Unconverting A Christian

Multiple Choice

  • Religious people have tried converting me

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • I was raised in a religious environment since birth

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • I was subjected to religious beliefs inside of school

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • I was beat up because I wasn't religious

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've been lied to by a religious person

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • I see religious people do things that are wrong (more-so than other non-religious people)

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Valued Senior Member
Your friend was raised as a devout Christian. He attended church groups, worked in a religious oriented environment, and mostly was brainwashed since birth to believe Jesus was an actual living person. Fortunately for you things were different, you're smarter and more in touch with scientific theory. One day he and his friends come over to play a videogame on your new PS3, they begin talking about god and how great he is, to know that he loves them and wants to see them saved. You think to yourself awhile, then you decide they're annoying morons. Setting that aside they all start relating their relationship with god to one another, they discuss it as you kill eachother on Super Mortal Kombat x3 (not a real game) and then they ask what religion you practice.

It's clear this is a setup, they've come to try and convert you, sometime later you are eating lunch together and they tell stories about when they needed god and he helped them. They claim Jesus saved them through his actions, like bringing them a new girlfriend or something material. They start saying if you don't come to Christ you'll die and be in hell, they say "let us help you to be saved, please."

Imagine this scenerio anyway you will, but what I'd like you to do is think of a comeback, a way of trying to unconvert them. Tell them anything but make it clear how wrong they are. Also pretend you're always right :D

Give it a try.

Also answer some of the poll questions if you like.
Personally I would never try to unconvert them. Its what they are trying to do to me and its annoying and arrogant. Why would I want to be like them?

I've had friends like that and unfortunately those friendships have ended.
Personally I would never try to unconvert them. Its what they are trying to do to me and its annoying and arrogant. Why would I want to be like them?

I've had friends like that and unfortunately those friendships have ended.

Orleander, please, I really wanna help you but I can't if you won't let me. Without Christ you can't be saved, did you know I was a real gerk and always trying to get laid, that is until I came to Christ. Now I met a great girl and gods provided me with alot of spiritual experiences. When I'm with her I feel all fluttery and good, we go out and eat then she sleeps with me (even though we're not married). You really need to come to god, without that in your life things won't ever be good (I'll see to it) and Jesus won't keep you from burning in hell.

I don't know what to say, if I could help you I would but it's your choice (not really it's mine) but what I can say is that I want you to come to church with me, they all want to meet you, to talk with you, gods given us the message you're ready. If you are willing to join us in our church group (where men and girls mingle an possibly engage in sexual acts) then do it! We will have cookies and tell stories about how gods helped us, it's truly amazing.

Another thing is, my sister was very ill recently, almost near death. The doctors gave her medicine to help but I know it was gods hand that saved her. Without the medicine she still would've come back to us because he was so very kind, she's been devout her whole life you see. Now if she wasn't a good Christian then she would've probably died, so you see please come with us, join us (we are borg, also drugs don't heal only god can).

lmao, it's a small jest really none of the above is real

unconvert - is not even a word, well not one that...hmmm

John, please, let us help you be saved. Without our group to help guide you into Christ you'll never experience his true and warm love. You see I hear in your words how sick you are, how lost. God can help direct and guide your hand but only if you let him. Do you want things you haven't been able to achieve? Well that's because you aren't religious like us (or more likely their religion gives them access to more resources to bring about what they desire) and this is your downfall.

I know your mother and dad need god too (bla bla bla more nonsense) but first we need to get you into things.

another fantasy, but it's funny ehh
um, now your scaring me:D

If you come over to god then you will not fear, please join with us and things will get so much better for you. We will stop annoying you and not harass you everytime we're together, also we won't really mention god anymore unless something goes wrong. And you will be able to find work because you're Christian and Christians are naturally good people :C~
I've seen a couple of brilliant arguments posted here that would probably catch the ear of many a fence-sitter or even full on religious folk.
by dad once accidently converted a baptist minister to stapler worship and i am not making this up
I love such games. The answer of course to each question or assertion is to request proof of their claims, and of course to never answer their questions but to answer every question with a question. This is a basic sales rule but works well with indoctrination attempts.

The Christian of course has no proof and can never answer your requests for proof and after a while, if you remain firm in your request for proof they will become bored and give up, however, the Christian procedure here is to state that only when you choose to believe and accept Jesus that he will then reveal to you proof, so what have you got to lose?

