Understanding Religion


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Registered Senior Member
Christianity is seperated from other faiths(religions) because it requires a belief and faith in a trinity God. It requires a relationship/love with God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who being seperate beings are one.

This faith/belief that relationship with the almighty is attainable seems to seperate christianity from other religions in the world today who view "god" as an unreachable or uninterested being. It seems many religions devote themselves to ritual and "works", but could never view their god as friend, lover, or father.

One major problem with christianity today is the fact that 65% or so people in America call themselves "christians", but they are not followers of christ and the example that christ left for his followers.

I have a friend who lives in Turkey and he said that it is the same way in the area of Turkey he is living, but with Muslims. He said the majority of the people say they are muslim because of what they were birthed into, but they are not dedicated to the religion by fasting, prayer, study, ect...

Some call christianity the "hippie" religion because it embraces the thought that God is a loving and merciful God and that we in our frail humanity, can love back this God and this God will accept this sort of love.

Some even go as far to say that this emotional need in humans is what draws them to this "hippie" religion. The need to love and be loved. This is possibly why christianity is the most embraced and longest lasting religion in the world.

These are several observations I have noticed and feel free to comment on them or add your own. Please don't pollute this thread with how you hate muslims or how you hate christians or any other religion as that is not the purpose of this thread. Go find another bridge to troll.
Quigly said:
Christianity is seperated from other faiths(religions) because it requires a belief and faith in a trinity God. It requires a Coerced relationship/love with God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who being seperate beings are one.

Prove to me that God is trinity. I fixed your last sentence.

This faith/belief that relationship with the almighty is attainable seems to seperate christianity from other religions in the world today who view "god" as an unreachable or uninterested being. It seems many religions devote themselves to ritual and "works", but could never view their god as friend, lover, or father.

The concept of "personal relationship with Jesus the Christ" is not biblical.

One major problem with christianity today is the fact that 65% or so people in America call themselves "christians", but they are not followers of christ and the example that christ left for his followers.
Oh yeah. More finger pointing. "They are not real Christians." It's good that Christianity is split up into thousands of denominations due to the fingering pointing, which gives us atheists a chance to slay the dragon.

I have a friend who lives in Turkey and he said that it is the same way in the area of Turkey he is living, but with Muslims. He said the majority of the people say they are muslim because of what they were birthed into, but they are not dedicated to the religion by fasting, prayer, study, ect...
no shit. finger pointing is not limited to just Christianity.

Some call christianity the "hippie" religion because it embraces the thought that God is a loving and merciful God and that we in our frail humanity, can love back this God and this God will accept this sort of love.

Some even go as far to say that this emotional need in humans is what draws them to this "hippie" religion. The need to love and be loved. This is possibly why christianity is the most embraced and longest lasting religion in the world.

These are several observations I have noticed and feel free to comment on them or add your own. Please don't pollute this thread with how you hate muslims or how you hate christians or any other religion as that is not the purpose of this thread. Go find another bridge to troll.

Christianity is not based on love. If you don't love God or people, you will suffer unimaginable consequences. It's based on fear.
Prove to me that God is trinity. I fixed your last sentence.

It didn't need fixing. What you meant to say, was that you inserted your belief into my statement. I don't need to prove to you that God is a trinity, I was stating a christian belief.

The concept of "personal relationship with Jesus the Christ" is not biblical
Actually, it is, and these are fundamental beliefs of the christian religion. I wouldn't expect an atheist to know much about christianity, but I would expect them to know the fundamental things.

Christianity is not based on love. If you don't love God or people, you will suffer unimaginable consequences. It's based on fear.

Again, you are asserting your belief about your view of christianity, but it is not accepted as christian belief. I was commenting on the existing religion and beliefs within the religion and you came in asserting your statements as truth.
Quigly said:
It didn't need fixing. What you meant to say, was that you inserted your belief into my statement. I don't need to prove to you that God is a trinity, I was stating a christian belief.

Okay. That's one way to avoid a fight. You are not arguing a validity of an argument but only stating it.

Actually, it is, and these are fundamental beliefs of the christian religion. I wouldn't expect an atheist to know much about christianity, but I would expect them to know the fundamental things.

But I was raised a Christian and have gone to a bible college. I don't expect a Christian to understand ex-Christians or atheists.

Again, you are asserting your belief about your view of christianity, but it is not accepted as christian belief. I was commenting on the existing religion and beliefs within the religion and you came in asserting your statements as truth.

I never claim to possess the truth more than Christians do.
I've been out of town so now I'm back and just to reply real quick.

