Vampires ang Aliens; one and the same?


Lewis Michaels

Consider the possibilities and connections between classic middle-age East european Vampire tales and modern day Alien encounters. Firstly the location, nearly always remote and exclusively nocturnal. Secondly the appearance, pale grey skin and large dark, (or sometimes red) eyes. It was also said that vampires could control the human mind using telepathy, (again current in todays alien encounter reports) It was widely said that the Vampyr could materialise anywhere at will; possible teleportation links? Then of course we all know that the blood was drained from the body by way of two small, neat puncture wounds located on the subjects neck. (see animal mutilation cases for more) This could feasibly co-inside with the Chupacubras reports in South America of a 'monster' with large red eyes and fangs, which can retreat at speed and jump extraordinary heights... (ever heard of Victorian Londons fabled Spring heel Jack?)
Maybe. Could be that everything is linked,like the sun and the tides. The whole world is a mistery to me.
You have come across a few similarities, but you are missing the major things that a vampire can supposedly do. He can fly, plants shrivel when he walks by, animals get aggressive around him, etc. I have never heard of an alien flying, plants shriveling around one, and I have never heard of animals becoming aggressive around them. I have heard of animals liking aliens, not being hostile toward them.

I have done a bit of research pertaining to vampires, faries, and other supernatural creatures. I admit that I do not know all about them, and some things are a bit skptical.

If you know where you are, you do not know where you are going.
It seems you are not digging deep enough, I was originaly only looking for possible links not differences. Firstly vampires couldn't fly. This was a more recent trait that dates only to the 16th century and the discovery of the vampire bat in central and South America, with it's similarities to the vampire in myth. It was invented along with the almost romantic high collared capes and evening suits. I have also never heard of flowers wilting under a vampires gaze, except in Hollywood blockbuster movies!
Check out the work of Beverly Richardson for further research.
As for your views on animals liking aliens, I find no evidence to uphold this anywhere, in fact the contrary always seems to be the case!

[This message has been edited by Lewis Michaels (edited June 20, 1999).]
Lewis is certainly right about the animals. In fact I personally don't know of one single report where animals seemed happy in the company of either UFOs or supposed alien entities. They generally show great fear.
I thought the legends of vampires originated from the atrocities of Vlad the Impaler. It was said that he bathed in blood and stories got twisted from then on.
Not strictly true. Vampire legend dates back far further and originates mainly from the far East, China and Tibet. Tales passed on by the Trade caravans, cut a swathe through the East European countries and became widespread. The most publicised of the vampire myths was developed in the Slavic countries, starting around the 9th century with the pre-Christian pagan religion. Strangely though, Vampires were not heard of in the english tongue until 1732 after a translation of a German report on vampire hunting in Serbia.
And now we know where all the people who disappear every year goes. Abductions and the -breeding- program are ther just to reproduce more humans that they keep on board their ships for snacks? Sorry In a way it does make a certain amount of sense. For the reasons above and for the reason why they don't make contact. It's easier to keep us as food when we don't know we are food. Only thing I would wonder about is radioactivity. Would you want your food playing with nuclear bombs? Just some food for thought.
lol Ramonth

I'd be interested to know what Chuckles thinks of this. Do aliens think of us as a gourmet meal or the ET equivalent of fast food? I'd be quite fed up with the idea that we are just a Galactic McDonalds!

At least we are not being battery farmed.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 22, 1999).]
I wouldn't be surprised if thats what they use in Mcdonalds burgers anyway. Hopefully they won't start selling sausages.
I must comment on the animal comment. Don't listen to socety stereotypes....the unbeaten path is normally the one to listen too.Dont be sheep,people. We had a chow who responded to entity visitation by following it around while whining and would sit at an unheard command. Yes,some animals will react with fear and some with anger. Never label and stereotype all animals at reacting the same...fear, That same chow would sleep through other visitations.
As for folklore yes i must agree there are many similarities, and i myself find it hard at times to differentiate between spirit and alien visitation as there are many similarities. I will write another posting later on this later after i get caught up here. Have a great day.
Love and light,

Eric Cooper
Anyone of you been reading Lovecraft ?
A visionary yeah... I believe that maybe Vampyres were linked to Persia. Why not Mars ? Who knows ; but vampyre is now energy in our 21th century if vampyres exist they are not hunting for blood like in the 9th century. They have an energetic potential ; they can be in connection with elements has spirits ; can communicate with future and past ; can have visions and can use there barin as a reciever transmitor... Am I one of them ? hehe...
Ahkrosios : "The Fire From The Skies".
