Unified Theory Conspiracy...


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Now has about the Conspiracy to cover up the Unified Field Theory (i.e. Boscovich's theory).

Stamp with Boscovich on it ; bank note with Boscovich on it; Moon Crater named after Boscovich.

(See also Roger Anderton's web site www.einsteinconspiracy.co.uk)

Ahead his time: What is a religion? In our site:
Lithuanian page about Roger Boscovich:

The anti- UFO Belief espoused by the Mainstream Science Community is a Religion.

Just on border of the city of Zagreb (Yugoslavia) a modern glass and concrete building is named Boscovich Institute. There is being performed a research in physics and chemistry. In a garden there is a bronze statue, by famous sculptor Mestrovic, of a figure wearing priest's robes and deep in thought with his elbow
on a globe. The inscription reads 'Rugjer Josip Boskovic 1711 - 87.'

But only a few of the older school of physics remember having heard of Boscovichian atoms. As noted per David Deutsch - Theoretical physicists ignore their History. Yet, 60 years ago, and for 150 years before that, Boscovich had been widely known as a natural philosopher and astronomer.

"Boscovich's theory was 200 years ahead of its time and could not be properly appreciated until modern ideas on relativity and quantum theory had replaced the billiard - balls and elastic jellies of the last century." - we can read in 'New Scientist 6 March 1958'.

The Greatest Theoretical Physicist was Roger Boscovich. He was 18th centuryJesuit who proposed an Unified Field. He was Helmholtz and Kelvin. Boscovich is the missing link between Newton's ideas and Einstein's ideas. Without him the physics community present the fiction that Einstein's ideas come forth with no precedent. It is quite a mysterious gap that Academia hardly ever mentions him. The real lineage of tradition could be: Newton - Boscovich - Einstein - Tesla.

"Boskovic, Rudjer J ( 1711 - 1787) ... perhaps last polymath to figure in an important way in the history of science, and his career was in consequence something of an anachronism... He was disappointed by the negative attitude that a number of Jesuit philosophers - Peripatetics he thought them to be - adopted toward his own system of natural philosophy..", Dictionary of Scientific Biography vol II, 1970

"The omniverse / multiverse goes back to Boscovich and earlier". New Scientist 24 May 1997

Book of Boscovich 'Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis' (1758) developed a theory of matter as consisting of many dimensionless points, with the mutual attraction of any pair of points being some general function of the distance between them,
represented by an oscillatory curve. He considered an oscillary curve of such a form that 'there can, so to speak, arise from them any number of universes, each of them being similar to the other, or dissimilar .. and this too in such a way that no one of them has any communication with any other.. and such that all the
universe of smaller dimensions taken together would act merely as a single point compared with the next greater universe, which would consist of little point- masses, so to speak, of the same kind compared with itself.' Boscovich's book has directly influenced many later scientists, and it continues to be much admired. His many scientific achievements include the first proposal for a scientific theory of parallel universes."

Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe p 380 while talking about Superstring theory says: "The mathematical formalism describing string theory begins with equations that describe the motion of a tiny, infinitely thin piece of classical thread - equations that, to a large extent, Newton could have written down some three
hundred years ago. These equations are then quantised."

String theory could have been discovered if someone had foresight, three hundred years ago. Boscovich was that man. So, a theory more than two hundred years old and being like Modern Superstring theory is not too unreasonable. But it is not quite the same as the modern version, because as Greene says what happens for the modern version is that 'these equations are then quantised.' I say the quantisation is wrong, as per Einstein's claim. And Einstein was never disproved in this, merely "debunked."

Popular science history dismisses Boscovich as 'anachronism' his theory was too advanced for the 18th century, and a 200 year old theory more advanced than modern physics is not something that Theorists are able to put their mind - sets around, thus 'blind spot.'

A theory was developed that life did not evolve on earth and came to earth from space, possibly seeded from comet debris. Then life is abundant throughout the universe and is not unique to Earth. Boscovich's theory tells us that interstellar space travel is easy for a sufficiently technologically advanced civilization. Add these two theories together and you have: ET visits are extremely likely.

There are a lot of scientists that are religious, some try to get science to agree with their religion, others are supposed to do science without letting their religious beliefs influence their work. My contention is that they are 'all' influencing their science work from their 'religious beliefs'. 'They' want science to agree with their religious beliefs. And their religion is to turn a 'blind spot' to the answer to UFOs. Hence the reason why things like Boscovich
get rubbed out from their version of History. 'They' are blind to evidence that contradicts their religious belief, and try to rework what 'they' have as science to fit their religion.

The efforts of Einstein in 1919 fitted within a unified theory of physics, which many physicists were working from, based upon extending Newtonian theory along the lines of Roger Boscovich. After the Quantum revolution, there was no longer a
unified theory of physics taught, and Boscovich was written out of the popular version of Establishment physics.

No experiment was ever done that disproved Boscovich's unified theory. The theory was valid up into the 1920, but was replaced by what has become Modern Physics Theory. Conclusion: Modern Physics Theory is a Religion, in the same way that we have religions in all other areas of science masquerading as science.

a very interesting article, Banshee.
Although I wouldn't agree with the end conclusion;)
why?....... I'm too relaxed now to do a detailed analysis, but!, religion is a belief in a higher being. There is no higher being in any of these theories.

/higher being as god not some ET's/

But, my dear Avater, did you not know that god was/is an extraterrestrial..?:p
I know that Banshee, I was refering to the nowaday concept of god and religion.
you know we share simmilar views about the visits in our ancient history.
:)I am sorry. I think I have an after shock from the full Moon. ;)

A real weird mood I have...:bugeye: