Unified Field Force: Aether, Complete Casimir Force, Complete Coulomb Force...


Registered Member
Good Evening everyone!

Some months ago I developed the paper "The secret of the Electron-Positron pair" which reveals the existence of Aether and ultimately the Unified Field Force. My work is based on the following assumption:

Web Site: ioannisxydous.gr (Google it or check my profile!!!)

The speed of light below the distance equal to the Compton's wavelength for a present particle is reduced, opposing the second postulation of Einstein (Einstein is correct above the distance equal to the Compton's wavelength for a present particle)

The reduction of the light speed below the distance 2.12E-12m for a stationary Electron, revealed the existence of a massless Vortex (cannot be measured in our real world directly) which is the condensed Aether trapped inside the mass of the Electron.

This massless stationary Vortex has a Tangential Velocity equal to 3.48E5 m/sec (Aether's Tangential Velocity).

As you will read on my work on the chapter General Theory of Aether, there it is revealed the connection of the Planck constant with the Aether as also the connection of the Charge with the Aether.

Every created matter in the Universe is born spinning with the Tangential Velocity equal to 3.48E5 m/sec (Aether's Tangential Velocity). Spinning created mass points to the existence of Charge (Neutrinos have imaginary Charge).

The above findings revealed a New Physics:

1.Variable speed of light with distance from a stationary charge (opposing the second postulation of Einstein)
2.Complete Coulomb Force (where the known Coulomb Force below the 1E-12m fails)
3.Nuclear Strong Force between two protons with exact Force and Energy diagrams
4.Complete Casimir Force
5.Properties of the Universe (Age, deceleration (opposing to what is today believed), dimensions, Temperature)
6.Quantization of length, time, frequency, mass
7.Disproving the Planck Units and introduction of their new values
8.Primordial Black Hole Mass exact calculation
9.Dirac's Magnetic Monopole (Rotating potential due to the Aether presence)
10.Three easy Aether's Detection Experiments without to use Laser beams. The first one does not even need a set up, but just on line Earth's Magnetic Field data
11.The connection between the Aether and Neutrinos
12.Exact calculation of the imaginary mass of all Neutrinos and the prediction of a fourth Neutrino (Proton Neutrino). Neutrinos are massless (as seen from our material world (real)) longitudinal half waves which are able to surpass the light speed only inside a Field. When they exit from a Field they travel with the minimum velocity equal to the speed of light. This discovery explains the change of flavour in Neutrino properties
13.Complete Magnetic Force (using the discovery of the Magnetic Monopoles)
14.Unified Field Force: Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Nuclear and Weak Forces are described by a single Formula
15.Metaphysical implications: Aether's connection with the Psyche (Soul)

I will look forward for your comments!

Best Wishes

Ioannis Xydous (Go to Google and write my name. The web site will come first in the search list.)

Web Site: ioannisxydous.gr (Google it or check my profile!!!)

Electronic Engineer

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Word salad is prettier when you mix different colored veggies.
I will look forward for your comments (Do not reply on the above before you read my work since it will not make sense.) and I would be grateful if you could forward my work to an open minded Physicist, just to receive comments from the Scientific community too!

"Do not reply on the above before you read my work since it will not make sense."

Not likely to happen!

I had to remove the color, which was applied in an abusive manner, just to get through the post. Wouldn't even risk exposure to more of the same. IOW why would you even go to that kind of trouble? Have you ever seen a credible paper that used a different color for nearly every point or sentence?

I am pretty open minded.., opinionated as others round here would agree, but open minded.., and the method of presentation, put me off to the point of "not even interested" in risking further exposure, to the abuse...
This massless stationary Vortex has a Tangential Velocity equal to 3.48E5 m/sec (Aether's Tangential Velocity).[/I}

Are you crazy? The only way the massless stationary vortex can have a tangnetial velocity below 3.876432221E5m/sec, is when the quantum harmonics cause temporal strings to vibrate at frequency equal to the of the Higgs field X Planck’s constant.

Jeeze what an amateur!

Oops! I mean, Jeeze what an amateur!
Hi everyone!

