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A very interesting movie, WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?, a new type of film, that tells both science and religion describe the same phenomena... for your interest in science and religion.


The film is made by many scientists. See them at http://www.whatthebleep.com/scientists/

Also see: http://www.ahmedbaki.com/english to reconsider your concept of religion

What the Bleep Do We Know? says that science and spirituality are not different modes of thought, but are in fact describing the same thing. And it brings the power back to the individual man and woman as it demonstrates creation as the god-like capacity of every individual.

What the Bleep Do We Know!? gives voice to the modern day radical souls of science, bringing their genius to millions. These maverick heroes at the cutting edge of their fields are at the forefront of a Paradigm shift even greater than those of the geniuses who preceded them. And this shift involves the greatest uncharted territory yet - Human Consciousness itself.

You're kidding, right?

My girl and I saw it on a whim. (besides, nothing else was playing)

It now holds the honor as the first movie I've ever walked out on.

Stay away from this movie.

If you want to go through the ordeal of this movie, simply take one metal hammer and smash it repeatadly against your skull. (you may or may not want to stand in front of a mirror for the added humor)


This movie was filled to the brim with nothing more than pseudoscience and superstition. Worst of all, they butcher quantum mechanics and try to use that to back up their claims. Basically, it is for left wing spiritual types what the passion of the christ is for the southern united states.

The only part worth seeing is the deaf/somewhat mute lead character yelling at herself in a mirror, "You idiot". Only she sounds like a retard. And then, a few minutes later, she feels the need to draw on herself with magic marker in a bathtub.

If I haven't convinced you enough, read this Salon article:

I repeat one more time. Unless you are a new ager (read: idiot), DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE.
Who made the movie, and for what audience?

This movie will never be distributed in the theaters.

Obviously the movie was made for private screenings. its a movie made to indoctrinate recruits, but recruits for what?

One of the unfortunate things about modern society is that Education is largely vocational -- no effort is given toward imposing a wide cultural inventory of knowledge. Citizens are turned out of the schools knowing really nothing more than how to make profits for the capitalists. After that, they more or less believe what they want to believe, and attend functions which reinforce beliefs that they have already, which they acquired more or less by accident, or proximity to those who exploited their gullibility by design -- atheists as well as whatever cultists you can imagine.

So, I can't see anybody going to see such a movie who already does not believe such whatever it is to start with.

It is like that movie "The Passion"... some people thought it would be the source of a groundswell of conversion. But only christians went to see it, and Mel Gibson avoided any doctrinal specific that could sway any particular sect from one Belief to another. So the movie, for all its sound and fury, ended up a Zero-Sum play.

Anyway, "What the Bleep" probably won't even have any sound and fury. It will be ignored.
top mosker said:
...The only part worth seeing is the deaf/somewhat mute lead character yelling at herself in a mirror, "You idiot". Only she sounds like a retard. And then, a few minutes later, she feels the need to draw on herself with magic marker in a bathtub.

I thought I recognized her... she played the deaf/mute character that was on
West Wing a few years ago, and another TV show before that.

Anyway, if for no other reason, it is good to see that she is still getting work.

..... and I get the impression that movie is actually out in some kind of distribution nationally? Well.... after you review, if it is the typical review... it might not be.

A few years ago there was a movie put out for intellectuals which posed different metephysical and philosophical questions... the movie even took Descarte seriously (I think therefore I am). Wow! What a bomb that movie was. I forget what it was called. But your review reminded me of it... minus the religious references... I think this movie was simply for secular geeks.
Yea, it went to wide distribution. I think it even played at 2 of the three theaters in my town. They got a lot of mone somewhere, I'm assuming.

Secular geeks? nah... I think most are too smart to fall this crap.
From the Filmmakers:

The inspiration for this film came from a number of different directions. And with that many fingers pointing – it could not be ignored. The first finger was the continual convergence of the two great modes of human inquiry – science and spirit. Quantum physics, neurology and molecular biology seem to be saying things that are in agreement with what mystics have been saying for centuries. Furthermore science as a language of the spirit seems to cut across old beliefs and superstitions, and present ideas in a way that encourages people to examine for themselves and make their own decisions.

