Vanilla Sky : reality entertainment?

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they use machines to help sometimes, for people like me who tried lucid dreaming but could never quite pull it off and might pay $300 for it in the future if I become loaded anytime soon :). It's a little goggle thing that uses sound and light cues to stimulate REM cycles. or something like that

still, the idea of spending a vacation in a matrix-like universe does sound awesome...
still, the idea of spending a vacation in a matrix-like universe does sound awesome...

Go to this website. This guy is a genius. He said by 2030 we'll have nanobots in our brains expanding our neuro connections. By doing this we'll be able to recreate and control the 5 senses in our brains. Thus being able to experience virtual reality by switching to our digital selves. This guy is no cook. He's been awarded for his work in Technology by 3 US presidents.
that's an interesting idea.

i think those lucid goggles are supposed to alert you that you are dreaming, so you can remember to take control.

if the technology ever exists to "print output to the human brain", it would be very exciting. lucid dreaming can be cool, but if you could access computers from your dreams, that would change the game.

it would probably be possible to make your dreams seem like they last for a long time. like days or something. imagine doing a weeks worth of computer work while you are sleeping 8 hours. :D
I know I've mentioned this and other things before. I'm guessing most people think it's crazed however I when younger never use to dream and when I didn't I found that I felt on waking not just relaxed, but refreshed.

However over the past seven years (if not longer) I've been misused in some sort of bullshit experiment that involves having radiological interaction constantly with my brain. During the nights the implantation of images generated by radiologically exciting Phosphate's contained within the brains Lipids. Those uninterested in Neurology will state it an impossibility but I find on waking from such sleeps that my memory is effected an that I feel withdrawn (Since the Exciting of Phosphates is obviously using up energy while I'm asleep.)

You might question, "How can people externally generate and view a 'dream' they created?", well there is no simple answer since the production of an image within the mind would have to involve matrixing the brain with radiology on both Passive (Listening for Dopplers without sending out "Echos") and Aggressive (Listening to "Echos" created by manipulated Dopplers) radiological interaction.

I wouldn't suggest long exposure to an artificial dreamstate as the likelihood is that it would potentially commatise you from neurological damage.
stryder, are you studying this in college or something? or did you just learn alot with those experiments? either way, i'd like to know how you got involved in that, sounds interesting
I've explained some of my explaination before, however it is pretty difficult to talk about with certain Skeptical members of the forums all too readily inserting conjecture.

Simply something I did when I was younger triggered someone or group to use me as some form of guineapig without telling me beforehand. This meant being watched 24/7 by people that I didn't know with equipment that is very technologically advanced.

Since I didn't want to be just someones "footup" to some higher place up a ladder, it meant that on occasion I've tried to put two and two together to generate the sum of the equation. This means looking out for technological advances that are "Publicly" acknowledged and studying into a few area's of Physics and general sciences to get a better interpretation of whats been/being done.

(Studying in this particular instance doesn't mean having any particular structured research path, just the occasional "Eureka" moment and a String of events that follow on from that.)

If only I could of been a little more than a study subject.
i heard on the radio the other day that Stevie Wonder might be undergoing testing for some new eye surgery. he was born without sight, and these chips/cameras/whatever will allow him to make out shapes.
i know i've heard of it before, but it's still pretty crazy.
that kind of tecnology leads to full bionic eye replacement. dead-eye soldiers with crazy visual abilities.
No need to have bionic implants for the senses such as eyes and ears. The better solution is stem cell therapy or gene manipulation that repairs the damages. It is cheaper that way.

However, we definitely need a few terabyte chips in the brain that connects to our memory system. There are too much info out there unless we start growing a third brain just for memories....:D
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