Various QWC events - discussion thread


Contemplating the "as yet" unknown
Valued Senior Member
Look at the 2-D spherical example of expansion.

If you draw the picture smaller and smaller you get to a very tiny sphere 13.7 billion years ago.

BBT even implies that the sphere shrinks to a “point space”, i.e. all of the matter and energy of the universe contained in a zero volume, infinitely dense point. Nothing?

If you draw the picture larger and larger you get the idea of an expanding arena in space.

BBT predicts that the sphere will continue to expand forever based on current observations.

An eternally expanding sphere is what cosmologists call the “heat death” of the universe because the temperature would approach absolute zero.

In Cosmic Wave Cosmology, the universe is made up of multiple arenas.

Picture such a universe for a minute. Many spheres, some like ours that have been expanding for billions of years, some that have been expanding much longer, and some just starting out in their expansion phase.

But all of the spheres wouldn’t be expanding. Picture various expanding spheres overlapping. Think about what gravity would cause to happen in the overlapping areas.

Gravity would cause the galaxies in the overlaps to collide, mix, swirl and merge into a collapsing arena that is feed by various expanding spheres as they overlap.

The collapsing arenas would collapse into big crunches.

Is there any reason to believe that our own expanding arena didn’t start in that same way?


That is what QWC predicts was the start point of our expansion, i.e. the burst of a big crunch that formed in that very same way, perhaps 13.7 billion years ago.
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''Picture such a universe for a minute. Many spheres, some like ours that have been expanding for billions of years, some that have been expanding much longer, and some just starting out in their expansion phase.

But all of the spheres wouldn’t be expanding. Picture various expanding spheres overlapping. Think about what gravity would cause to happen in the overlapping areas.

Gravity would cause the galaxies in the overlaps to collide, mix, swirl and merge into a collapsing arena that is feed by various expanding spheres.''

>>>I don't say this often, but i absolutely love that picture. It's like drawing lines in the sand, parallel to each other, and then making swirling patterns in its structures. So, in effect you are saying, the layers of space combine through the curvature of the universe.

I do like this.
And did i understand right, that you say the big bang, is related to the end -- creating a storyline almost?

Do you see the lens shape formed by the intersection of the two circles?

If it was spheres intersecting it would be like the intersection that I referred to in the OP. There would be galaxies from both expanding arenas in the lens shaped area.

I'm saying that those galaxies would be influenced by each others gravity which would overcome their expansion momentum. They would collide, mix, merge and swirl as gravity captured them in what would become a new arena that would then begin entering its collapsing phase.

As more and more galactic remnants form various expanding arenas get captured in that collapsing gravitational field, the magnitude of the collapse reaches "big crunch" proportions.

I am saying that is how big crunches from. The greater universe is composed of multiple active arenas and as those arenas expand, they clutter the landscape of the greater universe with galactic remnants.

Those remnants are captured by each others gravity and the resulting attraction grows to include more and more remnants until new big crunches form.

Entropy is defeated by the energy that is captured and converted back into useful energy within the big crunches.
They do collide, mix and merge. I prefer the extreme example, where spacetime is layers, in which dimensional things take form.

If entropy is defeted, i suppose you mean, is no longer necessery?
I'm on board - I didn't even know there was a theory for it. I once thought, there is no way we can detect(yet) other "universes going on" big bangs, whatever. So it's possible.

Of course it still would beg the question, where all the original matter came from, what happens at the omega event, of eventual coalescence of everything and a super big-bang happens? We are back to square one.

Or, does it theorize the real "multiverse" is simply endless with no boundaries? It would be so far out of our realm of knowledge and detection I suppose it does not matter to us yet.

I for one find the "Big bang theory" and eventual heat death to make no sense on so many levels. It's faulty. It's just useful to explain what is happening in perspective to us "right now".

I find little difference in the description of a "big bang" and a Quasar. There is ALWAYS a bigger fish...
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They do collide, mix and merge. I prefer the extreme example, where spacetime is layers, in which dimensional things take form.

