Unseparated Oneness Of ALLAH


Registered Senior Member
You will be more amazed when you read the following lines about the limitless and unseparated ONENESS of Allah, written by the very famous and honorable Islamic scholar (alim) and Gnostic (arif), Mutasawwuf (Sufi) Imam Ghazali many centuries ago and see how Islam is misinterpreted especially in our day.

He explained the matter of the Oneness of Existence in his book entitled Mishkat ul Anwar (The Niche for Lights) as follows:

“ . . . It is from this starting-point that Allah’s Gnostics (arifun) rise from metaphors to realities (haqiqat), as one climbs from the lowlands to the mountains; and at the end of one’s Ascent (Miraj) one sees, as with the direct sight of an eye-witness, that there is nothing in existence save Allah alone!..

Thus, the origin is “Allah”, who is Ahad, and there is no companion to Hu! Therefore, all other lights are borrowed from Hu. Hu’s alone is the real light (nuur); everything that exists has arisen from Hu’s light. Furthermore, all is Hu!

Truly, it is Hu that is. None but Hu has existence. No other exists at all, save by metaphor (majaz), and therefore there is no light apart from Hu. All other lights are mere metaphors . . .

Therefore, the declaration of Unity (tawhid) of the Distinguished states that “there is none, only Hu”. This comprehensive, exact, and apt declaration gives those who declare it entrance into the pure and absolute state of Oneness and Onliness.

This kingdom of the One-and-Onliness (fardaniyyat) is the ultimate point of mortals’ Ascension (Miraj). There is no ascending stage beyond it, for “ascending” (uruj) involves plurality, being a sort of relativity (izafat) involving two stages, an ascent from and an ascent to.

But when Plurality (qasrat) has been eliminated, Oneness is established, relation is effaced, all indication from “here” to “there” falls away, and there remains neither height nor depth, nor anyone to fare up or down. The upward Progress, the Ascent of the soul, then becomes impossible, for there is no height beyond the Ultimate Highest (A'la), no plurality alongside of the Oneness (wahdat).

Once plurality has been eliminated, there can be no ascent (uruj) for the soul.

This knowledge is accepted by him who knows it, and denied by him who is ignorant of it.

It belongs to that knowledge which is obscure, and which no one knows of save those who are learned (arif) in Allah.

If, therefore, they utter it, it is denied by those who are ignorant of Allah, or who are ignorant of [and arrogant against] Allah.”

--More available for free at www.ahmedbaki.com
This knowledge is accepted by him who knows it, and denied by him who is ignorant of it

As is indeed all the ways of the sufi! The Niche for Lights you refer to is so highly developed in its literature that, no-one, except those who walked there, know what you're talking about. This is because it is an extension of personal experience, thus cannot be conveyed in words. If one was ready to 'understand' this material, would they need be told the Oneness of Allah?
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Oh man, there you go again!

You really should get yourself a girl and experience "Oneness" with her a couple times. That should somewhat alleviate your obsessions.