Utterly disgusted


Has anyone been to this site?
Moderator edit: link removed

I am certainly not saying all Christains are like these guys. Actually, these guys are actually a very tiny minority. A tiny minority with brain defects.

Why did I bring this up then? Because it shocked me, and spooked me quite a bit.
I thought the stuff on this site was illegal. This is an organization which collects, spies, and records the deaths of abortionists.
These guys are insane! People like these actually live in this very world! These people say they are pro-life, yet celebrate when a good doctor dies.
These guys aren't just out to get the actual doctors. They are out to get the senators who don't make abortion illegal. They are out to get POLICE OFFICERS who are doing their duty. They are out to get anyone who supports the abortionists in any way possible.
That is just like attacking the civilians who grow the crops to supply an army. Or the people who slave away in factories.

It's disgusting. Utterly disgusting. I do not know about you, but I complain about this web site. (even though I'm not American.) Maybe I will send them some, err, dislike mail. Then they can add me to their 'trial list'.

Another site which surprised me was ...[removed]
This surprised me too. Especially the amount of bullshit statistic they whipped up about gays. My my. Hateful fanatics using lies to support their hate. Nothing ever changes.
These guys are actually thanking god for AIDS, and the September 11th attacks! Although I'm not American (I'm Australian) I've find this extremely offensive. Americans are one of our closest allies. An attack on them is an attack on us Australians (well, most of us. There are some who don't really support America. But, oh well. Each to his own.)

Moderator note: I don't think we need links to hate sites on this forum. Why give them more traffic? If you're really interested, see the post further down the thread which links to a site listing religious hate sites.
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Im not agreeing with that parcticular group of anti abortionsists methods or philosphies, but dont you think abortion is disgusting? 'Your killing literally innocent people. Im also disgusted with my fellows christians view though. THE bible in no way teaches us to be intolerant to other peoples. The bible just tells us to tel them the right message and let those people decide. JEsus said NEVER to force his word on other people.
Originally posted by edgar
Im also disgusted with my fellows christians view though. THE bible in no way teaches us to be intolerant to other peoples. The bible just tells us to tel them the right message and let those people decide. JEsus said NEVER to force his word on other people.
Yeah, but it's never worked in practice. Christians just can't help but force the Bible violently on people. When there's not any heathen about, they just fight amongst themselves. I'm completely at a loss though about people calling themselves Christians yet being all out to kill.
Im also disgusted with my fellows christians view though. THE bible in no way teaches us to be intolerant to other peoples. The bible just tells us to tel them the right message and let those people decide. JEsus said NEVER to force his word on other people.
edgar, just so you know. My opinion of you has risen from 4/10 to 9/10. Nicely said.

As for abortion being disgusting, I'm not so sure. I believe abortion is all right if not done to late (when the baby becomes distinguishable as a human being). So, any baby over about 4-5 months should not be aborted.

But that's my opinion.

There are some cases where, when the girl couldn't have an abortion, she would kill herself or force a miscarriage. You think abortion is disgusting? Trust me, miscarriage is a lot worse.

But abortion on 9 month old babies? Nope. Not right.
I was looking at this thread earlier, and happened to visit the site you posted. The name Eric Rudolph jumped out at me, mostly because of the $1 million reward for his capture.

Well, he was captured. I saw it on TV a few minutes ago.


It's weird, because I've never heard of him until today, and then he was caught.
Originally posted by Siddhartha
Thou Shalt Not Kill. :(
Correction: The original text says Thou shalt not murder. Murder is very different from killing.

And abortion is sick.
Originally posted by Jerrek
Correction: The original text says Thou shalt not murder. Murder is very different from killing.

And abortion is sick.

That's just your opinion. Abortion is quite a natural phenomenon. Can we not extend it then to a cultural phenomenon?
abortion is sick period. it could have been u.
An appeal to fear. So what if it was me? I certainly wouldn't have any knowledge of being aborted. I would be non-existent.

And abortion is sick.
Miscarriage is sick. Especially when the girl refuses to abort, and her bf hits her in the gut to perform his own home style abortion.

It is sick when girls make a mistake, and have to force a human being out of their chute. It is even worse when the girl is only 17 years old.

A 'thing' which is three months old really isn't a human being. That's my opinion, any way.
Re: mountainhare

Originally posted by firingseeds
abortion is sick period. it could have been u.
7/10 fertilized eggs are aborted NATURALLY. The removal of a gamete is a NATURAL part of biology. There is nothing sick about it, it happens all of the time. The only thing that is sick is people killing a person for removing a clump of tissue they THINK is a child – the same process occurs NATURALY all the time anyway.