unsolved problems in biotechnology


This is because man in never.
Registered Senior Member
hi guys! cud nebody tell tell me wht the new and unsolved problems of biotechnology are and how they cud b solved?
Very difficult to answer without some more background than you provide. These may help.

PubMed is a digital archive of life sciences literature managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It has a good search engine and is invaluable.

The NCBI home site contains a wealth of links.

An interesting timeline for agricultural biotech (plus the site has several interesting links)

It really would be helpful if you could be more specifiic in your query. Are the above links of any help? Please clarify.
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thx a ton 4 the links, they were helpful and plz note i belong to the female species of Homo sapines....

:D :D
I suspected you might be, and deliberated over using the 'he' word, then decided a female would be accustomed to the incorrect assumption, whereas a male referred to as 'she' would think his masculinity threatened. Ah, well. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
Ophiolite said:
I suspected you might be, and deliberated over using the 'he' word, then decided a female would be accustomed to the incorrect assumption, whereas a male referred to as 'she' would think his masculinity threatened. Ah, well. Anyway, welcome to the forum.

the 4 t welcome! mind givin an intro abt urself?
Whilst they are excellent resources for scientists, simply trawling through PubMed and NCBI is no help for the layman when it comes to simple requests. The third link is much better. :)

I don’t know of any good biotech info sites off-hand. If you want to get an idea of current biotech research areas, a good idea might be to simply glance at the research paper titles from recent journal editions of Nature Biotechnology. You will not be able to access the full text of the papers (without an expensive subscription), but that’s okay because the layman would not want to do this as they are very technical documents. But simply looking through the titles and abstracts will give you an indication of recent biotech breakthroughs.<P>
thx 4 t link, i needed the ans to the q i posted coz i sud present a paper on tht topic a week frm today., as a part of my final yr biotech course and belive me even thou im doin the course, its jus not easy to think of unsolved probs in tht field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ashwini said:
mind givin an intro abt urself?
I am a fifty six year old, self opinionated, occasionally self righteous, quick thinking, slow acting, eccentric, balding Scotsman with one wife, two adults (they are no longer children) and minimal brain damage from two minor strokes. I have worked as a fairground barker, lifeguard, mudlogger, geologist, programmer, software development manager, instructor, salesman,general manager, consultant, production director, product engineer, knowledge manager, and am currently training manager for an oilfield service company.
You did ask.. :)
i cant believe u had the patience to type it all out!
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www.HowStuffWorks.com is actually very thorough in their health/science articles. They explain holes and conflicts very well, I would advise reading some of their articles of things that you are interested in. Their Biology isn't very vast, but they do explain most things on a College course level.
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It is easy to think of biotechnology problems that are unsolved, because most are unsolved.
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spuriousmonkey said:
It is easy to think of biotechnology problems that are unsolved, because most are unsolved.

agree with u that most are unsolved...but its tuf to actually write a paper on them!
Ashwin, welcome to sci forums. Im sure you'll find more than enough information on this site if you ask the right questions. Unfortunetly I have to agree with Ophiolite, you might not get to far if you don't type a little neater...
Votorx said:
Ashwin, welcome to sci forums. Im sure you'll find more than enough information on this site if you ask the right questions. Unfortunetly I have to agree with Ophiolite, you might not get to far if you don't type a little neater...
okies, will type it out better! btw its ashwini... :D
hey you seem to have cleared the first phase of TIFR examination. R U? :confused: If yes, Me the same. I'm also confused with selecting the topic.
Devkapadia143 said:
hey you seem to have cleared the first phase of TIFR examination. R U? :confused: If yes, Me the same. I'm also confused with selecting the topic.

yes yes very much so!and the deadline is only 16days away..