establishing justice. Even Bible says that the rigid fools who do not realize should be thrown to the liquid fire, which is violence. Therefore, violence is not wrong. But the cause of violence should be perfectly justified. When Mohammad came, there were three hundred religions, which were quarelling among themselves with lot of violence. He tried His best by preaching the concept of one God. There was no alternative way to subside the violence between them.

Actually after Jesus, the concept of human incarnation was fully realized but this concept was exploited by cheaters. Every fellow became a prophet and declared himself as the human incarnation. The followers started preaching that particular form is only the one God. You can imagine easily the situation at the time. When violence is justified, it is called as punishment given by God. If the violence is not justified, it becomes Chaos due to egoism of a demon, which can be subsided only by divine punishment. Actually at the end, Hinduism speaks about the incarnation of Kalki and Christianity speaks about the final punishment given by God. Both these situations are of terrible violence only.

The last sort of God is only punishment, which can alone bring peace at least temporally for some time when the world is filled with brutal conservative fools, who are the wild beasts in the human form. The Lord says in Bible “Revenge is mine” which means the Lord punishes the unjust people. The Lord said in Gita that He will destroy the evil person (Vinasaya cha….). God is double-edged knife. Not only He protects the justice but also He punishes the injustice. A rich weak human being may protect the justice but may not be able to punish the injustice. A poor strong fellow may punish the injustice but not protect the justice by giving compensation. Thus, the human beings have limitations but the Lord is strong as well as rich and therefore is capable in both sides.

This is the meaning when Jesus mentioned about the divine kingdom on the earth. He means that one may escape the king on this earth but can never escape God. When you are affected by injustice, pray for compensation only (“Ask that shall be given”-Bible) and not for the punishment of enemy. You will be compensated. When you do not pray for the punishment of enemy, you will see the punishment of your enemy soon from God. You may react to your enemy with equal or double force. But God will react with million times of force. Draupadi was pestering Krishna for the destruction of her enemies. The Lord fulfilled her wish but all her sons were killed by enemies and Lord did not protect them. Some times God punishes your enemy through your self. Arjuna killed the enemies, forced by the Lord. But Arjuna was not having the intention to kill the enemies and was against the war. Since he was forced by the Lord, he fought the war for justice.

When Muslims followed Mohammad in His war for unifying the religions, it was justified because there was clear divine instruction. Since Mohammad was the last divine preacher, now the war for justice need not be carried on because in the absence of divine preacher there is every possibility of misunderstanding of every situation as requirement for war of justice. Therefore, the instruction of Mohammad was limited to that time because He was capable of deciding the correct requirement for war for justice. Mohammad removed the concept of human incarnation because the effects of exploitation were severe in that time. Muslims should realize that human incarnation means that God entered in the human body and not that God modified as human body. Mohammad objected only modification of God in to human body. This is not condemning the concept of human incarnation. God only enters the human body and Mohammad himself was the human incarnation because God entered in to Mohammad and gave Q’ran. Gita clearly says that God entered the human body (Manusheem Tanu Asritam..) and that God is not modified in to human body(Avyaktam Vyakti Mapannam…). Bible also says that God is in flesh and does not say that God has become flesh. Thus, there is no difference between three religions.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
dattaswami said:
Violence-Jesus-Krishna-Moahamad-Human Incarnation

Q’ran says that a Muslim should protect even the enemy belonging to other religion. It says that a Muslim can speak about the preaching of Allah to the enemy and then leave the enemy in protected place. It never says that the religion should be spread by violence. It speaks about the war for justice, which is not the war for propagation of religion. For that matter, Gita arose only from the state of war, which was fought for establishing justice. Even Bible says that the rigid fools who do not realize should be thrown to the liquid fire, which is violence. Therefore, violence is not wrong. But the cause of violence should be perfectly justified. When Mohammad came, there were three hundred religions, which were quarelling among themselves with lot of violence. He tried His best by preaching the concept of one God. There was no alternative way to subside the violence between them.

