Using XBox Kinect to interact with spirits

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Can this new technology actually detect ghosts? It uses infrared sensors, which is the wavelength ghosts are known to manifest in. Here's some examples:

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Never heard of this before. Its probably just a software glitch. If it isn't, what could be going on?
First video.
Is XBox marketing. For Halloween.
You are helping to make this corporate codology viral.
Seems like quite a few people have had gameplay issues with the kinect. Not surprised Xbox would try to capitalize on a glitch.
Can this new technology actually detect ghosts?

It uses infrared sensors, which is the wavelength ghosts are known to manifest in.
So does your cell phone camera.

Activate your camera and point your tv remote at the camera and press a button. You will see a light from the LED through the camera but not when you look at the remote, since you cannot see IR.
It's crazy that supposedly educated people who have access to advanced computer technology, when confronted with a minor glitch, would immediately turn to ghosts as an explanation. And instead of being ashamed of their ignorance, they post it all over the web as a serious hypothesis.
For sure! (grin) NOBODY but MR would try to make something 'ghostly' out of it!!!

I cited only three among the thousands of cases of this happening to Xbox users. So no, I'm not making anything out of it. People are reaching their own conclusions.
Can this new technology actually detect ghosts? It uses infrared sensors.

No because everyone knows that they are from a cool dry dimension and since they are in another dimension they can't be seen in this one also they don't exist.
About Andrew Saar.
on Youtube.

Andrew Saar Industries was created by Andrew Saar in the spring of 2012 originally as a video production label under the name of Black Winter Media. BWM functioned as a publisher and promoter of independent film-makers and videographers.
Then, in early 2014, Andrew Saar increased the scope of the label to include independent musicians. The label did not function as a typical industry-level operation, but more of a community of fresh artists who desire more exposure without having to self-promote.
After a largely unsuccessful campaign to raise awareness of Black Winter Media, Andrew put the project on the shelf in order to focus more on promoting and producing his own music.
On August 23rd, 2014, the decision was made to discontinue the Black Winter Media project and to establish his own creative production firm that will be known as, Andrew Saar Industries.
These figures are also known to intelligently interact with actually present people. You can watch this in the 4th video. So no, it can't be a glitch.