unexplained worldy phenomena


Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
What is becoming of the world?

The possible end is near?

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

This is really weird guys.... This weather is crazy also.. I live in the midwest, where its supposed to be in the negatives at this time of year..
right now the high for the day is supposed to be in the 40's... and tomarrow its supposed to be in the 60's..

You guys thinking what I'm thinkin?!?
#3, 4 there is rumors that "black" vans were around that day...

Possible goveremental deal..
Im not a conspiracy theorist, but this is weird where 2 large scale explosions occur the same night.
Not to mention the fact there was a record # of hurricanes hitting the US this year..
I know I shouldn't say it, however that last one seems like it could be something similar to a weapon in Halflife 2. Basically a Homing Rocket launcher that homes in on what ever the lazer is targetting, so hypothetically you can understand why the FBI would be a little concerned about a lazer, it might not be a weapon itself but the "Painting" device.

As for Explosions here and weather there, I wouldn't look too hard into it. I'm guessing explosions will be found to be malpractice, perhaps someone didn't do a safety inspection etc. As for the weather, it gets like this every now and then as the season change and the earths orientation with the sun alters.
How could someone direct a laser "into the cockpit of a commercial jet traveling at more than 8,500 feet" from "a residential area in suburban Warrensville Heights"? Now, I've never piloted a commercial jet, but I do believe that the only windows are near the top of the cockpit. Unless Warrensville Heights' elevation is 8,501 feet I don't see how this is possible?

Problem 1 - you are citing Fox News.

Problem 2 - with nearly 6.5 billion humans on earth, don't you expect shit like that to happen?

Problem 3 - these vague claims of "end of world" and whatever else - hinting at something unknown - explains nothing, and changes nothing. Bad things happen. People in Europe in both the 1600s and 1940s thought the world was ending with the bubonic plague and Holocaust, respectively, and the world did not end then, did it? No, wait... *looks around* nope, still here. They were wrong. maybe it's just me, but I think those millions dying because of natural problems and Nazi problems, respectively, were worse than things now with weather and such. By the way, do you expect weather to be exactly the same every year? is it not allowed to change? Is it not allowed to have a curve of change?

Although... you really should define "world ending." The world physically falls apart - everyone dies...

or does the earth just implode and everything disappears?

or does the earth fall into the sun and just go *poof*?
Its just a really scary year.. With all these hurricanes in the us.. And now the most deadliest natural disaster in recorded history.
0scar said:
How could someone direct a laser "into the cockpit of a commercial jet traveling at more than 8,500 feet" from "a residential area in suburban Warrensville Heights"? Now, I've never piloted a commercial jet, but I do believe that the only windows are near the top of the cockpit. Unless Warrensville Heights' elevation is 8,501 feet I don't see how this is possible?

Without more info, it does seem unlikely. A typical laser that is available to the domestic market, and used in laser levelling devices, novelty lasers, laser sights on firearms etc, is going to have a pretty large dot after ascending 8,500 feet, as they diverge considerably. The size of the dot, however, was not mentioned.

Add into that, that the plane was moving at several hundred miles per hour, and the atmospheric attenuation, and the fact that as you say, the windows on aircraft are on the topside, and not visible from below, and we have an unlikely mix. I have a couple of lasers, and aiming them any great distance is fairly tricky, as my eyesight isn't good enough to see the dot if it is a few hundred feet away, let alone thousands.

So, I'm guessing, this 'laser' dot, was more likely a refractive effect from the glass in the cockpit window
Check out whale beaching.
Check out all migratory species that use earth’s magnetic fields.
Check out the earthquakes, in ALL aspects.
The list can go on and on.

terpinator72 said:
Its just a really scary year.. With all these hurricanes in the us.. And now the most deadliest natural disaster in recorded history.
No, it isn't.
1/4 million died in the Bangladesh floods in 1970(?)
1/2 million in a Chinese earthquake in the 50's (?)
Or 20 million in the flu epidemic at the end of WWI.
terpinator72 said:
What is becoming of the world?

The possible end is near?

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

This is really weird guys.... This weather is crazy also.. I live in the midwest, where its supposed to be in the negatives at this time of year..
right now the high for the day is supposed to be in the 40's... and tomarrow its supposed to be in the 60's..

You guys thinking what I'm thinkin?!?

You will see some real cataclysmic shit go down when YellowStone errupts (or
should I more accuratly say explodes AGAIN). Seems to happen every 600,000
years or so and we're right around that mark.
I really don't let this type of stuff bother me for there's little that I can do about it. I just try to do what I can to make where I live a better place and thats a tough job, try it.
Closet Philosopher said:
Anything from FOX is not newsworthy.

I disagree I love Fox News.... As this is an educated forum, you have to have some facts and validity with an assertion..

What is your reasoning?
Terpinator don't expect a valid answer from Closet philosopher he is just paroting what his uneducated daddy says...lol

I've read two different people slam FOXnews and yet these are legitimate stories and are covered by all of the media outlets. FOX doesn't slant everthing to the left. It seems as though those with a lazy intellect try to appear intellectual by paroting left thinking. These weak individuals don't ever bother to actually think for themselves or reason anything out.