Actually after Jesus, the concept of human incarnation was fully realized but this concept was exploited by cheaters. Every fellow became a prophet and declared himself as the human incarnation. The followers started preaching that particular form is only the one God. You can imagine easily the situation at the time. When violence is justified, it is called as punishment given by God. If the violence is not justified, it becomes Chaos due to egoism of a demon, which can be subsided only by divine punishment. Actually at the end, Hinduism speaks about the incarnation of Kalki and Christianity speaks about the final punishment given by God. Both these situations are of terrible violence only.

The last sort of God is only punishment, which can alone bring peace at least temporally for some time when the world is filled with brutal conservative fools, who are the wild beasts in the human form. The Lord says in Bible “Revenge is mine” which means the Lord punishes the unjust people. The Lord said in Gita that He will destroy the evil person (Vinasaya cha….). God is double-edged knife. Not only He protects the justice but also He punishes the injustice. A rich weak human being may protect the justice but may not be able to punish the injustice. A poor strong fellow may punish the injustice but not protect the justice by giving compensation. Thus, the human beings have limitations but the Lord is strong as well as rich and therefore is capable in both sides.

This is the meaning when Jesus mentioned about the divine kingdom on the earth. He means that one may escape the king on this earth but can never escape God. When you are affected by injustice, pray for compensation only (“Ask that shall be given”-Bible) and not for the punishment of enemy. You will be compensated. When you do not pray for the punishment of enemy, you will see the punishment of your enemy soon from God. You may react to your enemy with equal or double force. But God will react with million times of force. Draupadi was pestering Krishna for the destruction of her enemies. The Lord fulfilled her wish but all her sons were killed by enemies and Lord did not protect them. Some times God punishes your enemy through your self. Arjuna killed the enemies, forced by the Lord. But Arjuna was not having the intention to kill the enemies and was against the war. Since he was forced by the Lord, he fought the war for justice.

When Muslims followed Mohammad in His war for unifying the religions, it was justified because there was clear divine instruction. Since Mohammad was the last divine preacher, now the war for justice need not be carried on because in the absence of divine preacher there is every possibility of misunderstanding of every situation as requirement for war of justice. Therefore, the instruction of Mohammad was limited to that time because He was capable of deciding the correct requirement for war for justice. Mohammad removed the concept of human incarnation because the effects of exploitation were severe in that time. Muslims should realize that human incarnation means that God entered in the human body and not that God modified as human body. Mohammad objected only modification of God in to human body. This is not condemning the concept of human incarnation. God only enters the human body and Mohammad himself was the human incarnation because God entered in to Mohammad and gave Q’ran. Gita clearly says that God entered the human body (Manusheem Tanu Asritam..) and that God is not modified in to human body(Avyaktam Vyakti Mapannam…). Bible also says that God is in flesh and does not say that God has become flesh. Thus, there is no difference between three religions.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace

There has to be a final War but it will not be fought on Earth, it will be fought in the Air, a Spiritual War, a Truly Holy War, the Battle of Armageddon is
a War of the Minds.
yes a war of the subjective mind, but it will only be fought in your head.
for a subjective war can only be fought there.
geeser said:
yes a war of the subjective mind, but it will only be fought in your head.
for a subjective war can only be fought there.


The goal is to develop a Rational Mind that has not lost Touch with the Material World of Reality, the Reality of the moment, the Here and Now,
a Rational Empirical Mind.

Now is the Time.
once you believe in a god, you've lost touch with the Material World of Reality, thus it is no longer rational, I quote " will not be fought on Earth, it will be fought in the Air, a Spiritual War, a Truly Holy War" as quite clearly you have.
audible said:
once you believe in a god, you've lost touch with the Material World of Reality, thus it is no longer rational, I quote " will not be fought on Earth, it will be fought in the Air, a Spiritual War, a Truly Holy War" as quite clearly you have.

Just the opposite is True, the God that you speak of is a Material God,
A God that has a Name, a Graven Image of Reality.

