Universe "waking up" and ontotechnology

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According to Ray Kurzweil, human intelligence (both biological and non-biological) will saturate the universe and cause it to "wake up" sometime within a few centuries. Some have also speculated that exponential technological progress could lead to the development of sub-Planckian "ontotechnology" which can bypass or even change the laws of physics.

Do you think that there are fundamental limits on technological growth? Do you think that any limits that we see are just the result of our limited intelligence? I mean, after all, once upon a time, we thought it was impossible to go into space.
The limit is energy, which relates to the economy. We may not be able to afford the technological wonders envisioned by technophiles of the past.
The limit is energy, which relates to the economy. We may not be able to afford the technological wonders envisioned by technophiles of the past.

Assume that money is no issue. In theory, couldn't an advanced enough civilization create energy from scratch? In other words, couldn't our naive notion that energy can't be created (or destroyed) just a product of not thinking big enough?
We are on the verge of learning to "wake up". Everyone has so called quantum neurons in their brain...that can hold and interact with the future complexities, but it may take a few more generations to wake up perhaps after we are saturated with information overload.

As long as Monkey gets its basic needs met, there is no reason for the monkey to evolve towards a Man even though the Monkey (Simians) has say 96% of the DNA to do the job.. There has to be a forced reason to evolve. We are not there yet.
Another limit may be the end of humanity. Technology could prove to be self-destructive. I find the idea that humanity is responsible enough not to drive into catastrophe naive; we're already doing it.

Moreover, where's the proof that science will always lead to progress. That seems to be a meme among our civilization; that its made to advance.. we have, in a strict conventional sense, done it so far, but it's also spawned some pretty dreary stuff in the form of environmental and lifestyle problems that science/technology itself may not be able to pull us out of.
When humans try to solve issues related to the needs of the human specis, we call that science and Technology. Whether you progress or regress depends on freedom or oppression. Under freedom, you progress as long as there is a need. You develop or buy mp3 files if you have too many Vinyl records and it is too cumbersome to shuffle play. Now that is a need! :D
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