I never claim to possess the truth more than Christians do.

That is fine, but we are talking about basic christian belief. Whether you "possess the truth" or not has nothing to do with your assertation of agenda. This thread was about observation and you asserted your thoughts and agenda on basic christian beliefs and then go on to say that you don't really know. How can you make a rational opinion if you don't really know the basic foundations?

If you went to bible college and grew up as a christian and yet don't know these basic beliefs of the christian religion, than something is sad about your time as a "christian".
Just a quickie;

Quigly said:
Christianity is seperated from other faiths(religions) because it requires a belief and faith in a trinity God. It requires a relationship/love with God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who being seperate beings are one. .

Hinduism has a trinity so christianity is not unique - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu (from memory)

Quigly said:
This faith/belief that relationship with the almighty is attainable seems to seperate christianity from other religions in the world today who view "god" as an unreachable or uninterested being. It seems many religions devote themselves to ritual and "works", but could never view their god as friend, lover, or father. .

Whats more attainable than buddhism, whhere after enough lifetimes of perseverance you will become buddha.

Quigly said:
Some even go as far to say that this emotional need in humans is what draws them to this "hippie" religion. The need to love and be loved. This is possibly why christianity is the most embraced and longest lasting religion in the world. .

Hiduism is the logest lasting relogion closely followed by Taoism. If you want to go purely on numbers of people they are probably most widespread as well.
Quigly said:
Christianity is seperated from other faiths(religions) because it requires a belief and faith in a trinity God. It requires a relationship/love with God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who being seperate beings are one.
so in this story
God sacrificed God to God to save you from the rule God created in the first place!
and that makes sense to you??

btw could you provide us with a bible quote where Jesus claims he is God?
One major problem with christianity today is the fact that 65% or so people in America call themselves "christians", but they are not followers of christ and the example that christ left for his followers.
b/c many people realize the story is fucked so they keep changing and interpreting the bible to make it more pallatable, and now theres thousands of xian sects and everyone claims they are the True ones.

luckily theres a way to test if you are the True xian or not

test those xians
Some call christianity the "hippie" religion because it embraces the thought that God is a loving and merciful God ...
whatever gave them that idea?

your loving god!!! :rolleyes:
G'Day Quigly :)

I saw you where not getting the reply you where seeking so i thought i would give your something worthwhile.

Quigly said:
This faith/belief that relationship with the almighty is attainable seems to seperate christianity from other religions in the world today who view "god" as an unreachable or uninterested being. It seems many religions devote themselves to ritual and "works", but could never view their god as friend, lover, or father.

I would not view this belief as an exclusively Christian belief but you are right in that we seek a loving relationship with God. Like a loving relationship between a parent and their children

Romans 6
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs -- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

One major problem with christianity today is the fact that 65% or so people in America call themselves "christians", but they are not followers of christ and the example that christ left for his followers.

It's not really a problem for Christianity. It is a problem for those who believe they follow Jesus but do not.

I have a friend who lives in Turkey and he said that it is the same way in the area of Turkey he is living, but with Muslims. He said the majority of the people say they are muslim because of what they were birthed into, but they are not dedicated to the religion by fasting, prayer, study, ect...

There are a lot of people in this world who call themselves this or that. Not out of a sense of strong belief, but out of a need to belong. A need for identity. A need for social acceptance. That’s why Christians should avoid making the faith, the faith of state. Because we only want people to come to Jesus out of belief not out of need to fit in with society or to gain social status.

Some call christianity the "hippie" religion because it embraces the thought that God is a loving and merciful God and that we in our frail humanity, can love back this God and this God will accept this sort of love.

There is a danger in seeing God as being all loving. People have their views on what love is and often the God of Abraham does not fit into that view. But to those who understand what love is the joy is indeed overwhelming when one realizes that the God of the Universe is a God who loves and loves us.

Some even go as far to say that this emotional need in humans is what draws them to this "hippie" religion. The need to love and be loved. This is possibly why christianity is the most embraced and longest lasting religion in the world.

Well it is a mayor attraction to those who seek love. But i cannot agree with you that Christianity is the most embraced or the oldest faith on earth.

These are several observations I have noticed and feel free to comment on them or add your own. Please don't pollute this thread with how you hate muslims or how you hate christians or any other religion as that is not the purpose of this thread. Go find another bridge to troll.

This is an atheist forum Quigly. So Christianity haters are thick on the ground here. The trick is not to feed their desire for argument. You do not need to reply to their posts. ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days