Another finger was the availability of sophisticated hi-tech movie making at an Indie budget price. The computerization of the film making process has given non-studio productions the ability to make sophisticated effects-rich movies.

And lastly, the middle finger, is raised in response to what is currently out in social consciousness regarding “entertainment”. Cops, robbers, boy meets girl, man kills man, is boring at best and harmful at worse – and we the filmmakers think a lot of people are ready for something different.

Although i haven't seen the film, it seems from the clips i've seen here to be dodgy.
VERY New Age. The women shown look like news anchor women. all TOO coiffured, and phony smiles........New Age is all about 'you create your own reality' shit, and thus BLAme THE OPPRESSED for being too 'negative' etc!

this film seems to be all pie in the sky crap. Bet they dont slag off the status quo in it, huh?
top mosker said:
Oh, you can cross reference the salon article with several other reviews.

Read a few positive reviews first, and contrast them with the negative ones. It's pretty obvious that the positive ones were simply a bit shortsighted and uncritical. (But I suppose that's what money can buy you.)

Well, with a Rottentomato Rating of 27%, it might be better than "Meet the Fockers"... not a single laugh from that entire movie... all the best 'minute' was in the trailers and so I already saw the only thing that was the least bit amusing (the cat flushing the dog).
Sufi said:
From the Filmmakers:

The inspiration for this film came from a number of different directions. And with that many fingers pointing – it could not be ignored. The first finger was the continual convergence of the two great modes of human inquiry – science and spirit. Quantum physics, neurology and molecular biology seem to be saying things that are in agreement with what mystics have been saying for centuries. Furthermore science as a language of the spirit seems to cut across old beliefs and superstitions, and present ideas in a way that encourages people to examine for themselves and make their own decisions.

Another finger was the availability of sophisticated hi-tech movie making at an Indie budget price. The computerization of the film making process has given non-studio productions the ability to make sophisticated effects-rich movies.

And lastly, the middle finger, is raised in response to what is currently out in social consciousness regarding “entertainment”. Cops, robbers, boy meets girl, man kills man, is boring at best and harmful at worse – and we the filmmakers think a lot of people are ready for something different.


A few years ago there was a book out that tried to milk the connection between quantum physics and Spirituality, but it was like an Intellectual shell game... using the vague uncertainty inherent in Quantum Physics to make the vague uncertainty of Spirituality to seem like a good thing in comparison.

Anyway, the book came across as being written by individuals who only got 'B's in their course work. For instance, because Einstein once made a three dimensional chart which included a Time Axis, the quasi-brilliant authors of this books took it as a 'proof' that a dimension of time physically exists. They did not know the difference between 'real' concepts and 'imaginary' concepts... both of which can be charted. So what do you do when you catch a 'smart' book being stupid.... curse the waste of money and see if you can 'two-point' the trash can.

That Movie sounds like the same thing.... 'B' Students trying to wow 'C' students, but only ends up really pizzin off the 'A' students.
duendy said:
Although i haven't seen the film, it seems from the clips i've seen here to be dodgy.
VERY New Age. The women shown look like news anchor women. all TOO coiffured, and phony smiles........New Age is all about 'you create your own reality' shit, and thus BLAme THE OPPRESSED for being too 'negative' etc!

this film seems to be all pie in the sky crap. Bet they dont slag off the status quo in it, huh?

I agree with your analysis of New Age. It amounts to "if you wish hard enough, it will come true". When it doesn't "you did not wish hard enough"...and the most famous "if the $20 Book did not work, then you need to go to the $50 Lecture, and if that doesn't work, you'll want to go to the $300 Weekend Seminar..."

Anyway, one time I went to a New Age Group Thing and somebody asked about dealing with stress, and, seeing an opportunity, I suggested that people often worry too much about what will never happen... that they should evaluate how much time they spend anticipating doom and gloom that simply never occur. They should see their anxious thoughts as just so much meaningless smoke and accept realistically that, like everything else they had ever worried about, the most likely result is that NOTHING, also, will, again, happen. Well, that reassured them and everyone was happy, and I looked all through the crowd to see if anybody had picked up that I had just committed the worst New Age Heresy, that is, to say that Mental Expectations DO NOT create the Reality. But that is what we are dealing with in the New Age Movement -- people who have so little handle on what they believe, that they don't even recognize it when they hear it being contradicted.
Sufi said:
From the Filmmakers:

The inspiration for this film came from a number of different directions. And with that many fingers pointing – it could not be ignored. The first finger was the continual convergence of the two great modes of human inquiry – science and spirit. Quantum physics, neurology and molecular biology seem to be saying things that are in agreement with what mystics have been saying for centuries. Furthermore science as a language of the spirit seems to cut across old beliefs and superstitions, and present ideas in a way that encourages people to examine for themselves and make their own decisions.