Those that believe in a material, a physical, a Named, a God that has a face,
have lost touch with the Spiritual, the Non-Material Nature of the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth; You are talking about a False, a Graven Image of God, False Prophets, Idol Worshipers, Craven, Dead, none living, Imagines of Reality.

The Rational Mind is a Trickster, it allows you to believe that Reality is whatever you think, Imagine, Rationalize it to be if you ignore your Empirical Nature.

The Rational Mind is Mortal Man’s Nemesis.

The Rational Mind is not necessarily reasonable, is unreasonable, irrational,
if it is not sensible, is not in touch with the Material World of Reality, if it
chooses to Rationalize, to ignore the Empirical Nature of the Flesh Body,
the Five Senses.

According to Wayne’s Uncertainty Principle, You can not measure out something, anything, that is not readily apparent with any degree of accuracy, without the Measurement of said Reality, something, being perverted, an adulteration, an abortion, a False indication as to the True Nature of said Reality; Any Reality that does not exist independent of our thoughts concerning it, that is that is not Readily apparent to Everyone,
that is not an Objective Reality is subject to error, adulteration, perversion,
wayne_92587 said:
Just the opposite is True, the God that you speak of is a Material God,
as I and I know audible have no believe in a god/gods, it cannot be a material god can it.
wayne_92587 said:
Those that believe in a material, a physical, a Named, a God that has a face,
that would be the religious, cause it ai'nt anybody else is it.
wayne_92587 said:
have lost touch with the Spiritual, the Non-Material Nature of the Nameless cause of the Heavens and the Earth;
no not lost touch, having more sense., then to let their imagination control their minds.
wayne_92587 said:
You are talking about a False, a Graven Image of God, False Prophets, Idol Worshipers, Craven, Dead, none living, Imagines of Reality.
no wrong you are, we have no believe in imaginary things.
wayne_92587 said:
The Rational Mind is a Trickster, it allows you to believe that Reality is whatever you think, Imagine, Rationalize it to be
no wrong thats you subjective mind, your rational objective mind, shows you reality as it is, the subjective mind lets you imagine whatever reality you wish for, but most of us dont hallucinate.
wayne_92587 said:
if you ignore your Empirical Nature.The Rational Mind is Mortal Man’s Nemesis.
no the rational objective mind is common senses best friend.
wayne_92587 said:
The Rational Mind is not necessarily reasonable, is unreasonable, irrational,if it is not sensible, is not in touch with the Material World of Reality,
it your subjective world that maybe so, but in the real world it's perfectly rational.
wayne_92587 said:
if it
chooses to Rationalize, to ignore the Empirical Nature of the Flesh Body,
the Five Senses.
then your being controlled by you subjective mind, and you need to see a doctor.
wayne_92587 said:
According to Wayne’s Uncertainty Principle, You can not measure out something, anything, that is not readily apparent with any degree of accuracy, without the Measurement of said Reality, something, being perverted, an adulteration, an abortion, a False indication as to the True Nature of said Reality; Any Reality that does not exist independent of our thoughts concerning it, that is that is not Readily apparent to Everyone,
that is not an Objective Reality is subject to error, adulteration, perversion,
exactly it's your subjective mind.
dattaswami said:
Q’ran says that a Muslim should protect even the enemy belonging to other religion. It says that a Muslim can speak about the preaching of Allah to the enemy and then leave the enemy in protected place. It never says that the religion should be spread by violence. It speaks about the war for justice, which is not the war for propagation of religion.

Yes, you are completely right.

dattaswami said:
When Muslims followed Mohammad in His war for unifying the religions, it was justified because there was clear divine instruction. Since Mohammad was the last divine preacher, now the war for justice need not be carried on because in the absence of divine preacher there is every possibility of misunderstanding of every situation as requirement for war of justice. Therefore, the instruction of Mohammad was limited to that time because He was capable of deciding the correct requirement for war for justice.

