I find myself focusing on both. I am a sort of material and spiritual renegade - believing in both avenues simultaneously. In a prayer meeting last week, the term "Quantum Jesus" crossed my mind. This may be the final frontier that we are headed-for - and it is possible that spirituality and science are actually on separate, but converging paths.
quantum jesus? quantum buddha? quantum allah? quantum devil? lol.
you mean scientists are trying to figure out the universe and world we live in?? do they know it all? no, that is true. is there a lot that occurs which can't all be explained by science? yes, it seems so because life is very complicated.
i think the largest barrier between science and 'spirituality' is the fact we live in a physical world. science requires hard physical evidence mostly.
take for instance, the feeling of love or the issue of the idea of 'souls'. science has a hard time taking that seriously because there is no proof.
we can say that the feeling of 'love' among other experiences or states is a biochemical reaction but even if it is, that 'state' could be a form just as our physical bodies are a temporary construct and we acknowledge it's existence, perhaps the 'soul' is also a temporary contruct of our being that is ever changing or evolving depending on our experiences just as our physical bodies regenerate cell by cell, though our construct remains until our final death.
these are just examples of the limits of what science can prove or disprove right now. this is why there is a barrier at this present time.
another issue is that literalists tend to see the world only in limited physical scope as being cause and effect when there is much more going on underneath the surface of interactions with other living beings besides just the physical world. what someone thinks and feels will affect another and it creates a domino effect in the world. we all affect eachother in one way or another and it's not just a matter of 'cause and effect' being only a physical manipulation such as literally moving one object from one location to another.
there is so much subtle and overt that effects our lives and the world at large, for good or ill. we also create on many different levels, not just reacting and others react to what we create on a mental, emotional and physical level. 'spirituality' usually is an overall encompassing term to mean mental and emotional combined with either intent or passively.