Uri Geller

Is it possible to bend a spoon with your mind?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • no

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters


Knows where his towel is
Registered Senior Member
He's the spoonbending guy.

What do you think about him? Is it possible to bend spoons with the mind?

If you say no, how do you suppose he trick you on a life show?

If you say yes, please tell me how it would be possible.
"I feel the same way about Uri Geller as I do about the royals. Neither bothers me that much, but if you truly want to get rid of the class system, you have to get rid of the royals. Similarly, if you let Geller get away with what he does, it verifies all those psychics who prey on people when what they actually need is professional counselling."

Do you know magicians can take your watch, put it in a hanky, use a sledgehammer to smash it with glass pieces coming out and then....walla...it is in your pocket or inside a water melon....

Those who think it is mind over matter....well of course it is. Without your mind, it does not matter....

but how does he do it??

I remember an interview by my favorite magazine, which is very skeptic, with Uri Geller. The interviewer did write that to warm up, Uri bent the spoon they got with their coffee.

I have seen the magician James Randi who does the same spoon bending trick on camera. He even breaks some of them. If Uri Geller can take a one inch diameter, six inch steel rod and bend it in U shape (afterall his name starts with U!)- then I will say there must be something to it. But spoon? I bend forks all the time while eating crab legs....
I watched a guy on nova do all of uri's tricks and then explian how he did it.

When uri when on the the toniht show Jonny Carson (on the advice of the magician who did the nova thing) switched uri's equipment to stuff that hadn't been tampered with. The guy couldn't do one trick.

All he does is prepare the everything before hand and uses a little slight of hand. i can't remember how he does it but i could ght the Nova thig out of the library again and let you knwo. Very good program.
The idea of human beeings born with super natural powers is not new and always wishful thinking. We are not on the verge of becoming superbeings. We already are... using technology and tools. As we move into nano technology, we will probably doing a lot of interesting stuff that would look magical on the yesterday's technology scale.

Actually animals have a lot of abilities than humans but none have demonstrated PK abilities in a zoo or in jungle....if one animal had even a little PK, then we would know how to copy and enhance it. Aparently nature did not think, it is something that is needed for survival or could not design the organic device to make it happen.

It is upto us to design it using our technology...to...to bend spoons!
Originally posted by A4Ever

but how does he do it??

To paraphrase the old magician's response to this question:

With great skill...

(at least until you figure it out) ;)

just watch the program about him!!!

he has materialistic desires and lives in a grandeouse house
which appears gilted!

if he had the powers he claims surely he would have more humanity in him???

it is easy to trick materialistic people by providing thier biggest want on a string then taking it away quickly!!!

baaaaaaaa goes the sheep that look for a shepard!

ho hum and a la de da
soo many followers and soo many false leaders.

uri is trying to build an empire by the look of his T.V program.
i can only hope i am wrong!

groove on all
Something flashed in my mind. Suppose I can bend spoons and only spoons with my mind. What purpose or value that would have to society except going schools to show the magic tricks for real?
You could make some sort of a projectile weapon that used bent spoons. Or unbend spoons that have already been bent. It is pretty useless, like being able to ride a bike with no hands. Where's it gonna get ya in life?
hey all :)
he he
hey northwind are you a blacksmith?
i would love to be able to do an aprenticeship in blacksmith stuff :)
back to topic :)
if uri was soo powerful surely he would have been assasinated by the C.I.A or thier buddies K.G.B
and thus ... leads me to this...
if there are any real psychics out there they would not be appearing on tv unless they had a death wish!!!
i have seen old tv film from russia which is about 1950 maybe and shows a women who could move things with her mind.
the russians made her perform like a circus animal and worked her to death by the age of about mid to late 30s i think.

which, ... ofcoarse would be a loud warning bell to any who might try and follow in those foot steps!!!

'moo' goes the cow
'ring' goes the bell
a cow can wear a bell,
but can a bell wear a cow?

we mesure value by something that either does not change or gets bigger by its self in time.

so why do we not invest in lakes and oceans?

the trail is cold but still there!!!

groove on all :)
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
if uri was soo powerful surely he would have been assasinated by the C.I.A or thier buddies K.G.B

If he was so powerful, wouldn't he have known they were coming AND been able to do something about it?
yo BatM

good point dude
thing is though that there are just as many time strings as there are possibilities.
just because someone can see into the future it doesnt mean they will get to that point without making /taking a certain set combination of choices.
the only true freedom we have is to make choices inside our own reality.
this leads to many possible situations and is effected by other peoples choices.
so ... the intent may be there but the oppertunity may remain illusive!

i hope that makes more sence cos its oh so difficult to explain in text :D
and in the same breath, so to speak. one could junkster to perport that the more public, the more the martir(? spelling on mar-ta)((hence the reason why israel will try to avoid, at great cost, killing "Yasar Arafat"[and why the U.S.A wll never end the war against terrorism]))
hence the image of a public false prophit, and all is decieved!!!
what a crazzy world!
H.A.R.P.E (? on the E)
is the usa attempt to maybe try to control psychics!
nothing they hate more than a powerful poor person!!!
anywho the prattle ends
i hope your not too confused.
rip out :D