I understand your view, but as Muslims we believe the Quran being the last and complete of divine religions is a guidance for all of humanity until the Day of Judgement. The Prophet Muhammad (s) was indeed the greatest man who ever lived, and those who were Muslims at this time (the sahabah) were the best Muslims because they lived with the Prophet and saw his example with their own eyes.

The Quran lays out clear circumstances when it is lawful to fight, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) explains the way and the actions which are lawful in war.

The Prophet Muhammad (s) taught the first Muslims how to fight the wars and also how to perfect their belief in Allah (swt). That is why the Sunnah is available to teach Muslims how to live their lives according to how the Prophet lived his life.

dattaswami said:
Mohammad removed the concept of human incarnation because the effects of exploitation were severe in that time. Muslims should realize that human incarnation means that God entered in the human body and not that God modified as human body. Mohammad objected only modification of God in to human body. This is not condemning the concept of human incarnation. God only enters the human body and Mohammad himself was the human incarnation because God entered in to Mohammad and gave Q’ran.

If we did so, we would no longer be Muslims. We believe the prophet Muhammad (s) was only a man, nothing more, as he taught. We would be Hindus.

Thanks for sharing your interesting views anyways. Also,

Are tum konseh mulk se ho?

geeser said:
as I and I know audible have no believe in a god/gods, it cannot be a material god can it. that would be the religious, cause it ai'nt anybody else is not lost touch, having more sense., then to let their imagination control their wrong you are, we have no believe in imaginary wrong thats you subjective mind, your rational objective mind, shows you reality as it is, the subjective mind lets you imagine whatever reality you wish for, but most of us dont the rational objective mind is common senses best friend. it your subjective world that maybe so, but in the real world it's perfectly rational. then your being controlled by you subjective mind, and you need to see a doctor.exactly it's your subjective mind.

Rational, reasonable, sensible, are intertwined.

You can be rational without being sensible which means you are not reasonable, that you are irrational, not reasonable, not sensible.

To rationalize without being sensible means that you are not reasonable,
but not necessarily irrational


—Usage. Although RATIONALIZE retains its principal 19th-century senses “to make conformable to reason” and “to treat in a rational manner,” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the truth, possibly unconscious causes.” Although the possibility of ambiguity exists, the context will usually make clear which sense is intended.

1. to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
2. to remove unreasonable elements from.
3. to make rational or conformable to reason.
4. to treat or explain in a rational or rationalistic manner.
5. Math. to eliminate radicals from (an equation or expression): to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
6. Chiefly Brit. to reorganize and integrate (an industry).
7. to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes: He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.
8. to employ reason; think in a rational or rationalistic manner.
—Usage. Although RATIONALIZE retains its principal 19th-century senses “to make conformable to reason” and “to treat in a rational manner,” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious causes.” Although the possibility of ambiguity exists, the context will usually make clear which sense is intended.
dattaswami said:
When Mohammad came, there were three hundred religions, which were quarelling among themselves with lot of violence. He tried His best by preaching the concept of one God. There was no alternative way to subside the violence between them.

So, he murdered the lot of them, unless of course, they embraced his religion.

When violence is justified, it is called as punishment given by God.

Violence in the name of any god is never justified. Therein lies the problem with most religions, that any man can justify murder simply by using his gods as an alibi.

The Lord says in Bible “Revenge is mine” which means the Lord punishes the unjust people. The Lord said in Gita that He will destroy the evil person (Vinasaya cha….). God is double-edged knife. Not only He protects the justice but also He punishes the injustice. A rich weak human being may protect the justice but may not be able to punish the injustice. A poor strong fellow may punish the injustice but not protect the justice by giving compensation.

Yet, humans continue to kill in the name of their gods, despite their gods ownership of vengeance.

When you are affected by injustice, pray for compensation only (“Ask that shall be given”-Bible) and not for the punishment of enemy. You will be compensated.

But, prayer has never been shown to work. If it did, why do tens of thousands die, even though they pray?

Some times God punishes your enemy through your self. Arjuna killed the enemies, forced by the Lord. But Arjuna was not having the intention to kill the enemies and was against the war. Since he was forced by the Lord, he fought the war for justice.

