Vine of Christ Vs. Personal Relationship

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Vine of Christ Vs. Personal Relationship

Let us look at the contrasts between these two opposing Doctrines. The first thing we notice is that the Vine of Christ Doctrine comes from out of the Bible – John Chapter 15 to be precise. But the notion of Personal Relationship is mentioned no where in scripture and is purely what we could call a “man made” contrivance. You see, when the Protestant Barons burned down the Catholic Cathedrals of Central Europe and pillaged Its properties and killed Its Priests… well, something needed to be said to justify all of that wanton destruction. It was explained that no Church was necessary and that believers could content themselves with “personal relationships” with Christ. Of course only a small minority were convinced of that, but then after the Barons killed the vast Majority who bravely objected to such spurious logic, the minority who in their craven cowardice could be intimidated into believing that the Church Christ had established on Earth was superfluous, it was they who became the new Majority by default. It is Democracy by Assassination – kill everybody who opposes you and you Win every time. Here, let me observe that one of the reasons why it is often insisted that Satan rules this World is that we have frequently seen that Cowards survive where Martyrs are killed. The Good are taken from us and Evil remains. One of these Evils that remained to us was the Doctrine of Personal Relationship.

Let’s examine this Personal Relationship ‘thing’ more closely. It seems to suggest that each Protestant who accepts the idea can magically jump ahead of All the Angels, All the Prophets, All the Saints and verily sit at the Right Hand of Christ all by his or her self. Wow! That is a nice Job if you can get it. But can you honestly suppose that one person in a Billion is worthy of such a Reception? What I truly think is that Protestants fail to believe that Heaven is Real. If they could possibly conceive in their minds that Heaven was an Actual Place which would need to function in practical Ways, then they would have to understand that Christ needs to deal with Billions of Souls – those of Men on Earth, Souls in Heaven and even in Purgatory, and then the Souls of the Angels too who may also require attention and oversight. And then there is Work to be done in Heaven. Jobs need to be performed. Do you think Christ is King so that He needs to be His own Slave – made to do each little thing Himself, or rather do we suppose Christ is King in order that He may Delegate Authorities and Assign Responsibilities. Consult the Book of Revelation. Where is any Personal Relationship there? Instead we have a picture of myriads of Angels and Saints all doing their assigned Jobs as delegated by Christ.

Now let us look at the Doctrine of Vine of Christ. Evil may stand alone. Evil may seek out individual ‘personal relationships’ but according to the Doctrine of Vine of Christ, we can have no separate existence apart from The Vine. But what is The Vine? The Vine sources out of the Person and Glory of Christ… so we can consider Christ as the Root of the Vine. But then the Vine Itself – all the greenery, the leaves, branches and Fruit are the Souls through which the Holy Spirit of Christ flows. The Vine of Christ is verily The Church as it exists in all of Heaven, Earth and Purgatory. What happens when somebody wants a Personal Relationship exclusively with Christ? Well, they must first take an Axe to the Vine and chop it down and toss it aside so that they may dig up Christ who is the Root of it All. But what good does this do? Yes, we know that the Root supplies the Living Water to the Branches and the Fruit, but we also know that the Root is supported by the Energies transmitted back down to The Root from the Leaves, which do not seem of much importance in themselves until they are all chopped off and thrown aside. But does any Protestant think that their one small ‘personal’ leaf is sufficient to support the Needs of Christ? Can the Root of a Mighty Oak Tree survive upon the energies provided by only one Leaf?

We must regard the Law of Sacrifice as a real thing. Divine Providence cannot commit an unlimited amount of Grace to Humanity unless first of all Humanity can send upward to God some measure of Sacrifice – that is Worship, Prayer, Penance, Fasting, Good Works and Charity. It is These Good Things which the Leaves of the Vine gather and send to the Root which is Christ so that the Root which is Christ can in Its turn send back up the processed strength and nourishment, The Grace, required so that the Vine may blossom and come to bear Fruit.
Okay, I don't mean to be rude or to challenge you, but do you really believe and understand everything you said? It doesn't really make sense to me, sounds like a lot of (and forgive me for being so blunt) malarky. Also, I don't know about Protesants, but I know people who believe in the personal relationship, and they know full well about heaven and stuff. They don't think they are getting ahead of others with Jesus, they just believe that it is what he wants and that it is right (and by the way, because he's God he can do as much stuff as he wants, there is no limit and these people do not make his "job(s)" any harder for him). Besides, not that I really understood the vine thing, but if they are all connected, it shouldn't be hard to have a personal relationship with Jesus, should it? I mean...all they do is pray to him all the time and feel him with them all the time I think...they aren't putting themselves above (not the ones who get it, anyway), just doing what they think Jesus wants.
In John 15:1-8, the vine is not symbolic of the Christian community. It symbolic of Christ, and solely Christ. Jesus indicates that "“I am the vine; you are the branches." You don't need branches. You need the vine. In fact, Jesus even remarks that "2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit ... "

If anything, John 15 backs up the argument that a relationship with Christ (without mediators) is important.

Where are other scriptural references which back up your argument?
Leo Volont said:
If they could possibly conceive in their minds that Heaven was an Actual Place which would need to function in practical Ways, then they would have to understand that Christ needs to deal with Billions of Souls – those of Men on Earth, Souls in Heaven and even in Purgatory, and then the Souls of the Angels too who may also require attention and oversight. And then there is Work to be done in Heaven. Jobs need to be performed. Do you think Christ is King so that He needs to be His own Slave – made to do each little thing Himself, or rather do we suppose Christ is King in order that He may Delegate Authorities and Assign Responsibilities.

Are you saying that there's no way Jesus could possibly do it? Isn't Jesus God? I've been seeing that belief floating around. If so, woudn't He therefore be as omnipotent as God?

Sorry I didn't respond to the entire post, but I'm not in a position to discuss it, being a Pantheist.

The Christian god of which JC is an apparent component, is defined as omnipresent and omnipotent. I.e. it can be everywhere at any time and do anything without limit. In which case there seems to be no reason that dead Christians should not expect to have permament eternal close personal relationships with their chosen deity.
Leo volont speaks utter hyperbole. having said that he Is a character, and i'd be in a way sad if he left, cause i quite like characters. but even so, one simply MUUSt challenge such rot, what?...And i encourage it whole heartedly...hehe

Vine of Christ is referring to his Dionysian mythic origins! Dionysos was 'god of the Vine' ie., Dionysos' celebrants would drink him--him being the hallucinogenic laced wine which spiritualy inspired the drinker to ecstasis

Christians demonized all of that and kept ideas of stiflingly dull heavens of hierarchis just like in boring patriarchal hiearchies on earth --a mirror image obvious-ly.
They also cut out erotic expression between people in spiritual rituals.

Relationsips between people are ALL that matter. throw the fkin Bible out and cultivate that. between people, community, and Nature. THAt is the real. Not the malarchy ala Volont