Another finger was the availability of sophisticated hi-tech movie making at an Indie budget price. The computerization of the film making process has given non-studio productions the ability to make sophisticated effects-rich movies.

And lastly, the middle finger, is raised in response to what is currently out in social consciousness regarding “entertainment”. Cops, robbers, boy meets girl, man kills man, is boring at best and harmful at worse – and we the filmmakers think a lot of people are ready for something different.


With the exception of movies that are based on Video Games, or which don't pretend to be anything but absurdist comedy, most Movies are in reality kinds of Morality Plays in which positive behaviors and attitudes are reinforced.

In Europe you can't say the same thing. In Europe the critics were able to successfully indoctrinate the Artists into believing that Morality was a false superimposition upon Reality, and that Art needs to be Natural, that is, devoid of moral content. The American's and the British, for once, because they see Morality as an actual component in their Social Behaviors do not agree with the Continental view that morality is not a recognizable component in Life. Anyway, this explains why Europe has no thriving Movie Industry. India, which recognizes Morality, and Asia which recognizes Morality, have Movie Industries which more than pay for themselves. For awhile China was actually exporting.

So, when the "What the Bleep" producers are boasting that their movie is the only morally relevent movie in the universe, they are really overstepping by quite a bit.
Sufi, did you work on this film or something? You aren't discussing this movie, only rehashing advertisements.

Sufi said:
From the Filmmakers:

The inspiration for this film came from a number of different directions.
Several of them starting at the colon of the directors after a nice bran muffin and 3 cups of coffee.

And with that many fingers pointing – it could not be ignored. The first finger was the continual convergence of the two great modes of human inquiry – science and spirit. Quantum physics, neurology and molecular biology seem to be saying things that are in agreement with what mystics have been saying for centuries. Furthermore science as a language of the spirit seems to cut across old beliefs and superstitions, and present ideas in a way that encourages people to examine for themselves and make their own decisions.
Science is what it is because things scientific can be verified using the scientific method. Spirituality is the mumbo jumbo associated with things science has yet to explain fully.

Another finger was the availability of sophisticated hi-tech movie making at an Indie budget price. The computerization of the film making process has given non-studio productions the ability to make sophisticated effects-rich movies.
Did you see the same movie? I think the effects came out of the afforementioned colon. Kind of reminded me of a bad PBS science special from the 80s mixed with science class documentaries. Only there was no science here.

And lastly, the middle finger, is raised in response to what is currently out in social consciousness regarding “entertainment”. Cops, robbers, boy meets girl, man kills man, is boring at best and harmful at worse – and we the filmmakers think a lot of people are ready for something different.
If this is where films are headed, I'm burning down hollywood.

Seriously, unless you want to discuss, defend or debate the movie, this thread is pointless, and actually just an advertisement - breaking the forum rules and poisining our (somewhat at times) intellectual discussions. We have to see enough ads in the real world without having our private spaces invaded by the likes of you.
Once religion can no longer argue against science, it pretends science and religion are one and the same.

It's like: "ah uhh yeah well the planet is actually 4.5 billion years old but uhh well uhh god still did it".

If I was drunk, I'd start the insults and call you all a bunch of mindless fucking drones heading for the cliff ledge. However, I'm not that drunk so I wont.
SnakeLord said:
Once religion can no longer argue against science, it pretends science and religion are one and the same.

No. Religion will always have something that Science doesn't -- the Miraculous and the Supernatural. Religion's involvement with Geology was always simply a sideshow. The Real Business of Religion is Divinity being immanent in the World which it still demonstrates through the Miracles of its Saints.

Now, when Science ever comes on board and acknowledges the Miraculous, THEN you will be able to say Science and Religion are the same thing. But I don't see that happening any time soon, science being far too close-minded.