Utter and complete bullshit! No one has the right to kill others in the name of their god.

When Muslims followed Mohammad in His war for unifying the religions, it was justified because there was clear divine instruction. Since Mohammad was the last divine preacher, now the war for justice need not be carried on because in the absence of divine preacher there is every possibility of misunderstanding of every situation as requirement for war of justice. Therefore, the instruction of Mohammad was limited to that time because He was capable of deciding the correct requirement for war for justice.

More bullshit! Mohammad was a despot and a murderer. He created Islam to rule the masses.

Thus, there is no difference between three religions.

Agreed, they are all dangerous and should be eradicated. People cannot use religion to justify killing other people.
DiamondHearts said:
The Quran lays out clear circumstances when it is lawful to fight, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) explains the way and the actions which are lawful in war.

The Prophet Muhammad (s) taught the first Muslims how to fight the wars and also how to perfect their belief in Allah (swt).

You never cease to sicken me with your twisted beliefs.

And then you have the nerve to end your posts with "Peace." What utter hypocrisy.
wayne_92587 said:
Rational, reasonable, sensible, are intertwined.
yes agreed they are synonyms.
you could also add :
realistic, cognitive, discerning, enlightened, intelligent, reasoning, sane, knowing, level-headed, normal, objective, sound, stable, wise, analytical, balanced, deductive, logical, lucid, intellectual.
wayne_92587 said:
You can be rational without being sensible which means you are not reasonable, that you are irrational, not reasonable, not sensible.
this is an impossiblity, the two are mutually exclusive
(Rational: Having or exercising the ability to reason.
Of sound mind; sane.

nonsensical: (not sensible) Lacking intelligible meaning; Foolish; absurd.
however you maybe can, but anybody else.
wayne_92587 said:
To rationalize without being sensible means that you are not reasonable,
but not necessarily irrational
where you err, in you reasoning is, you are trying to cojoin rational with rationalize, they have two totally different meanings.
(Rationalize: To make rational.
To interpret from a rational standpoint.
To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior/or beliefs
to rationalize means your coming from an irrational standpoint and are trying to make it sound, or be thought of as rational, a thing the religious are very adept at.
wayne_92587 said:
There has to be a final War but it will not be fought on Earth, it will be fought in the Air, a Spiritual War, a Truly Holy War, the Battle of Armageddon is
a War of the Minds.

The greatest battle ever fought is going on now.
In the "Air".....
The devil is "prince of the power of the air"
Jesus said, when He comes; "I will meet you in the air"
We are tri-une beings, Body spirit, and soul.
A type of the earth, the air, and the kingdom of heaven.
Satan's kicked out of heaven, we must overcome him with the Word and defeat him where he can contact us..."in the air"
The final triumph will be the redemption of these bodies, which have sin in them.
When your born, there was first..."water", "blood", and then "spirit"
Your spiritualy born into the kingdom ....Justified, sanctified, and filled with the holy ghost.
Same three steps.
The earth will be redeamed too, it was flooded with water, justification....Jesus died and shed His blood on it, sanctified it, and it will be burned with fire someday and remade without death, devils or a germ to cause sickness.

But a physical war is coming, America will be destroyed for turning away from the revelation of the son of was her turn.
She had her day of visitation.
God came.
God's method of leadership has always been sending a prophet, not a king or president.

Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

300 ministers from every major christian denomination met in Chicago one day, to discuss a prophet sent from God with a supernatural ministry, after Jesus Christ openly discerned the thoughts and intents of thier hearts in public, showed Himself alive...the Son of Man revealed from heaven after 2000 years.
They trembled in fear at His presense.
They all said they belived, and would follow God.
But they all with one accord, conspired against Him, having their prestige, and their denominational standing in mind.
Every one of their organizations were found outside the Word, teaching for comandments the traditions of men.
Not a one of them showed the seventy they turned away.
A nation that forgets God, that nation shall God destroy.
For the sake of all the heathen nations, God must do it, or He would have to raise Sodom and Gomorah up again and apologize to them.