If entropy is defeted, i suppose you mean, is no longer necessery?
In QWC, space and time are not coupled.

What appears as a curvature of spacetime is caused by gravity waves emitted from mass coupled with the finite speed of gravity (same as speed of light).

I stand by what I wrote in another thread. "Objects move through space as if space was curved by mass. But if gravity reaches across space to affect distant objects, those objects would also move as if space was curved because gravity travels at a finite speed (speed of light) and by the time it reaches and effects distant objects, the source object has changed location.

This results in a curved effect between observed objects caused by gravity waves that travel as expanding spherical waves. The wave reaches the object and gives it a little tug toward the location that the first object occupied when the wave was emitted. An instant later the next wave reaches the object and gives it a little tug toward a slightly different location that was occupied by the first object as the second wave was emitted an instant after the first wave. Follow this procedure over time and you will get a curved movement of objects due to their relative movement and the propagation speed of spherical gravity waves, not due to the warped fabric of spacetime."

The EFEs are the math of the effect of gravity, and not the cause.

As for entropy, I'm sure you understand what I said in the OP about the "heat death" of the universe in BBT. It is the result of eternal expansion. In QWC there is no eternal expansion because arenas expanded until they overlap with other arenas. No eternal expansion, and not heat death of the universe.

I'm sure you know that the "heat death" in BBT is referred to as the completing of entropy, i.e. all of the useful energy has been spent and entropy is complete.

In QWC entropy never becomes complete, but is always a characteristic of arenas. It is just that entropy increases as expansion increases in an arena, and entropy is reversed as a newly formed arena collapses into a big crunch.

Please let me know if you understand this post. Not if you believe it because spacetime is so ingrained in peoples thinking, but just let me know if you can even imagine what I am saying.
I don't, and purely semantics. I thought i understood this from the first and second, but the third has somewhat lost and displaced me. It certainly doesn't mean i think you are wrong. Just misunderstood.
I'm on board - I didn't even know there was a theory for it. I once thought, there is no way we can detect(yet) other "universes going on" big bangs, whatever. So it's possible.

Of course it still would beg the question, where all the original matter came from, what happens at the omega event, of eventual coalescence of everything and a super big-bang happens? We are back to square one.

Or, does it theorize the real "multiverse" is simply endless with no boundaries? It would be so far out of our realm of knowledge and detection I suppose it does not matter to us yet.

I for one find the "Big bang theory" and eventual heat death to make no sense on so many levels. It's faulty. It's just useful to explain what is happening in perspective to us "right now".

I find little difference in the description of a "big bang" and a Quasar. There is ALWAYS a bigger fish...
You, nietzschefan, must read the entire (unfortunately long and rambling) Mass *has* gravity" thread. Read-Only says it takes less than an hour to wade through it. It goes faster if you just read my posts :), because there is a lot of off topic arguing. Read it, take an hour, and then ask questions about QWC and you will begin to see what cosmology should be saying, IMHO.
I'm on board - I didn't even know there was a theory for it. I once thought, there is no way we can detect(yet) other "universes going on" big bangs, whatever. So it's possible.

Of course it still would beg the question, where all the original matter came from, what happens at the omega event, of eventual coalescence of everything and a super big-bang happens? We are back to square one.

Or, does it theorize the real "multiverse" is simply endless with no boundaries? It would be so far out of our realm of knowledge and detection I suppose it does not matter to us yet.

I for one find the "Big bang theory" and eventual heat death to make no sense on so many levels. It's faulty. It's just useful to explain what is happening in perspective to us "right now".

I find little difference in the description of a "big bang" and a Quasar. There is ALWAYS a bigger fish...

If i wear a jockstrap, will i be american?

If i wear boxers, will i be british?

If i wear nothing, will big bang be different?
If i wear a jockstrap, will i be american?

If i wear boxers, will i be british?

