Uproar over Virgin Mary rape theory

The controversy came as a survey revealed that a quarter of Church of England clergy do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ.
Yeah CHURCH OF ENGLAND!! Nothing to do with Christianity or the birth of Jesus (anyone seen dress To Kill by Eddie Izzard??).
it's certainly more likely than "god" having impregnated her (anymore than "god" impregnated my wife if you know what I'm sayin. :) *giggle* I'm a sick bitch.
Originally posted by Adam

I find your signature picture intriguing. It shows where this statement of yours is coming from. Thats ok. Everyone is entitiled to their own opinion and expression. It shows what's on the inside. That which some try desperately to hide from others, but unwittingly let slip out for all to see. Lets address the issue though. If Jesus was raped by a roman soldier, he would not have been a Nazerene. Jesus was a decendent of the house of David (a jew). All people of that time at least recognized that much of him. Now tell me where the genes of a simple roman soldier fit into that puzzle?


I find your signature picture intriguing. It shows where this statement of yours is coming from. Thats ok. Everyone is entitiled to their own opinion and expression. It shows what's on the inside. That which some try desperately to hide from others, but unwittingly let slip out for all to see.
There was nothing unwitting about me choosing that picture. In a moment you'll see why...

If Jesus was raped by a roman soldier, he would not have been a Nazerene.
I never mentioned Jesus getting raped. Was that some Freudian sip, revealing something about your personality?

Jesus was a decendent of the house of David (a jew). All people of that time at least recognized that much of him. Now tell me where the genes of a simple roman soldier fit into that puzzle?
Um... Earth to Gino... The article mentions the possibility of Mary being raped by a Roman. In which case he would have been descenced from Jews and Romans.
"Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn't wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead."
-Albert Einstein

Let the man speak. If he has evidence then aqcuire reutable evidence before getting angry.
Hey! Apparently it is possible to have a virgin birth. I saw it on a show on the History Channel. I missed how, due to channel surfing, but it is possible. So it could be that she was raped, but virgin birth isn't something mystical, just rare.

virgin birth isn't something mystical, just rare

Can you provide a documented case of a virgin birth - preferably human ?

Aside from the mythical virgin birth of Jesus.
Originally posted by HappyNightmare
Hey! Apparently it is possible to have a virgin birth. I saw it on a show on the History Channel. I missed how, due to channel surfing, but it is possible. So it could be that she was raped, but virgin birth isn't something mystical, just rare.

Yes, possible, but very unlikely. Many biologists believe that it has never happened in the later history of humankind, or in the history of humankind at all.

Plus, Mary would have to have been an androgynus, I think.
Yeah, she needed to be born with both the Y and X cromosome to birth a boy.

Q, I'll start looking, I don't know if it's happened, but I'll find you some proof! Just give me a bit of time, like I said, I missed the beginning. . . .
I don't know exactly how it works, but it is possible. Anyway, how it happens is not the point, the point is that virgin birth is possible.

I'll find you some proof!

Yeah.... sure. I won't be holding my breath. :rolleyes:
I don't know exactly how it works, but it is possible. Anyway, how it happens is not the point, the point is that virgin birth is possible.

Through in vitro fertilization, yes. I don't think they had this 2000 years ago. :rolleyes:
I meant it's possible <b>naturally</b>. It really is, and I won't defend my point further unless one of you brings up scientific proof that it's not.
Wow, sex ed has really gone downhill in American culture.

HappyNightmare, pregnency is the result of a man's sperm fusing with a woman's ovum. The egg undegoes mitosis and develops into a fetus over the course of nine months. When the fetus is fully developed (sometimes before) a hormone called oxytocin (I think -- it's been two years since bio) causes her uterus to contract, expelling the fetus - now a baby.

You can't have fucking children without fucking a man! A virgin, by definition, has never fucked, thus cannot have
children until she does.

/Unsure whether to laugh or cry
Originally posted by HappyNightmare
I meant it's possible <b>naturally</b>. It really is, and I won't defend my point further unless one of you brings up scientific proof that it's not.
There are some species that are capable of self-fertilization, however, humans are not one of them. I already gave you a link regarding the chomosomal hypothesis you propose... it does not pan out. You've also got the argument backwards. It is you who is positing a possible explanation, the onus is upon to to provide proof. I might hypothesize that aliens "beamed" a fetus into Mary's womb but without a scintilla of proof it is worth absolutely nothing. What you have thus far is mere conjecture that goes against the current facts.

?? Virgin rape theory? She wouldn't be a virgin if she were raped...except maybe they somehow made a syringe and artificially inserted sperm or something...*completely confused* *starts clutching head*

AUGHHH!!! Someone's messing with my mind here.