victimless crimes??


behind you with a knife
Registered Senior Member
Question for you all........

Say there is a stop sign in the middle of nowhere, its very obvious that there is no other cars around for miles, do you stop or do you proceed on your way creating a victimless crime?

is so why?

if not why not?

as you can see this is just one way to create a victimless crime there are millions more I would suppose.

also if you would commit the crime even though it being victimless where would you draw the line at?
I probably wouldn't stop at that stop sign in the middle of nowhere. I'm not gonna hurt anyone if there's no one around for miles. I wouldn't do this in a populated area, however. Obviously, there may be other cars or some kids about. I wouldn't wanna run into someone by just driving past the stop sign.

The way I see it, if the "crime" is victimless, then it isn't even a crime. We really should only worry if there's a chance that someone is gonna get hurt. If ye'r in the middle of nowhere and there's no one around for miles, the chances of hurting someone are nonexistant. If ye'r in a populated area, the chances are too high to risk it.
cardiovascular_tech stop signs are there because you cant always see the other car untill you are at the end at which point its to late if you are moving. Its not victomless, no more than speeding or drink driving is. yes they might NOT kill someone but they are there to PREVENT it

a victomless crime is something like charging gays or for that matter incestants or someone who smokes a joint
Asguard thank you for your input but you didn't get what I was getting at here, as you pointed out there are many victimless crimes, I just used that one as a example and latter asked where one would draw the line on victimless crimes.

also as far as stop signs in the middle on nowhere I have seen tons of them where you can see for miles don't believe me goto kansas, missouri, nevada well theres too numerous places to mention but they are everywhere here in the states.
ok i am taking my view from my experiance but here we have a "give way" signs which dont require you to stop but DO require you to give way to traffic that is coming through. Stop signs are reserved for high risk zones like areas with obsured view, and area's with high pedestrian presence like schools.

Maybe american doesnt have give way but the point remains that it only takes a second to stop and then your on your way again and its much safer. road laws ARE there for a reason
That's a good question, cardiovascular_tech. If the crime is truly victimless then the law is silly, so I'd break it. If we all follow the law without question then someone or some group is bound to make a law that unfairly benefits them. Eventually we'd become their slaves. We should all be vigilant for silly laws to break. Rosa Parks was.
I wouldn't stop at the sign. If there's absolutely no way anyone could get hurt then I see no reason to stop. I see no problem with situations like this, for example, I trespass everyday on my way to work.
Asguard said:
Maybe american doesnt have give way but the point remains that it only takes a second to stop and then your on your way again and its much safer.

We do indeed have such signs, but we tactfully decided to name them "yield" signs.

Frankly my own feelings on this situation are that if there's no harm then no fowl! But you'd better be damn sure no one else is around and all, gotta' make sure all your bases are covered.
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come on guys you are seriously talking about 5 seconds. You should be slow enough that if you have to stop anyway you can do so and what is 5 seconds out of your life anyway. Are you all that selfish that you cant put your foot on the brake for 5 seconds just to make sure and even if its just so you follow the rules? honestly whats the difference. $100? well if you get caught for being lasy then you deserve the fine.

To be honest there are much more important things to worry about than wether a stop sign is warented and wether you should stop. If your that stressed out that stoping at a stop sign is a cause for annoyance then you shouldnt be on the road.
pretty interesting, but this doesn't just stay with stop signs it goes along with alot of laws, I myself stop and use my turn signals even though no one is around just out of habit.