If i wear nothing, will big bang be different?
A new person shows some interest in QWC and right away you treat them like a stepchild :).
I'm on board - I didn't even know there was a theory for it. I once thought, there is no way we can detect(yet) other "universes going on" big bangs, whatever. So it's possible.
I don't call it theory, but I don't call it Pseudoscience either :). I call it protoscience because many of the predictions are not testable, and those that may be testable require technological advancements.
Of course it still would beg the question, where all the original matter came from, ...
In QWC all of the energy in the universe has always existed.
... what happens at the omega event ...
QWC calls these events big crunches. All big crunches eventually "burst" into arenas of expanding energy density; matter forms from the energy density at the "matter formation threshold density".
... of eventual coalescence of everything and a super big-bang happens?
In QWC everything doesn't collapse, only a tiny finite amount of energy in the form of galaxies and arena remnants will collapse into any given arena. The amount of matter/energy that can collapse into a big crunch has a limit that is determined by the energy density at the core of the big crunch. When that density limit is reached the burst occurs. Each arena therefore contains essentially the same amount of total energy at the time of the burst.
We are back to square one.
Not in QWC. QWC is a multiple arena cosmology meaning that there are a potentially infinite number of active arenas at any given time. Some would be expanding like our, others would be forming from the galactic remnants of various other arenas that have strewn the landscape of the greater universe with galactic remnants (no littering violations out there).
Or, does it theorize the real "multiverse" is simply endless with no boundaries?
Yes, that is what QWC predicts. And it has always existed.
It would be so far out of our realm of knowledge and detection I suppose it does not matter to us yet.
It matters if you think about it. First of all, if space was not created with the Big Bang as implied by Big Bang Theory, then the coupling of spacetime does not make sense. If space and time are not coupled then the dimensions that are operative are not 3,1 like in General Relativity, but are simply 3-D as in Euclidean Geometry.

Another equally important reason that it matters is what is called the energy density of the universe. If there is a greater universe surrounding our expanding arena, then energy density equalization is driving the expansion. If not, then vacuum energy density fuels the expansion. Many implications based on this distinction.
I for one find the "Big bang theory" and eventual heat death to make no sense on so many levels. It's faulty. It's just useful to explain what is happening in perspective to us "right now".

I find little difference in the description of a "big bang" and a Quasar. There is ALWAYS a bigger fish...
I understand what you mean. If there are multiple galaxies in an arena, and multiple arenas in a greater universe, where might it all end :D. But there are limiting factors worth discussing in advanced QWC.
So to move along, the event in the OP is the overlapping of expanding arenas. The overlaps contain energy from each of the overlapping arenas, which could be just two, or it could be many more than that.

The overlapping segment that contains galactic remnants from many arenas will become a great attractor and gravity will increase as a center of gravity establishes itself. The big crunch will form around that center of gravity and will accumulate matter throughout its formation.

QWC predicts that there is a limit to the energy density that can exist in the core of a big crunch. Nothing can be infinitely dense in QWC. However, though there is no infinitely dense energy, the limit of maximum energy density exceeds the range of energy density in which matter can function.

QWC also predicts that gravity is a function of mass. If matter cannot function above some threshold of energy density then gravity will cease to function as well.

QWC concludes that as the core of the big crunch grows at a faster rate than the growth of mass in the crunch, the gravitational attraction of the entire crunch will begin to decline.

This decline will slow the accumulation of additional mass into the crunch while the negated matter at the core increases. Eventually the potential burst energy of the core overcomes the gravitational compression and the big crunch becomes a big burst.

The crunch bursts into an expanding ball of energy density and the finite energy released from the big crunch is equivalent to the energy content of a typical expanding arena like our own expanding arena called the "known universe".
The following is an essay about the landscape of the greater universe:

Quantum Wave Cosmology 101
The universe had no beginning and will have no end.

When we look up on a clear night we see the Milky Way and the galaxies beyond. We see an expanse of countless galaxies consisting of countless stars. Even with this beautiful display there is a broad expanse surrounding our visible expanding arena from which light has not yet had time to reach us. And even beyond that, distant galaxies must be moving away from us so fast that their light will never reach us given the rate of expansion, the finite speed of light, and the finite lives of stars and even galaxies.

