Unintelligent Design

/thread. Giraffes neck is for reaching tall branches. Were a big puzzle, human leg + giraffe neck = nature!
There are no examples of intelligent design, so I'm not sure what you're asking.

lol. In another thread I made a guy used the example of spider silk. :shrug:

There was a thread like this on here before. I don't know where exactly it is. There was lists of things that don't make sense if you are an intelligent designer. Such as parasites, putting a theme park and a sewer together, 2% creation success rate etc.
How about the 99% of all known species being extinct?
The Panda's "thumb"? Pandas evolved a structure that isn't a true thumb, but was made from a bone in the wrist that moved around. It helps them hold onto bamboo, but you would think if pandas really needed it, an intelligent designer would have given them a real thumb.
How about the fact that we eat and breathe through the same hole? Meaning that many people choke to death while eating.
How about putting our excretory orifices on our genitals? It's unsanitary and causes urinary tract infections.
What about our relatively fragile necks? They break too easily.
How about our backs? They aren't designed for upright walking, which is why people get back aches. I don't think quadrupeds have many back problems.
How about designing the female vagina so that women often die in childbirth (historically)?
How about the fact that throughout history, most people died in infancy? Which means that of all the people that ever lived, the majority of them died soon after they were born?
Then there are genetic conditions like schizophrenia (I personally think God likes that one), bi-polar, anti-social personality disorder, and a variety of physical ailments including one condition where your skin falls off when touched.
How about the 99% of all known species being extinct?
The Panda's "thumb"? Pandas evolved a structure that isn't a true thumb, but was made from a bone in the wrist that moved around. It helps them hold onto bamboo, but you would think if pandas really needed it, an intelligent designer would have given them a real thumb.
How about the fact that we eat and breathe through the same hole? Meaning that many people choke to death while eating.
How about putting our excretory orifices on our genitals? It's unsanitary and causes urinary tract infections.
What about our relatively fragile necks? They break too easily.
How about our backs? They aren't designed for upright walking, which is why people get back aches. I don't think quadrupeds have many back problems.
How about designing the female vagina so that women often die in childbirth (historically)?
How about the fact that throughout history, most people died in infancy? Which means that of all the people that ever lived, the majority of them died soon after they were born?
Then there are genetic conditions like schizophrenia (I personally think God likes that one), bi-polar, anti-social personality disorder, and a variety of physical ailments including one condition where your skin falls off when touched.

Good points. Thank you much.
Oh, I see now. Well, we have certain nerves in our body that do not take intuitive routes to their destination, like our recurrent laryngeal nerve. That takes perhaps the most circuitous route of any in the human body. No designer would have done it that way.
How about the 99% of all known species being extinct?
The Panda's "thumb"? Pandas evolved a structure that isn't a true thumb, but was made from a bone in the wrist that moved around. It helps them hold onto bamboo, but you would think if pandas really needed it, an intelligent designer would have given them a real thumb.
How about the fact that we eat and breathe through the same hole? Meaning that many people choke to death while eating.
How about putting our excretory orifices on our genitals? It's unsanitary and causes urinary tract infections.
What about our relatively fragile necks? They break too easily.
How about our backs? They aren't designed for upright walking, which is why people get back aches. I don't think quadrupeds have many back problems.
How about designing the female vagina so that women often die in childbirth (historically)?
How about the fact that throughout history, most people died in infancy? Which means that of all the people that ever lived, the majority of them died soon after they were born?
Then there are genetic conditions like schizophrenia (I personally think God likes that one), bi-polar, anti-social personality disorder, and a variety of physical ailments including one condition where your skin falls off when touched.

So, why would God create like this, with imperfections to allow one to die? Maybe even die because he's just stupid? Maybe he's testing us.
Cosmic Non-Fingerprints

So far, we have seen that
There is no fingerprint of God anywhere;
Plus, theists have not shown that
There is any fingerprint whatsoever,
Nor even that any ‘could be’.

It really doesn’t go anywhere for someone
To just hope that there might be a fingerprint
Or that there will be one.

Where is it then?

Hopes and predictions are not facts.

No moon God; no Mt. Olympus Gods;
No sun God; and now no universe God.

This is not terrible;
It’s just that we search for the truth.

Truth is what can ultimately help
The human race, not myth.
The thing, though, about the theists saying
There should be fingerprints of evidence all over,
Completely verifies the approach
Of the disproof of God that finds none.

Note that only one fingerprint would show God;
One measly one, that’s all, but, still, there are none!

It is really that humanity is fine-tuned
To the earth and its part of the universe, for
Evolution by natural selection has shown us that.

The IDers of the past have been confined
To looking for gaps, but now the gaps close,
And squeeze them out of their last refuge.

Behe, for example,
Just put out the same content
In a new book,
Stuff was already discredited
In his previous book,
He not even including
The new facts thereafter.

For one glorious mishap of his a while back,
Google Dover, Creationism, court trial.

In dealing with God, there can be nothing visual,
But the whole is still wished for in the mind,
As should be the implicated details,
But only if we allow them to have a place,
For it is easy to neglect those.

Some might just remain
At a level of “all is one”,
Forever placing themselves
Far away from any detail,
Even to the point of not
Being able to consider them.

Furthermore, the mind,
In the case of the imagination
Of the idea of God,
Contains no real and actual details
To guide it for any armchair analysis,
Yet, more layers are even layered on.

To be complete in examining a concept,
The brain must be able to think
Both scientifically and holistically,
Although these views
May not present themselves
At the exact same time;
One needs to juggle them, perhaps,
If the holistic is dominating;
But, just remember that one
Os already one step lost
When one even begins
To imagine invisible things.

The problem with all Designer arguments
Is their failure to account for the nature
And prior existence of the Designer.

Under what set of physical laws did God operate
Before He made the universe,
And where did those laws come from?

We are left in the same Ark as before,
And so we cannot just have the right brain
Exempt God from these real concerns.

If He was Intelligent to enough to engage
In large-scale cosmic engineering,
By what means did He evolve that intelligence’
Except, that he’s supposed to be fundamental?

How did He know that the system of natural laws
He chose before the Big Bang would inevitably lead
To thinking creatures like ourselves?

And why did it take so long
If the answer is that He is all powerful?

And if He existed before time,
Then how did he act and plan and make ready
For the genesis that was His implementation?
It would even take time to invent ‘time’.

One cannot just have a great system of mind
Being responsible, without allowing that all systems
Must have components beneath,
For their operations
Of thinking, feeling, planning, designing, and doing.
Life from intelligence theory

…endowed with intelligence
that had to come from somewhere.

The proposition:
life requires intelligence behind it.

What a fine mess this theory
has gotten us into:
It has that no further intelligence
was required for a really big life to be (God’s),
but that the way lesser case
of life on earth fully requires it;
thus, the theory fails right off the bat.
Flunk. Back to the drawing board. Not QED.

How about the retina in all terrestrial species with camera eyes that is in front of the rods and cones and the blood vessels are in front of that. Any small leak(such as diabetics suffer)causes blindness in that eye. In other words our retinas are backwards from the way any competent designer would make them. We know that the eye would work better if the blood vessels were behind the cones and rods and if the C&R faced forward because that is how the camera eyes in Octopi are constructed and their eyes are much more sensitive than ours, they can even see light polarization. And the small leaks of glaucoma would not cause blindness or be anything other than a small problem.
