Victims of pedophile priests and imams help create more victims with silence.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Victims of pedophile priests and imams help create more victims with silence.

I recently watched this disturbing movie and recognize that what it portrays fairly closely what is happenings in reality right now.

The silence and complicity of the religious are facilitating and colluding in the future assaults on children. Silence or the acceptance of a payoff, in my opinion, is direct collusion with these religious criminals and I see the past victims of these pedophiles as now helping their own assailants create new victims by their silence.

I appreciate that going public is hard, but if victims do not come forward, I see them as helping the priests and imams that are left free to abuse other children.

There are some who will read this and know that in a real sense victims are guilty of helping the pedophile problem continue.

I would urge these victims and their families to step up and do the right thing and return the payoffs and lay charges instead so that we can rid our churches and mosques of these predatory criminals.

Do you agree that silence is just as immoral as the initial crime when victims accept payoffs from religions to buy their silence?

I know of 3 priest pedophiles that have been eliminated for what they did to children. So their is justice, it just takes time to administer it.