Unveiling the Truth: German Portrait of Hijab ( Headscarf )


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
The yearlong debate about banning the veil (hijab) in France and Germany reached its peak when French President Jacques Chirac formally proposed, on 17 December 2003, a law banning the display of religious symbols in state institutions in France.

This law bans students and civil servants from wearing Christian crosses, Jewish skullcaps, Islamic headscarves, as well as political party symbols. The disapproval of this law among some fractions of the French population, and the Muslim population in particular, has led to several protests against banning the veil. Interestingly, the debate, which started as one about the veil in Islam, has evolved into a big discussion about Islam itself: as a religion, the Islamic movement in Europe, and the relation between Islam as a religion and fundamentalism.

Changing the Stereotypes

In an attempt to explore the topic further, German Television has taken a positive step to explain this relatively new phenomenon. As a result, Mr. Waltar Dehler, the foreign correspondent of German Television, came to Cairo for almost a month. The main objective being to prepare a program whose aim is to understand the concept of the veil and its different dimensions, thus providing the viewers with an objective, first-hand covering of the topic, and hopefully, changing the stereotypes-in Europe in general and Germany in particular-about veiled women..

Hijab: Better than a Rape Whistle

Yes, you read that correctly. Hijab stops women from being raped. No woman in proper hijab has ever been raped. Skeptical? You shouldn’t be. Here is the secret. If hijab is properly secured and fastened around the woman’s head and neck and if her clothing properly conceals her body and neither her form nor her flesh is visible then the hijab will act as a magic cloak rendering her completely invisible to rapists and molesters. Sadly, due to the incompetence of some women who don the hijab, a few strands of hair hang out or the faint outline of breasts can be seen, and the power of invisibility fails. Not to worry though even user incompetence cannot stop the power of hijab. If the hijab can not work its powers of invisibility, the scarf will leap off of a woman’s head traveling southward faster than a speeding bullet and in a flurry of marvelous activity it will wound itself into an impenetrable locking chastity belt thwarting the violator’s attempted crime. Now you know why the first question asked by so many people upon hearing that a Muslim woman has been raped is “Did she wear hijab?” followed by a series of other questions about exactly how she wore the hijab. These people are not simply ignorant and nosey. They are well meaning researchers seeking to understand why her hijab malfunctioned.
better than mace,
cheaper than guns,
AND environmentally friendly!
i'd like to order 5 hijabs please :D
Anyway, let us stick with the topic, I think all european countries should make some awareness week about Hijab.
Proud_Muslim said:
Anyway, let us stick with the topic, I think all european countries should make some awareness week about Hijab.

I would agree if there is also an awareness week about the theory of evolution or the positive aspects of atheism in all muslim states.
spuriousmonkey said:
what about then a week to raise the awareness of the atheist position in muslim nations?

Good idea spurios. Actually my dad taught Mechanical engineering in many universities in the arab world and he tells me a story that is very similar to clash of the titans situation you and PM are running into.

Everytime my dad entered the lecture hall, he would find a bunch of Quranic verses on the board. He would also find. In the name of god written all over the board. My dad would erase the board clean and start lecturing. This happened for a whole semester. At the end of the semester, and on evaluation day, the students presented my dad with a gift and one of the student got up and said that there is no doubt that my dad is technically super, but they have one complain. My dad asked what is that. They said that they got offended when my dad used to erase the quranic verses from the board, because other teachers didn't do that.

My dad told the guy that if he is to allow him to put quranic scriptures, that he must allow christians to put verse from the bible, and the Atheists to put Darwinism, and the poets to use Shakespeare, ect...then there will be no room for the board to teach engineering that he is hired to teach.

So I think your request for an Atheist week is valid, but if everyone get a week, then there will be no time left to do anything but be aware.
They should know that the Hijab is a religious duty, they cant take it away or ban Muslim women from practicing it freely.
I think anyone should be able to dress or express their individuality any way they want. I don't like words like 'religious duty', but whatever, if the person doing their duty really feels it, then why shouldn't they wear the Hijab?

I'm wondering... are the French planning to ban the wearing of crosses by Catholics, or fish by born agains? Maybe, force Buddhists to grow their hair back?
Proud_Muslim said:
They should know that the Hijab is a religious duty, they cant take it away or ban Muslim women from practicing it freely.

It's a religious duty of the nature worshippers to be naked or covered with few leaves. Do you suggest that France should allow nudity in government building to accomodate their request. Wearing cloth is the biggest sin for a nature worshipper. Also, do you suggest that we hold nudity awareness days in the muslim world to introduce the muslim world to the real reasons to why nudity is not bad, but good for the environment?
Yes, what if your religious duty is against the law? Like the Native American Church that takes peyote as a sacrament? What about the Rastafarians?
PM, can you tell where the Hajib is metioned in the Qu'ran? Its not a challenge, I'm just curious.
tablariddim said:
I think anyone should be able to dress or express their individuality any way they want. I don't like words like 'religious duty', but whatever, if the person doing their duty really feels it, then why shouldn't they wear the Hijab?

I'm wondering... are the French planning to ban the wearing of crosses by Catholics, or fish by born agains? Maybe, force Buddhists to grow their hair back?

Well said, but apparently the French are so scared by this small cloth a muslim woman put on her head... :rolleyes:
Flores said:
It's a religious duty of the nature worshippers to be naked or covered with few leaves. Do you suggest that France should allow nudity in government building to accomodate their request. Wearing cloth is the biggest sin for a nature worshipper. Also, do you suggest that we hold nudity awareness days in the muslim world to introduce the muslim world to the real reasons to why nudity is not bad, but good for the environment?

dont be ridiculous, nature worshippers or whatever their cult is are not organized religion..how many nudits out there in the world ?? few thousands ?? hardly even a cult !! :rolleyes:
spidergoat said:
Yes, what if your religious duty is against the law? Like the Native American Church that takes peyote as a sacrament? What about the Rastafarians?

I dont know the American law nor I know about the native american church or the Rastafarians, so I cant answer.

PM, can you tell where the Hajib is metioned in the Qu'ran? Its not a challenge, I'm just curious.

''O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.” (Quran 7:26)

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59)
Proud_Muslim said:
The yearlong debate about banning the veil (hijab) in France and Germany reached its peak when French President Jacques Chirac formally proposed, on 17 December 2003, a law banning the display of religious symbols in state institutions in France.

This law bans students and civil servants from wearing Christian crosses, Jewish skullcaps, Islamic headscarves, as well as political party symbols.
The funny thing is my grandmother used to wear a headscarf. A lot women in the 1950s did - it was fasionable. As a matter of fact, on a windy day you can still see lots of old women wearing them.