Universe Evolution: How Universes born and die


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
This continues from my other thread:"The Big Universe Idea"

How Universes are born

Two basic ways:

1) Black Holes--->Gravastars-->Universe
A Black Hole is formed inside an Universe. It has a Singularity and an Event Horizon with complete Vacuum between them.
The hightly warped space-time create high-frequency gravity waves. (No evidences yet... getting them... :D)
Then, one thing can happen. The singularity can be disturbed by the gravity waves from the 5th dimension (and beyond) and form a gravastar (a new born Universe inside another). Then, the Universe gets old and brake its Event Horizon and release the Gravastar which forms a new Universe.

2)Black Holes-->Singularity-->Universe
When an old Universe release Black Holes in the Big Universe, two things can happen:
2.1) The Black Hole can lose its Event Horizon and the released singularity can be heated and stimulated creating a new Universe.
2.2) Two Black Holes can lose their Event Horizons releasing their singularities and their singularities can collide and form two or even three Universes. (Brane Theory, using singularities...)

How Universes die

There are two possibilities. The second one needs research... :D

1) Event Horizon Collapses
First, the form of the Universe is a sphere (as in a buble...). After the stimulated singularity expands in spiral towards every direction, it forms a Gravastar type of Event Horizon (For those who didn't read about Gravastars... the Event Horizon of them is different from a Black Hole).
The infinetly warped space-time start to unfold in all directions gradually creating a more and more flattered space-time. After about 30 billion years, the Universe is mostly composed by Black Holes and some Gravastars and it's very cold. The expansion force exceeds a limit in the relation to the gravitational force that prevents the Universe to collapse. The limit is passed and the Event Horizon collapses releasing all Black Holes and Gravastars in the Big Universe (they were in the bubble, now they are in the pool... :D) and starting all the process again.

2) Fagocosmosis
This is a very bizarre possibility. The Universe can expand until a limit and literally turn inside out (expanding toward its center) recreating the singularity and beginning everything again. It's similar to the Big Crunch. The difference is that Fagocosmosis is an eternal expansion while Big Crunch has a regretion.

Those ideas explains many Religious and Philosophical ideas using Scientific Theories.

The main idea is to explain the purpose of Black Holes and Gravastars and to give an insight about how the Universe works.

Religious Ideas used:

Philosophical Ideas used:

Scientific Theories used:
Black Hole
Big Bang
Big Crunch
Brane Theory
Multiverse Theory

PS: Please note I post it in Pseudoscience. Just speculating... Give me constructive ideas instead of trying to prove me wrong...

Hey Cris! It seems that we have similar ideas... :)

I can imagine the math to show this but I think we lack sufficient evidence of black hole dynamics to source the math.

So could I. It's the very first time I see you lacking EVIDENCE eventhough you know that it's right!!

See...? Even you have this kind of difficulty... ;)
We are not that advanced and to complete the difficulty, we are not professional scientists (at least me...) to make experiments to get the evidence, in this case, black hole dynamics. :)

So... which shape do you think the Universes have?
