Varg Vikerness Political Prisoner


Registered Senior Member

Popular opinion in our democracy dictates the following Torah-Biblical morality (how many of us are Judeo-Christians anyway?), which none may vote against: "Thou shalt not kill". Yet, the leaders of our democratic system routinely demand the elimination of enemies, most recently known as "Islamic terrorists". We have one standard for Judeo-Christians and another standard for those who choose otherwise.

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The Judeo-Christian system of morality called "law" is selectively applied as the religious fundamentalists see fit. This is the Dark Ages part 2.
So what did he do to end up in prison inside one of the most tolerant nations on Earth? The link is blocked for some reason on this computer.
Nevermind. I see he's a satanist that stabbed some guy dozens of times. Satanism is as much of a joke as christianity. Both rely on eachother to survive. Burn them both. If I stab someone 22 times, I belong in prison too. So Long Varg.