Va. County Biased Against Wiccan, ACLU Suit Says


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A woman who practices a religion rooted in witchcraft is suing county officials for refusing to add her name to a list of clergy invited to open board meetings with a prayer...

County Attorney Steven L. Micas sent Simpson a letter denying her request. He wrote that the invocations "are traditionally made to a divinity that is consistent with the Judeo-Christian tradition. Based upon our review of Wicca, it is neo-pagan and involves polytheistic, pre-Christian deities."

The lawsuit said county supervisors ridiculed Simpson and her faith. An Oct. 5 article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch quoted Supervisor Renny B. Humphrey as saying "I hope she's a good witch like Glinda," the witch in "The Wizard of Oz." Humphrey also said: "There is always Halloween."

The article also quoted Kelley E. Miller, the board chairman, as saying, "It's a mockery. It is not any religion I would subscribe to. (Full text here)
Seems kind of obvious they many people haven't thought
through all the implications of these theocracy issues...

:m: Peace.
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