Vaccines and sudden death


Registered Member

Since vaccine-related deaths are officially recognized by the federal government but there is NO official classification for vaccine-related deaths in the ICD, two important questions must be asked:

1) Are some deaths that are listed within the 130 infant mortality death categories really deaths that are associated with vaccination?

2) Are some vaccine-related deaths hidden within the death tables?

Since vaccine-related deaths are officially recognized by the federal government but there is NO official classification for vaccine-related deaths in the ICD, two important questions must be asked:

1) Are some deaths that are listed within the 130 infant mortality death categories really deaths that are associated with vaccination?

2) Are some vaccine-related deaths hidden within the death tables?

Natural news is not a reputable publication. It's full of anti-vaccine nuts.
Lucija Tomljenović isnt nuts.

30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids

"As a result of such vaccination policy promoted by the JCVI and the DH, many children have been vaccinated without their parents being disclosed the critical information about demonstrated risks of serious adverse reactions, one that the JCVI appeared to have been fully aware of. It would also appear that, by withholding this information, the JCVI/DH neglected the right of individuals to make an informed consent concerning vaccination"
It's debatable whether people have the right to put the entire population at risk by refusing necessary vaccines, despite the risk.

I agree on some diseases. But there are diesaes where we dont have risk at all or very low yet all population is vaccinated.
Lucija Tomljenović isnt nuts.

if you do a search on her name you definitely get the impression that she isn't a good scientist. also the references you give, natural news, mercola etc aren't scientific sources. so basically you just have woo scientists and woo websites. maybe these threads should go in the conspiracies or cesspool sections.
I agree on some diseases. But there are diesaes where we dont have risk at all or very low yet all population is vaccinated.

The risk is very low because of vaccines. The reason you will never have to worry about polio, for example, is because of widespread vaccination against polio.

In other words, the reason you won't have to worry about polio is because people like Lucija Tomljenović have (fortunately) failed.
The risk is very low because of vaccines. The reason you will never have to worry about polio, for example, is because of widespread vaccination against polio.

In other words, the reason you won't have to worry about polio is because people like Lucija Tomljenović have (fortunately) failed.

says who?

Polio isnt harmful as you think.
says who?

Polio isnt harmful as you think.
"isn't". Present tense. In the past however, polio maimed or killed millions of people. The reason it is virtually eradicated today is because of the vaccine.

Frankly, those anti-vaccine crackpots who have been successful should be tried for murder. This crackpottery kills people. Enemy number 1: Andrew Wakefield:
All adverse reactions to medications are reported by the TGA in Australia and I doubt that is any different in any other country
says who?

Polio isnt harmful as you think.

My first grade teacher was a polio survivor. She could walk - barely.

The reason you can say "polio isn't as harmful as you think" is that you have never seen it. You can thank vaccines for that.
Polio isnt harmful as you think.

i seriously suggest you start sourcing information from more reliable websites if this is the level of your knowledge.

there are diseases that are making a comeback because people aren't vaccinating their children and the reason is that they read similar websites as you.
Polio isnt harmful as you think.
You're out of your mind. I'm 70 so I remember the era before the Salk vaccine. Yes, about 99% of people who got the virus never showed symptoms so they didn't know they had it--but therefore they were carriers. The one percent who had symptoms added up to half a million people worldwide every year. Primarily children, which is why the most common alternate name for the disease was "infantile paralysis."

Even twenty years ago one child came down with polio every day.

In the 1950s I lived in Chicago, the country's second-largest city at that time. Every summer, when outbreaks were more common because people spent more time in groups, the city was in a panic. My parents actually moved us to a small town in Arizona in order to reduce the probability that I might catch it.

In adulthood I had a friend who had survived polio but had a bad limp. He died in his 30's.

There is a polio epidemic in Syria and the nearby regions today. Because of the general breakdown of public services due to the war, about half of new babies are not getting the vaccine. People in the neighboring countries (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.) are in a panic. Their governments regard this as a crisis, especially because of the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees they are hosting. They have all launched major vaccination programs. All the Western countries are supplying staff, supplies and organization as needed. I think even China and Brazil are cooperating.

NOBODY wants a resurgence of polio.

Please stop spreading your lies. It's people like you who are responsible for these crises. If you do it again, as a Moderator I will ban you from SciForums personally.
90% of people exposed to the virus receives only a cold or headache
54 % have no symptoms at all
3 percent gain that is not crippling polio
2 percent gain cripling polio and of these 50 % recover completely
Polio is not equal paralysis
The last case in the United States occurred in 1991(?) , however, children receive five doses of the vaccine to 5th year.

Check any site. WHO or wiki or else for "my lies".
Please stop spreading your lies. It's people like you who are responsible for these crises. If you do it again, as a Moderator I will ban you from SciForums personally.

On this I feel to answer separetly.

Btw, I like participating on this forum a lot. I could be wrong as anyone. Nothing wrong being wrong when you admit it.
But if you have some what you gota do.

But all you do is surpression. And I will quote Carl Sagan:

"Suppression of uncomfortable ideas maybe common in religion or in politics but its not path of knowledge. And theres no place in it in endeavor of science. We do not know beforehand where fundamental insights will arise from. And the history of our study shows clearly that accepted and conventional ideas are often dead wrong and that fundemental insights can arise from the most unexpected sources."

If this site support supression then Im glad I will be banned.
Im calm, patient and lawfull person.
I talk civil, nice, friendly, easy going.

So as I said. Im not affraid of your treats. Neither I was when I was facing gun, macichegun or sniper pointed to me. I dont react good on treats. Do what you need to do. Im doing it all the time and will in future. I didnt break any rule.
If you banned me you just proove that you are not scientists at all. Which is hilarious for Mod on Sciforum.

