

convince me or convict me
Registered Senior Member

this person should be burnt at the stake. 2 people burned to death in that shop, lets make the punishment fit the crime.

i can think of few more horrific deaths than being burned alive. the pain must be unbelievable, how must the families of these men feel knowing the likelihood of the suffering they went through.

Alternatively, lets give him hugs and kisses, and try to understand his feelings, lets provide him with therapy, and counselling, and more touchy feely crap that his victims and their families wont get.

Vengeance - an eye for an eye.
Another thread on the death penalty. You seem ... angry, Quagmire. Why?
because it keeps happening, and no one cares, nothing is done, its the soft option in every case.

pardon me, no one cares, UNTIL it is them on the receiving end of some atrocity, then they look around for support and find only apathy.

please excuse me for not being entirely content.
actually i agree with quagmire. there is no deterrant to commiting crimes, even if we do not have the death penalty look at the comfort that prisoners live in. heck if i was a homeless person i would tempted to commit a crime and get banged up in jail, its better than living in the streets. they have plasma screen tvs, nice beds, better food than i get at school, allowed to exercise and if they get bored of prison they can act nice and get let out early for good behaviour, i mean does that sound like a deterrant to you. i mean whats with the good behaviour law, the sentence handed down should stick, thats what prison is about making people behave and yet we reward them for doing it. prison shoould not be like that, it should be a place so horrible that when you come out you never want to go back again and people will know that it is a place that they never want to go. and yes i am a vengful person, if someone crosses me one way or another i will see to it that they suffer.
Quagmire said:
this person should be burnt at the stake.
This says a lot about you, Quagmire.
lets make the punishment fit the crime.
Going on this philosophy, how would you punish drug dealers?
Vengeance - an eye for an eye.
You'd have made a good Viking. The rest of us have moved on since then.
One of the problems with crime and punishment, is that we have sanitised it till it has no deterent effect, it's all hid away from public view so no one see the result of transgression of the Laws of society. I beleave in the three strike and your out rule.