During its short life of expansion our arena has been using its resources to extract mass and gravity from an expanding ball of dense dark energy. Mass has gravity and so particles that form quickly interact. Charged particles evolve and enable the arena to light up with electromagnetic radiation and to transfer thermal radiation. Particles accumulate to form stars, then to form galaxies and black holes. All of that has provided the backdrop for the generation and evolution of life and consciousness here on Earth.

Our arena is expanding into the greater universe beyond. The greater universe is potentially infinite. Arenas, galaxies, stars, planets, life and consciousness have always existed out there. It is not an eternally expanding universe. It is filled with temporary arenas like ours, some expanding and some contracting that characterize the landscape of the infinite and eternal universe.

Our arena formed with the gravitationally orchestrated collapse of matter and energy that resulted in a big crunch. The gathering of matter and energy into our big crunch left behind a huge sparsely filled space out in the greater universe. That space surrounds our arena and is characterized by a low energy density environment that includes widely distributed dead or dying galactic material that didn’t quite make it into our big crunch. By the time our crunch reached the finite capacity characteristic of all big crunches, those left behind galaxies with their central black holes were slowly pulling on their host of stars.

And beyond the dark and dying galactic remnants at the fringes of where our arena and its big crunch came from are other arenas. Arenas are all temporary, and all follow a natural energy-to matter-to energy process. It is out of that environment that our big crunch formed. It is out of our own big crunch that the energy ball emerged that fed the development the galactic, solar, and planetary backdrop that enables life and consciousness on Earth and no doubt throughout our expanding arena.

Though potentially infinite in number at any given time across the universe, big crunches and expanding arenas that emerge from them are well disbursed but still connected across aether filled reaches of space. The aether carries the transmission of gravity waves emitted by all mass. It is the infinitesimal force of quantum action that produces quantum waves that works to both maintain mass and cause gravity waves. It is the effect of gravity transmitted across those distant reaches that enables the arena process to begin.

Each arena begins with the formation of a big crunch from galaxies and black holes left over from a history of previous expanding arenas. Every big crunch will take trillions of years and encompass billions of galaxies and galactic black holes as it takes shape out of those dark reaches. Over untold eons the collapse of remnant galactic black holes into a big crunch will be a chaotic source of gamma ray bursts and intense radiation as galaxies and black holes collide. The crunch is composed of extremely dense matter from the gathering of those galactic remnants.

There is a limit to the energy density that can be achieved within the core of a big crunch. That limit is the critical capacity threshold and when the energy density exceeds that threshold, all of the aether space has been squeezed out of the matter leaving dense state energy. When energy enters the dense state, matter can no longer function. Matter is composed of energy in quantum increments, and the quantum action required to establish energy quanta within mass requires sufficient aether space. Without sufficient aether space matter cannot exist and gravity cannot function. The defining characteristic of dense state energy is its expansion potential so dense state energy is also potential expansion energy.

When the critical capacity threshold that transforms dense matter into dense state energy is reached the big crunch is consuming its own mass, radiation and gravitational energy and is about to lose its big crunch status. When gravity ceases to function the accretion disk of galactic remnants that was spiraling into the big crunch is set free to aimlessly disburse back into the dark reaches of space. When the core of dense state energy reaches sufficient proportions it causes the big crunch to fail from a lack of gravity. The core has no radiation, no mass and no gravity, no quantum action and no quantum waves. Heat cannot even be absorbed and so the temperature of the core rests at or near absolute zero.

To mark the final point of consumption of mass and gravity the big crunch bursts from the internal pressure of potential expansion energy that has built up. When the crunch finally bursts, a ball of energy in the dense dark state emerges and engulfs the remaining dense matter immediately surrounding it. Emerging dense state dark energy is without particles, mass, gravity or radiation at the instant that it is released into the arena. The dense state energy and the dense matter that encased it emerge into an exotic mix of dense state dark energy with pockets of dense matter. The energy density quickly equalizes itself across its entire spherical expanse and becomes dark energy.

