Vatican bashes book no one has heard of, accidentally makes it a best-seller


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After the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog condemned an American nun for a book she wrote on human sexuality this week, the book shot up’s bestseller list, becoming the #1 best selling religious studies book by Tuesday.


Farley's book has been on the list for three days. The Washington Post reported that the book was #142,982 on Amazon as recently as Monday.

That was the day the Vatican revealed its censure of Sister Margaret A. Farley, who teaches at Yale Divinity School, over her 2006 book, which the church said is out of step with official church teaching on human sexuality, including masturbation and homosexuality.

“Masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action,” the church said in a statement Monday that went on to characterize “homosexual acts” as “acts of grave depravity.”

The reprimand warned church officials not to use Farley’s book, raising eyebrows in Catholic circles because she is one of the country’s most respected female Catholic theologians.
Wow. Epic Streisand Effect fail.

I wonder what they mean exactly by "gravely disordered action"? Anyway, I don't actually have much to say on the article, but it was hilarious...a dry, academic book on ethics that virtually no one outside of a few high-brown Catholic theologians had every even heard of, suddenly becoming a best seller, simply because the Vatican felt the need to complain about it.
Serves them right...though I have to wonder if the book really is of any value, or if it's just more repressed Catholicism in print. I'd hate to think that they're both completely wrong.

Anyway, I wonder when people are finally going to stop giving a crap what the Pope or the Vatican says?
Wasn't that what the 10 commandments were for - to make you curious? How many folks went through their early childhood curious about adultery or coveting your neighbor's wife?