Vegetarian spider

Idle Mind

What the hell, man?
Valued Senior Member
Very cool article on a relatively newly found species of spider that feeds on plant matter. I should note that the spider is not a strict vegetarian, but it is quite unique.


Also, the example of parasitism modifying host behaviour found at the bottom of the article is very cool as well.
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does this spider only eat one kind of plant (like pandas or koalas) or does it eat a variety?
I've seen that one. It said it 'hunted' the plants,lol. It's interesting that there is only one discovered so far. Perhaps some in so many yest to be discovered. Spiders are fascinating. Well, like all the insects.
Orly, it appears as though the spider only feeds on the leaf-tips of acacia plants specifically.
The recently described species of jumping spider, discovered by researchers from Villanova and Brandeis Universities, dines on the protein rich tips of acacias, the thorny shrubs found in much of Central America.