Video of 3 yr old girl being indoctrinated into hateful beliefs.

I haven't watched the video but I know what it was like. I was indoctrinated my whole education on irrational Christian beliefs. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth looking back, to be forcefed such garbage when you know no better. But that's only because I wised up to the situation... Imagine if I didn't, I would be like Woody...
you know what concerns me the most about this?
it's because thje majority of american blacks are muslim
i am beginning to believe that this is some kind of attempt to incite something between blacks and whites

how about it you muslim freaks is that actually the case?

crap like this makes my blood BOIL !

Is this real? Can anyone here verify if the subtitles are correct? This is a very inflammatory video meant to help stir up hate against muslims. Even if these people aren't taking the Quran the wrong way and it is true, this just stirs up hate. If they are going down the wrong path, the best way to help them is to show them the right path, not harm them. Same can be said to anyone with a 'quick to inflict harm' attitude. If we are all self-proclaimed scientists, believers of science, we should also test everything before we say it is false. Has anyone here tested the Quran and read for him/herself? I haven't read it all so I don't like to comment much on the 'muslim bashing' that seems to go on here sometimes.
The subtitles seem to be correct, for at least the word 'Jew' probably.

The video underlines a serious problem that must be rectified.
leopold99 said:
you know what concerns me the most about this?
it's because thje majority of american blacks are muslim
i am beginning to believe that this is some kind of attempt to incite something between blacks and whites

how about it you muslim freaks is that actually the case?

crap like this makes my blood BOIL !

this is the kind of reaction the video is inteded to provoke.

it is wrong but can you blame this three year old girl for believing what she believes? or her father? or his father?

idoctrinated as children to they will grow up and these believes will become truth, of course jews will treat you like shit if you hold these beliefs about them.

so it is all wrong and what do you do as an outsider?

where does this road lead to?
this is similar to what is happening now in western culture. christians are begnning to hate and fear muslims but in the middle east these games have been playing out for centuries.
Oh it has been happening both ways for thousands of years.
There's as much nasty hateful shit in the bible (revelations?? CBF looking it up).
I'm not picking only on Islam, or this admittedly cute little girl.

I'm picking on these beliefs which cause people to think that they are different, have a different identity, when really we are all human beings.

The next generation of suicide bombers? Is this the true face of Islam? Diamondheart do you agree with this? Is this the way the people of the Book are viewed by Islam, your own Qur'an warns you about mistreating the People of the Book and if this is what you are teaching your children your own Most Holy Qur'an condems you!
When defending islam, it seems that many believers tend to omit the many violent sections of the quran, either that, or they take the "don't insult islam or we will behead you" threats, which the world witnessed in the protests following the cartoons of mohammed.

"Be prepared for the REAL holocaust!"

"europe you will pay, demolition is on its way"
"slay those who insult islam."
leopold99 said:
i'm gonna fuck muhammad in the ass while gouging out his eyeballs
i'll rip the pages out of the koran and wipe my ass with them


You seem about as intolerant of muslims in general-- as the portrayed muslims are intolerant of jews. Are you any better? Sure doesn't seem like it.
leopold99 said:
you know what concerns me the most about this?
it's because thje majority of american blacks are muslim
i am beginning to believe that this is some kind of attempt to incite something between blacks and whites
No, most blacks are Baptist. (Taliban of Xianity)

I moved into an all black neighborhood when I was back in the USA. I walked over to my neighbors houses to let them know that I lived near by and I didn't want them to freak out if they saw me walking around. It was funny, in some cases I was the only white guy they had ever talked with. I'm talking "talk" not "Sir please put yer hands behin yer back".

So that was interesting.

It also brings home the point of how when people are separated by some BS concept (like the BS concept of "race") they begin to see one another with suspicion. Which is what religion has done to the people of the ME.

I think that to begin we need to confront these issues that separate us. For example, the series of questions that have been ignored in my other post. They are just questions. But I set them up to show the hypocrisy of some Islamic teachings. By focusing on where the Qur’an preaches hatred or accepts slavery or whatever, Muslims are confronted with their belief as a whole and thereby must confront it themselves. Its funny, many Muslems I know that have become atheists have no problem agreeing with me that many teachings (such as slavery) are wrong, but Muslems still stuck in the belief are unable to confront these teachings and so the violence continues.

leopold99、while I understand your anger remember that the only solution is education - - not more violence. I once heard a Muslim say say while Xians turn the other check Muslims hit back. What we need to do is to fine out why this person thinks this and get them to see that line of thinking is incorrect.

But much like an alcoholic they must be willing to confront these beliefs if they are going to change. And much like an alcoholic many are not at that place and you have to realize that. You can not make an alcoholic want to quit drinking and you can not make a religious fanatic want to learn. This little girls parents being a prime example.

Possumking said:
You seem about as intolerant of muslims in general-- as the portrayed muslims are intolerant of jews. Are you any better? Sure doesn't seem like it.
what on earth makes you think i am intolerant of muslims in general?

but i do have a real problem with anybody be it christain or muslim that picks on the defensless