You are all absolutely right, but I am not gay. I just over done it with the colors. My apologies. About the sentence "Do not reply on the above before you read my work since it will not make sense.", I know that it does not sound well. It sounds arrogant. I wrote it just to put some brake to members of this forum that may have the tendency to judge before they read.

origin, I do not understand what you mean and please take the time to read my work first. Then we can discuss it.

In any case, thank you for your attention!


Some indications about the Aether existence...

Hi everyone!

I would like to give some indications about the origin and existence of Aether. As you will see the answer was under our feet:


The mystery of the fine structure is not any more a mystery. The correct interpretation of the reduced fine structure constant is the ration between the Aether's Tangential Velocity to the light speed. The same ratio has an additionally interpretation where at the critical distance, the Electromagnetic Force or Field vanishes (goes to zero).
View attachment 4585

Is it accidental that many detection Experiments of the past are around the value of 348 Km/sec?
View attachment 4586

According to my theory the Aether's velocity (348 Km/sec) is:
View attachment 4587

It was always there hidden under our feet(Strong Academic and social powers of the past with their great influence, made the entire Science blind or by purpose)!

My entire work is based on the existence of Aether or the reduction of the gamma photon velocity when it enters a strong Electric Field (Ex. stationary Electron).

If the above is not true then my entire work is for the garbage. If it is so then can somebody explain, what kind of velocity is that inside the reduced fine structure constant? What is the purpose of this velocity?

As you will notice, in the beginning of my work I prove the reduced fine structure constant, starting from the assumption that the gamma photon velocity goes to zero at critical distance. This condition reveals the reduced fine structure constant.

I will look forward for your comments!

Best Wishes

Ioannis Xydous (Go to Google and write my name. The web site will come first in the search list.)

Web Site: ioannisxydous.gr (Google it or check my profile!!!)

Electronic Engineer

(Strong Academic and social powers of the past with their great influence, made the entire Science blind or by purpose)!

And everyone is blind but you.

Shouldn't this go in Conspiracy theories?
Hi AlexG!

I do not claim it myself only but it is what I conclude from my work and those said by Tesla:

“I am even grateful to Einstein and others because through their erroneous theories they lead Mankind away from that dangerous path I followed. Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”.


Ioannis Xydous (Go to Google and write my name. The web site will come first in the search list.)

Web Site: ioannisxydous.gr (Google it or check my profile!!!)

Electronic Engineer

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do not claim it myself only but it is what I conclude from my work and those said by Tesla:

Ah, yes, Tesla.

Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, there are so many places this thread could be placed.
Ah, yes, Tesla.

Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, there are so many places this thread could be placed.

Hi AlexG and everyone!

I just would like to inform you that I will not continue on such kind of conversations since it is lost of time. If nobody is interested, I do not care. Until then I will not reply to anything but only if it is related to my work present on my web site.

Otherwise, Farewell!

Ioannis (Just NOBODY)
Hi AlexG!

I do not claim it myself only but it is what I conclude from my work and those said by Tesla:

In regards to Tesla, an additional quote:
Tesla also argued:

I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.
Not really relevant, but ironic. Tesla wasn't a proponent of Aether. He claimed that empty space truly was Empty and Nothing and as such, had no properties that could be acted upon.
In regards to Tesla, an additional quote:

Not really relevant, but ironic. Tesla wasn't a proponent of Aether. He claimed that empty space truly was Empty and Nothing and as such, had no properties that could be acted upon.

Hi Neverfly!

If you make a search on the Internet, you will discover information that mostly speaks about the Aether. The reference of wikipedia is not enough and does not cover all of his lectures and comments as also it does not say a word about the Aether where the breakthrough experiments like that with the Ionosphere was based on the Aether properties/attributes. Do not get stuck on the word Aether. There are plenty of other nice things on my work where worth to be read, I believe!


For those who are interested on Aether, below there is an experiment:



Ioannis Xydous
Dear All,

I just updated my web site. There you will find a link (Aether’s Detection Experiments) about the strongest indications (or evidences) of Aether’s existence, which is proved theoretically as also experimentally.

ioannisxydous.gr (Google it!)


Ioannis Xydous

Electronic Engineer
