Unification of Physics


Registered Senior Member
Unification of Physics
How should we specify a project to complete the unification of physics?
What are the objectives?
- To provide a description of the physical world which applies at all scales from the very large to the very small.
- To find a single set of physical laws and mathematical equations with universal applicability at all scales.
- To define a minimum set of physical properties from which all other physical properties can be derived. For example, the minimum set might include space, time, energy, momentum and the derived properties might include mass, electric charge, force and field.
- To provide an explanation for the nature of the four fundamental forces and the known subatomic particles.

I have made some progress with this project, see website:


and I would like to check if members of the forum are in agreement with the terms of reference stated above.
Well since this is a discussion forum and not an web page to advertise your site, why don't you discuss some of this progress you made?
I thought that the finding of the Higgs Boson was the key to the unification ? Now that supposedly it was found they can put together a grand unification for us.
Well since this is a discussion forum and not an web page to advertise your site, why don't you discuss some of this progress you made?
Fair comment. I wanted to link to the web page because it gives the complete picture which is hard to describe in brief but I will try to develop the ideas on this thread. Also I wanted feedback on the overall objectives for unification as described in my post.

The starting point for the paper is to make the point that insufficient attention has been given to the descriptive level of physical theories and reconciling different world views. Then taking the theory of General Relativity, the Spacetime wave theory is developed which describes the nature of light and the nature of mass in terms of waves in spacetime. The four fundamental forces are reduced to a single concept in which force arises as a result of differences in energy states.

Electric charge is shown to arise from the effect of the time dimension in spacetime waves. Properties such as mass, charge, force and field are explained as having an underlying cause dependent only on spacetime and energy/momentum.

Buddha12, as I understand it the finding of the Higgs Boson does not resolve the fundamental differences between General Relativity and particle physics.

What I find most appealing about the Spacetime wave theory is that everything is explained right down to the most fundamental level within the concept of spacetime as described by the general theory of relativity. Other theories of fundamental physics always seem to have the flaw that there is some fundamental building block which is unexplained.

This concept of the 'fabric' of spacetime from general relativity provides the medium for wave propagation and fully explains the property mass without reference to the Higgs field.
This concept of the 'fabric' of spacetime from general relativity provides the medium for wave propagation and fully explains the property mass without reference to the Higgs field.
So it gives the massless unbroken Standard Model Lagrangian the necessary mass terms? Or rather do you mean you have a superficial explanation and don't actually know what the Higgs field does within particle physics?
Fair comment. I wanted to link to the web page because it gives the complete picture which is hard to describe in brief but I will try to develop the ideas on this thread. Also I wanted feedback on the overall objectives for unification as described in my post.

The starting point for the paper is to make the point that insufficient attention has been given to the descriptive level of physical theories and reconciling different world views. Then taking the theory of General Relativity, the Spacetime wave theory is developed which describes the nature of light and the nature of mass in terms of waves in spacetime. The four fundamental forces are reduced to a single concept in which force arises as a result of differences in energy states.

Electric charge is shown to arise from the effect of the time dimension in spacetime waves. Properties such as mass, charge, force and field are explained as having an underlying cause dependent only on spacetime and energy/momentum.

Buddha12, as I understand it the finding of the Higgs Boson does not resolve the fundamental differences between General Relativity and particle physics.


What do you mean "Then taking the theory of General Relativity, ...."
Sorry brucep. I meant to say 'Taking the theory of General Relativity as the starting point . .'

Hi Alphanumeric. No I don't mean that it fulfills the mass requirement within the standard model. What I am saying is that the property mass is fully described by extending the theory of general relativity without reference to the standard model.

I looked at your site. You have obviously spent a considerable amount of time and energy to developing this. I did not read all or even more than just a bit, but what I did read just looked like verbose hand waving IMO. I think if you are really interested in physics then your time would be much better spent taking some math and physics courses at your local community college!
Hi Origin,

I do understand what you are saying and what looks like verbose hand waving to you is a serious attempt to address the part of physics which is currently missing namely a clear description or physical world view which is necessary as a foundation for mathematical analysis. I do have a first class degree in maths from Cambridge university so your comment about the need for further education is hard to accept. I would have preferred you to read the entire paper and argue specific points.

The Spacetime wave theory provides a good explanation for electric charge. In other theories the property charge is taken as a basic property with no underlying explanation or cause. The electron is said to have unit charge which is taken by convention to be negative. In the standard model quarks are said to have a charge of +2/3 or -1/3 but what is this property charge and how does it arise?

We observe and detect electric charge through the electrostatic force so that two electrons in proximity experience a force of repulsion but what is the cause of this force? In the Spacetime wave theory, force arises as a result of there being a difference in energy between two states where there is a difference of position. So a configuration where there are two electrons close together is in a higher energy state than when they are further apart. This results in a force of repulsion.

This approach to fundamental forces is explained in more detail in the website.

How does the difference in energy arise in the case of two electrons? The electron is viewed in the Spacetime wave theory as a looped spacetime wave. The space part of the wave represents a local fluctuation in space curvature resulting in the local compression and expansion of space. The time component in the spacetime wave means that during the cycle of the space wave the rate of passage of time varies so that there is a net expansion of space in the vicinity of the electron. Two electrons in proximity, both creating a local expansion of space will therefore find a lower energy state if they move further apart.

This explanation for electric charge is explained further in the appendix 1.


It leads to a full resolution of all four fundamental forces of nature (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear) being explained in terms of energy differences between states.
