Unidentified Flying Object sighted


Registered Senior Member
A UFO is an Object that Flies and is Unidentified. Whatever theories the imagination of the viewer conjures relative to his personal experience in connection to a UFO sighting, are strictly his own--and the imagination is, indeed, a curious but interesting element making up part of that rational faculty which distinguishes terrestrial man from animal.
Last June, 1998, at about 2:30 in the afternoon, i was sitting in the frontyard of my home with my two boys (10 & 12) soaking in the summer sun. From the distant horizon i saw emerge from behind a cluster of trees a dark dot that climbed into the sky and slowly headed toward the house. At first i thought it was a plane and thus i watched it as it continued flying at a regular, steady speed until it finally flew overhead. This was no airplane! It flew at a very low altitude (much lower than passenger planes that fly above the skies here). I called my boys' attention to the object and asked them to describe what they saw: a circular, dark gray, metallic object. This was also my opinion. As the UFO lazily passed us, we clearly saw reflections of light on its underbelly as it tipped slightly to the right. It was here, as it gently tipped, that we could clearly distinguish the cupola on its top. If you can imagine two dinner plates on top of each other, lip to lip, with an upside down soup bowl on top, at the center, this is what we saw. It looked exactly like some photos i have seen of flying saucers in various publications. The object flew very slowly at a steady speed right across the sky and disappered in the distant horizon. It made no noise whatsoever.
The interesting thing is how it absolutely attracted our undivided attention. An airplane or helicopter flying overhead is seen, heard, looked at and forgotten almost instantaneously because it is a common occurrence and everyone is familiar with these flying machines. Not so this strange object. It was extraordinary in shape, extraordinary in its smoothness of flight and in its eery silence, extraordinary in every respect and it was not like something we had seen before.
My great regret is not having either my binoculars or camera with me.

Great post duMaurier (I used to smoke that brand).

Could you be more specific about date and location please? Without these, it's hard to do any correlation with existing information. Have you already searched for correlations yourself?
Hello Aloysius:

You wrote, "I used to smoke that brand", which leads me to believe that you are Canadian (what brand do you smoke today?:).

You are asking me to provide more specifics relative to date and location. Because i had not intended to share this UFO observation with anyone, i simply forgot all about it until i happened on this website. Thus, i cannot satisfy your need for precise answers. All i can say for sure is that the time was about 2:30 p.m.; the day could have been either Saturday or Sunday since i wasn't at the office working at 2:30 p.m.; the month was June; the year 1998; the sun was hidden behind clouds but it wasn't a "dark" day; there was no wind; Easily hundreds of people could have been observing the same phenomenon since our house is just behind the largest shopping mall in our entire region and on this day at about 2:30 p.m. there were a lot of cars passing by the house going to the mall.

Well, there you go.

You have also asked me in your post if i have already searched for correlations myself? My answer is, "no." I am not involved in any study of the UFO phenomenon as i am already too busy in my own private life. Many years back i was more interested in this subject than today, however.

How about you? What in particular has aroused your interest in this subject? Have you yourself ever seen anomalies in the skies? Are you member of any UFO investigating committee of any sort? If yes, which one? What brings you to this forum?

Hope to read you soon.


[This message has been edited by dumaurier (edited June 27, 1999).]
I'm English, and the brand used to be popular. Now I smoke Marlboro straights.

It was a weekend in June 98 in some country or other. OK. Can't do much with that I'm afraid.

I'm interested because of the seemingly large amount of circumstantial evidence. I'm an engineer in the private sector, and not a UFO investigator.
You are English? In the USA or Europe? Marlboro is an American brand therefore i assume you're in the USA.

I understand what you mean when you write that you can't do much with the information i provide relative to my UFO sighting experience. Perhaps you would email me (or post here) a set of questions i could answer which could satisfy you?

I'm in the states.
The only question you left unanswered is the obvious one - where?

1. What city?
2. Which state? (if USA)
3. Which country?
In response to your post, here are my answers:

1. What city?
Joliette. This is about 60 miles northeast of Montreal.

2. Which state? (if USA)
Joliette is in the province of Quebec.

3. Which country?
Quebec is in Canada.

Quebec has seen a flurry of UFO sightings. In this province there are highly professional magazines and UFO Investigation teams. The sad part of it is that most of these publications, organizations, etc., are in French as Quebec is a French province. You'd have to read French in order to enjoy the very interesting published tales reported by people here. I can tell you a few that are truly engrossing.

If you have any other questions, it will be my pleasure to answer you.

Hey! dumaurier, neat sighting! was it the real thing or what? seen anything else? you're so damned lucky. do ya think it was somebody's balloon just floating around? I saw ya talk about the hills. man, gave me shivers when I read it. seemed so realll!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya think there's something to it?


In response to your question relating to my UFO sighting posted here, "was it the real thing or what?" let me assure you that it was very real!

You also ask, "do ya think it was somebody's balloon just floating around?" and i must say that i do not know. But i can tell you this much, i've seen many pictures of weather ballons and other sorts of ballons and what me and my two boys saw did not look anything like these balloons.

You also wrote,
"I saw ya talk about the hills. man, gave me shivers when I read it. seemed so realll!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya think there's something to it?"

The Barney & Betty Hills case of New Hampshire, USA, was one of the best thoroughly researched cases in UFO history which had the priviliged assistance of the late Dr. Hynek. I believe there was certainly something there. However, the puzzling thing to me was and remains the question, why didn't Dr. Hynek or others involved in this case go to investigate the place where the alleged abduction took place? Why was there no more than a superficial investigation of the hood of the Hill's automobile? What about their dog who was in the back of the car during the abduction? During the interrogations nothing is ever mentioned of the dog.

Although an extremely captivating read, there are some loopholes in the story. Was this an authentic abduction? I don't know.