The dark energy expands as a co-moving coordinate system and the energy density remains distributed equally through the expanding sphere as the radius increases. Therefore as the expansion progresses the total energy of the huge spherical wave remains the same but the energy density declines in an equalized fashion throughout the sphere. During the rapid initial expansion phase each point within the sphere maintains the same energy density as every other point and the density declines at the same rate throughout the entire expanding sphere.

As the ball of dense dark state energy mixes with the low energy density of the greater universe, the dense dark state energy will quickly absorb enough aether space to again form matter. Matter formation allows gravity to function and particles and charges to form and light up and heat up with electromagnetic radiation. The high energy density of this rapidly expanding energy environment means that as new matter is forming it will have both expansion momentum and high energy levels imparted to it. Matter forms with this initial separation momentum and extreme temperature. It forms in such high energy density that the close proximity of the first particles will allow gravity to cause clumping that leads rapid star formation and nucleosynthesis. Galactic structure takes shape and stars develop solar systems throughout the process.

As galaxies form, the expansion momentum of the particles and stars is conserved and the resulting galaxies are separating from each other. As expansion continues the inverse square rule accounts for why expansion momentum exceeds the gravitational attraction between galaxies and why the separation of galaxies accelerates. The separation of galaxies follows the same co-moving coordinate expansion that was exhibited by the ball of dark energy that emerged from the big crunch.

As galaxies develop, generations of stars produce heavy elements that condense into planets and some planets are capable of hosting life. Life is generative and evolves into conscious self aware individuals. Consciousness itself is the highest order of matter and energy that we observe and is the common product of arena expansion, and an eternal feature of the greater universe. Just like the greater universe is composed of an arena landscape, each arena hosts pockets of conscious life to contemplate the universe. Within each pocket of life, life on Earth for example, individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life and God. As evolution continues they form societies, customs, and develop beliefs. Science and religion emerge. Evolution continues as long as the resources of the host environments permit. Given enough time to evolve and enough resources, intelligent life can spread. Spreading pockets of life can overlap and exchange knowledge and resources. The expansion potential of conscious life is unlimited.

Our expanding temporary arena will end when the energy density that has been expanding equalizes with the lower energy density of the greater universe. But our arena will leave its mark as all arenas do. Ours will make a contribution of useful energy and useful consciousness to the corridors of the greater universe. It will leave an arena full of galaxies that have expansion momentum that will join similar remnants left from a history of similar arenas that are destined for rendezvous out in the far reaches of the greater universe.

As the arena process continues the stars that make up the remnant galaxies will be captured by their own black holes. Those galactic black holes will mix and merge out in the vast reaches of the greater universe. Gravity will be stronger than expansion momentum in the swirling rendezvous of those convergent remnants. New arenas form under those conditions. Galactic material, black holes and radiation energy will succumb to the influence of gravity to form big crunches that are few and far between and yet they populate the greater universe in infinite numbers.

Each new arena will have the same fate; they will send their galactic material out into the greater universe just like all previous arenas have done. And new arenas will form from the endless supply of galactic remnants in swirling rendezvous out in the corridors of the greater universe. Conscious life is generated and evolved anew, but the ingenuity of life may have ways of maneuvering within the dynamic arena process. Perhaps aside from being generative and evolvative within the arena process, conscious life may have a lengthy heritage that survives throughout the corridors of the greater universe.

The universe is an endless process that recovers the energy spent as arenas expand and form galaxies and converts that energy back to useful energy in the core of big crunches made up of galactic remnants. This arena process of energy-to matter-to energy has always been occurring throughout the infinite universe. It is the arena process that accounts for the defeat of entropy by regenerating useful energy from galactic remnants. It is the arena process of the greater universe that assures that there will be no final big crunch and there will be no final heat death of the universe. The greater universe is a perpetual arena process. It is left for us to determine how pervasive and enduring life and consciousness can be throughout that framework.