Point is this site will loose. Different opinions make us rich as collective. Anyway its your call.
90% of people exposed to the virus receives only a cold or headache
54 % have no symptoms at all
3 percent gain that is not crippling polio
2 percent gain cripling polio and of these 50 % recover completely
Polio is not equal paralysis
The last case in the United States occurred in 1991(?) , however, children receive five doses of the vaccine to 5th year.

Check any site. WHO or wiki or else for "my lies".
Purposely omitting facts that you don't like is just as much of a lie as inventing ones that don't exist.
unlike you i actually care about the small % of children that either die or become paralysed by polio. that is why i support the ongoing vaccination program. maybe one day we will eradicate it from the world's population like we have smallpox.

and seeing you banged on about WHO websites they seem to be of similar mind. it isn't suppression of ideas that we don't like that we are doing. it is science, and this is first and foremost a science website, and what you are promulgating with your tripe isn't science.

Since vaccine-related deaths are officially recognized by the federal government but there is NO official classification for vaccine-related deaths in the ICD, two important questions must be asked:

1) Are some deaths that are listed within the 130 infant mortality death categories really deaths that are associated with vaccination?

2) Are some vaccine-related deaths hidden within the death tables?
actually there is only one question here.
what are you implying with this thread?

anyway, deaths happen with vaccinations just like they do with aspirin and head on collisions.
i would guess oxygen inhalation is fatal under the right conditions.
stress has been known to kill.
scared yet?
let's see, what other way can we list . . . ah, penicillin use.
um, eating the wrong part of an otherwise edible plant.
deaths due to vaccinations, actually the stuff used NOT the method of administering, are a known fact.

to state polio was relatively benign is over the top.
polio affected 1/3 of the US people and maimed and crippled millions of US citizens before the wide scale vaccination programs started around 1950 or so with school children.
polio today is virtually unheard of in the US.
smallpox eradication is another example of vaccinations.

i think you might have it wrong.
unlike you i actually care about the small % of children that either die or become paralysed by polio. that is why i support the ongoing vaccination program. maybe one day we will eradicate it from the world's population like we have smallpox.

and seeing you banged on about WHO websites they seem to be of similar mind. it isn't suppression of ideas that we don't like that we are doing. it is science, and this is first and foremost a science website, and what you are promulgating with your tripe isn't science.

Dear Boris,

Im not against vaccination if it have purpose. Im against useless vaccination or vaccination with worse side effect then actual disease against people are vaccinated.
There is well documented corruption in flu vaccines. Im against flu vaccination such as H1N1. Can provide more info.

Since you mention small pox.
People think that immunisation is sign of our advance. Virola is latin word for small pox
Mughal army virolated their army in 18 century. In China even earlier in middle ages.

2 types: Virola minor 1-3% fatal rate mostly in Europe
Virola major 30-40% fatal rate-on this I dont complain.

We dont need science and scientific theories to have vaccination. Vaccination as practice predates overcentury our understanding how exactly works.

However there many diseases against we have vaccines which are harmless. If you dont believe me go check wiki under recovery, prognosis for diseases I will list below.

Hepatis B
50 % of those who become ill have no symptoms.
30 % gets only flu.
20 % get symptoms in hepatitis B (nausea , vomiting , jaundice ), and if you visit the doctor 95 % recover completely
5 percent of those who do not fully recover 75 % have asymptomatic infection . Without symptoms. 25 % get a liver disease or liver cancer .
This is 1.25% of the total number exposed to hepatitis B.
Transmitted by blood , sexual contact , and from mother to child
The vaccine Recombvax has not been explored is it safe for babies but we gives them , contain mercury and aluminum, genetically engineered vaccine , containing 1% GMO yeast , very unstable.

Diphtheria bacterium nobody gets anymore and still we get vaccine against it.
10 % will die but only if they dont get penicillin.

It grows in the ground. It can not survive on oxygen. 89 % recover completly. Medical school told students that it is fatal and there is no recovery. It happens that tetanus occur in persons who are vaccinated.


16 % get pneumonia only 0.02 % of people infected die. You cough so much to break a rib or damaged brain.
Its a widespread and people gets vaccinated all the time.
From 1980 to 1995 recorded 92 deaths . More children die in a pool then of pertussis .
There is chancee of brain damage from vaccine, problems in speech.

Fever , harmless , full recovery , rarely cause that men become sterile.

German measles
Petty rash lasts about three days, 50 people do not know they have it , it only your nose slightly leak.
Vaccines : live virus , stock fetal serum, dead parts of aborted fetuses , artificial sugar . Associated with acute arthritis .

Mercury causes problems with vision , digestion , autism , speech and brain injury. According to Dr. Ayoub symptoms of mercury poisoning are the same symptoms of autism. Kirby and Olmsted have shown that populations that have not been vaccinated have autism. Amish are not vaccinated -3 cases of autism and all three cases have adopted children

Big point here is that Eisentein 2002, Golden 1998, Horowitz 1999.2001 , Miller 1999,Tenpenny 2005 show that vaccines are not responsible for stopping the three diseases ( whooping cough, diphtheria, rubella ) . We were never vaccinated against Scarlet fever ( and disease fell in exactly the same way as diseases for which we were vaccinated ) a vaccine against typhus was used very rarely . All the diseases against which we were vaccinated for are naturally already becoming extinct , probably due to the improvement of sanitary conditions.

Im not virologist and I would like to learn more about it. But neither Bill Gates is but he is acting like one on television.

Also interesting video is below.

BTW, this guy got Nobel Prize. For discovering HIV.

Bunch of scientists say that we dont need GMO and vaccination. That people in third world countries need healthy food and clean water. But there is no profit in providing clear water.