Underware Bomber CIA Informant is Lie


Registered Senior Member

First we hear a report that they caught a terrorist planning an attack. Then suddenly the story changes and it's someone who is a CIA informant.How could intelligence this significant get missed the first time? I think there is a conspiracy to mislead Americans on what is really happening. I'm not sure what the conspiracy itself is protecting, but I think we caught them in a lie.

Now that I think about it maybe there is a deeper consipiracy.

Many of these so-called terrorist they catch, they hide from us. They hide the 911 evidence by shipping off and destroying it. They hide the so-called terrorist trials from us (NDAA). They hide any evidence they are using to suggest they've caught a terrorist from us (NDAA).

Perhaps now, they must create terror groups by creating advocates that will bomb us. Perhaps the CIA made this dirty underwear bomb. And now conveniently, they must hide their imaginary hero and his imaginary family of his. Guaranteed, Al Qaeda will publish the picture of this guy and his family if he really exists. They would have done the research on their hero that the CIA has confirmed was going to bomb us. Martyrs are always researched well by these groups and photographed to encourage new recruits. This won't be published by the CIA, because the CIA has made all this shit up. If it's true, Al Qaeda will publish this. Because it's bullshit we won't see it.

I believe these so-called terrorists are being created to make it appear they are actually doing their jobs. To keep us feeling there is a real threat, when there is no threat at all.

And why is our government advocating bombing us through saying it's okay to plant people who popularise the idea to bomb us by volunteering to do such things undercover?

Whey do they need to bomb an airplane, where there are plenty of opportunities to cause much more loss of life and property damage in other ways, with much less technology and imagination? Why underware? Is this an SNL skit. And Onion article? I guess the CIA is trying to tell us what sense of humour they have.

Criminals hide things, not the just. Of course, maybe they are just too abject mentally to do things publicly and would be too embarrassed to show what idiots they really are.
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