Urgent nationwide review ordered after toddler's brutal death

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
i read this todya and was left feeling totally absolutly disgusted not just with the mother, the father and his brother but also social services how can they let a child down like this, it makes me want to be sick, its no secret that i am no fan of social services for personal reasons, this just amkes me want to hate them even more


The boy, known only as Baby P, was supposed to be on a child protection register after concerns were raised about his unexplained injuries.

But despite being seen by care workers 60 times in the space of eight months, he was repeatedly abused by his mother, her boyfriend and their lodger before he died last August.

His spine was broken "like a hinge" with the level of force usually only suffered by victims of a car crash.

It is thought it was cracked by being forcibly thrown over a bent knee or a bannister possibly several days before he died, but the injury was not seen by a paediatrician who saw him 48 hours before he was found dead. A post-mortem examination showed that one of Baby P's teeth had been knocked out and swallowed, a finger and toe nail had been torn off, he was infected with lice and had bruises and cuts on his face and ears.

Baby P's mother was arrested twice on suspicion of child cruelty but was still allowed to look after her child.

She has already pleaded guilty to causing or allowing her son's death, but her boyfriend - the child's step-father - and the couple's lodger were convicted of the same offence at the Old Bailey yesterday.

All three were cleared of murder because it was not possible to say who wielded the fatal blow.

The case was likened to that of eight-year-old Victoria Climbie who was tortured and murdered by her great-aunt and her boyfriend in 2000.

Both children were under the care of social services in Haringey, north London.

However, none of those involved in the care of Baby P have been sacked, with just three Harringey employees receiving written warnings - two social workers and a lawyer.

Yesterday, Children's Minister Beverley Hughes asked Lord Laming - who held an independent inquiry into the Climbie case - to look into the issue of child protection once again.

There were also calls for a public inquiry into what went wrong.

Ms Hughes said: "This is a very tragic case that makes all of us question how someone could do such a terrible thing to a child and set out to deceive the very people trying to help.

"Safeguarding children is undoubtedly Government's top priority and we expect it to be the top priority for local agencies too.

"To ensure that the reforms that the Government set out following Lord Laming's Inquiry are being implemented systematically, Ed Balls and I have asked Lord Laming to prepare an independent report of progress being made across the country."

Ms Hughes said the Government would also study the serious case review into Baby P to see if further investigation of Haringey social services was warranted.

Lord Laming said he was dismayed that the abuse had gone on unchecked.

"It would be awful wherever it happened, but it seems particularly sad that it has happened in the same area where Victoria experienced this awful cruelty and a terrible death and involved the very same services.

"Of course it is dispiriting."

Dr Peter Carter, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), welcomed the nationwide review.

"The RCN has been calling for government action to improve the dire state of child protection services in many parts of the country.

"It's the child protection postcode lottery that failed Victoria Climbie in 2000 and it's the same postcode lottery that has failed Baby P."

Opposition MPs were united in their condemnation of the Government's child protection policy.

Local Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone said Baby P had fallen through "safety net after safety net".

Shadow children's minister Tim Loughton added: "Despite swathes of legislation following the tragic death of Victoria Climbie, children at risk continue to fall through the net.

"The mechanics of child protection in this country are still not working.

"No amount of child protection legislation is a substitute for properly trained and resourced professionals who spend time with vulnerable children rather than in front of computer screens."

Sharon Shoesmith, chair of Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board, defended the social services and said no one would be sacked.

"Of course everyone in Haringey is absolutely shocked by the details of this case but none of the agencies involved murdered this child.

"The child was killed by members of his own family. The agencies are not responsible for his death.

"The very fact is you cannot stop people who are determined to kill children. I am satisfied that the action that should have been taken was taken."


the social worker said that, the social workers did not help kill the child, in my opinion yes they did, they were suppose to protect the child, has he was on the child protection register, so where are they going wrong?

why are we having social workers failing children, and adults alike?
the social worker said that, the social workers did not help kill the child, in my opinion yes they did, they were suppose to protect the child, has he was on the child protection register, so where are they going wrong?

Well, the social workers can't be in the homes 24/7, so what would you suggest that they do? Should social services assign a live-in worker for every child on the list?

why are we having social workers failing children, and adults alike?

Murders and all kinds of crime happen while cops are on duty. But surely you don't expect cops to follow everyone around all the time to make sure that they don't commit crimes ......do you?

Some people are just plain evil, but look around .....who are those people? And even if you had some SuperPower to detect it in people, if they haven't yet done anything wrong, what can you do except watch them 24/7?

Baron Max
Your post doesnt give the depth of the horror:


The baby's ear was near torn from his head.

I dont know how things work in the UK, but this guy in a US prison would suffer a penalty much more appropriate unless they kept him in solitary.

Jason Owen...The blond sadist was described by police as 'fascinated with pain' and had a history of torturing animals.
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