United States of Obesity


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member

In 2005, among the total U.S. adult population surveyed, 60.5% were overweight, 23.9% were obese, and 3.0% were extremely obese.

Obesity prevalence was 24.2% among men and 23.5% among women and ranged from 17.7% among adults aged 18-29 years to 29.5% among adults aged 50-59 years ( Table ).

Overall, age-adjusted obesity rates were 15.6%, 19.8%, and 23.7% for the 1995, 2000, and 2005 surveys, respectively.

Ref:HM Blanck, PhD, WH Dietz, MD, PhD, DA Galuska, PhD, C Gillespie, MS, R Hamre, MPH, L Kettel Khan, PhD, MK Serdula, MD, Div of Nutrition and Physical Activity; ES Ford, MD, WS Garvin, AH Mokdad, PhD, Div of Adult and Community Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; D Densmore, PhD, EIS Officer, CDC.
I'm curious, Sam, since some of your last few posts have called for banning certain things, are you suggesting that the USA ban eating?? :)

But just so you know, I think all those fat bastards are gross and sickening!!

Baron Max
I'm curious, Sam, since some of your last few posts have called for banning certain things, are you suggesting that the USA ban eating?? :)

But just so you know, I think all those fat bastards are gross and sickening!!

Baron Max

I'm personally against bans of any sort, that is like saying everyone is too stupid to decide for themselves.

However, a little push in the right direction now and then doesn't hurt, does it?;)
I'm personally against bans of any sort, that is like saying everyone is too stupid to decide for themselves.

However, a little push in the right direction now and then doesn't hurt, does it?;)

Depends on the "push", don't it?

People are constantly calling for education, yet I can't believe that all those fat people don't know that they're fat ....AND the reasons for it! It's sorta' like how we call for educating criminals ...as if the criminals don't know right from wrong!

Baron Max

The disproportionate prevalence of obesity among minorities has also been a significant challenge for women's health in the U.S. In 2000, the National Health Interview Survey showed the highest prevalence of obesity in Black women at a rate of 35.8 percent; Black women were nearly twice as likely as White women to be obese. One quarter of Hispanic women were obese. In all populations, obesity is linked to chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
I think all minority races should be given disability allowance due to their apparent genetic predisposition for disease.

What do you think?
American obesity will be gone in less than a decade - after the dollar crashes and gas costs > $100/ gallon, so there are better things to worry about now.

PS. At least GWB accomplished one good thing for US.
Billy T,
American obesity will be gone in less than a decade - after the dollar crashes and gas costs > $100/ gallon, so there are better things to worry about now.
Naw, I'm not worried. You said Brazil could furnish us with plenty of cheap moonshine. We'll burn it in our modified cars, or drink it to drown our worries. Moonshine is high in calories, so we'll stay fat n' sassy.
American obesity will be gone in less than a decade - after the dollar crashes and gas costs > $100/ gallon, so there are better things to worry about now.

PS. At least GWB accomplished one good thing for US.
It is the "poor" in America that are the obese.
Sam.. how did they calculate what overweight is? BMI? Of Bodyfat percentage? Because BMI is shit for telling us anything. Muscular people tend to have high BMIs but low BF. Are they overweight?
Sam.. how did they calculate what overweight is? BMI? Of Bodyfat percentage? Because BMI is shit for telling us anything. Muscular people tend to have high BMIs but low BF. Are they overweight?

Do you believe that people with a BMI of over 30 are seriously all muscle builders?:)
Sam.. how did they calculate what overweight is? BMI? Of Bodyfat percentage? Because BMI is shit for telling us anything. Muscular people tend to have high BMIs but low BF. Are they overweight?

I think if anyone needs some special bullshit scales and methods to determine whether someone is obese or grossly overweight, then they're only fooling themselves and are likely to be obese or grossly overweight themselves!

If one can't look at a person and know that they're obese or overweight, then there ain't no help for that person!

Baron Max
Because BMI is shit for telling us anything. Muscular people tend to have high BMIs but low BF. Are they overweight?

BMI is not a guide for body builders though is it? A 6'5" 260lb body builder that is technically 'obese' is far more savvy about diet and exercise than a 5'6" 200lb couch potato!

Stop making excuses for fat people!