For He said; "And also, the queen of the south shall rise in the day of judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: for she came from the utmost parts of the known world in that day, to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, I say unto you that a greater than Solomon is here."

The call is now to the individual..."Come Out"

REVELATION 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

REVELATION 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

REVELATION 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

He is here calling the names of His people by the Word.
The calling of His people, the readiness of His Bride.
Being tried and tested....molded into His image.
That's all that has been holding off His judgement....

He has been patient, and longsuffering.....and as with other nations giving Her a space to repent.
It's been 40 years, times going to be up someday.....

REVELATION 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judgeth her.

ISAIAH 24:5-6 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

When America is desolate, laid waste and those who have it in thier heart to destroy Israel come together......Christ and ten thousands of His Saints shall come and slay them......
Those heathens of the nations left on earth, will see the mighty arm of the Lord revealed, and His kingdom will come from heaven to earth.
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geeser said:
yes agreed they are synonyms.
you could also add :
realistic, cognitive, discerning, enlightened, intelligent, reasoning, sane, knowing, level-headed, normal, objective, sound, stable, wise, analytical, balanced, deductive, logical, lucid, intellectual. this is an impossiblity, the two are mutually exclusive
(Rational: Having or exercising the ability to reason.
Of sound mind; sane.

nonsensical: (not sensible) Lacking intelligible meaning; Foolish; absurd.
however you maybe can, but anybody else. where you err, in you reasoning is, you are trying to cojoin rational with rationalize, they have two totally different meanings.
(Rationalize: To make rational.
To interpret from a rational standpoint.
To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior/or beliefs
to rationalize means your coming from an irrational standpoint and are trying to make it sound, or be thought of as rational, a thing the religious are very adept at.


—Usage. Although RATIONALIZE retains its principal 19th-century senses “to make conformable to reason” and “to treat in a rational manner,” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious causes.” Although the possibility of ambiguity exists, the context will usually make clear which sense is intended.


I am quite aware that to rationalize has two different meanings,
but it is still the Rational mind that is either Rational or Irrational,
either in touch or out of touch with the Empirical World of Reality.

To Rationalize, not being sensible is to not be reasonable, is to
be Irrational.
” Although the possibility of ambiguity exists, the context will usually make clear which sense is intended."

If the Rational Mind is Irrational it loses touch with the Empirical World of Reality, Reality that exists independent of its thoughts, ideas, imaginings
concerning it.

To Rationalize is to live in the World of Illusion.
” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious causes.”
The Irrational mind does not deal with the empirical world of Reality, lives in
a World of Reality that is of his or her own making, Reality that does not exist independent of his or her thoughts concerning it, Reality being whatever
he or she, thinks, imagines it to be, the World of Illusion.
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wayne_92587 said:
I am quite aware that to rationalize has two different meanings,
but it is still the Rational mind that is either Rational or Irrational,
either in touch or out of touch with the Empirical World of Reality.
it puzzles me as why you keep saying the rational mind is either rational or irrational, the rational/objective mind and the abstract/subjective mind function as a unit, however when the abstract/subjective mind take's over, the mind is no longer rational, but irrational Not endowed with reason, Affected by loss of usual or normal mental clarity, incoherent, Marked by a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment, therefore cannot be deemed the Rational mind, but a Irrational mind, thats not being sensible, not be reasonable.
wayne_92587 said:
If the Rational Mind is Irrational it loses touch with the Empirical World of Reality,
by this you mean the mind that is no longer in control, as the abstract has take over, the irrational mind.
wayne_92587 said:
To Rationalize is to live in the World of Illusion.
” 20th-century psychology has given it the now more common meaning “to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that seem reasonable but actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious causes.”
The Irrational mind does not deal with the empirical world of Reality, lives in
a World of Reality that is of his or her own making, Reality that does not exist independent of his or her thoughts concerning it, Reality being whatever
he or she, thinks, imagines it to be.
absolutely agree.