This is of course total gibberish. Simply stay with your requirement that they demonstrate all of the following:

1) Any historically independent validated evidence that Jesus ever existed. There is none.

2) That souls are a viable entity and are hence capable of being saved. No one has yet been able to demonstarte that souls exist or are even possible, and without the soul concept all religions are meaningless.

3) That gods are somehow possible and they can show that at least one could exist. No one has yet achieved that.

4) Demonsrate conclusively that at least one god exists. No one has achieved that.

Each of those topics are major discussions in their own rights.

In the end you should be convinced that they have zilch and that you have no reason to believe them or join them. But more importantly by very politely forcing them to attempt to answer your requests they may well become doubtful of their own beliefs.
i was subjected to religious beliefs inside of school. damn RE class was so boring. im glad i smoked weed during that lesson out the back window/

You could quote Dogma....

Nun: You don't believe in God because of Alice in Wonderland?
Loki: No, "Through the Looking Glass". That poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter" that's an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and his good nature, he obviously represents either Buddha, or... or with his tusk, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha. That takes care of your Eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter's son, he represents the Western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do... what do they do? They... They dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensure the destruction of one's inner-being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions... by inhibiting our decisions, out of... out of fear of some... some intangible parent figure who... who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says... and says, "Do it - Do it and I'll fuckin' spank you. "

Haha. Classic movie.
When the prosyletizers come around I always take the time to talk to them. I tell them I deconverted long ago and generally contest everything supernatural they spout. But I try to be nice about it.

I don't expect any deconversions before my eyes but I have to think it must help to see that not everybody plays along with the nonsense. Especially for the young ones. I am always sure to mention that I have never been happier than since I banished the supernatural from my world-view.

I also might mention Caesar's Messiah.

Well I'm usually out when the cold calling god salesmen come round which is a shame, so I ended up doing it in reverse and went to church :D

Man they freaked me out.. they did some strange ritual praying thingy. It was so overwhelmingly disgusting, I almost puked blood. I made a post about it a while back.

I had two guys knock on my door a while back and after a long discussion asked if I'd watch some dvd about god. I said ok, if after it they would watch a dvd about evolution. They refused. Bizarre people.
When the prosyletizers come around I always take the time to talk to them. I tell them I deconverted long ago and generally contest everything supernatural they spout. But I try to be nice about it.

I don't expect any deconversions before my eyes but I have to think it must help to see that not everybody plays along with the nonsense. Especially for the young ones. I am always sure to mention that I have never been happier than since I banished the supernatural from my world-view.

I also might mention Caesar's Messiah.

M*W: Hi Dave, I want to mention a word you used "deconverted."
That is a word I have used to describe what happens when a christian starts questioning his/her religion. Atheism doesn't follow... immediately. It can take years. At least, they begin to question. It's a long process. I'm sure you know. One cannot go from a religious adherent to an atheist in one fell swoop. It takes the process of "deconversion." I went through it. You probably went through it, and so did most of the atheists on this forum. It's nothing new. Before one can see the light, sometimes they have to be slapped into tomorrow to see reality. My mother always told me that a mule has to be hit on the head before it will move. She was right. Converting christians is something that atheists just don't do. We can teach them the truth, but they "deconvert" when they're ready. We may never know when that happens.

I'm so glad you joined the forum. You have a lot to offer all of us... both christians and atheists.


~ M*W
You shouldnt actively try to deconvert anyone. However, when people become offensive and hateful and intolerant of your atheistic beliefs, I find it best to just tell them to think about why they dont accept other belief systems, and then they will know how you feel.

Tell them to take a look at this page
the whole website is great but i love this one page.

Of course, this only works with a rational person, so it will fail almost every time, but the best you can hope for is at least a little understanding.

You could always pull out the "were both atheists, i just believe in one less god than you"
You shouldnt actively try to deconvert anyone. However, when people become offensive and hateful and intolerant of your atheistic beliefs, I find it best to just tell them to think about why they dont accept other belief systems, and then they will know how you feel.

Tell them to take a look at this page
the whole website is great but i love this one page.

Of course, this only works with a rational person, so it will fail almost every time, but the best you can hope for is at least a little understanding.

You could always pull out the "were both atheists, i just believe in one less god than you"

That page is bullshit, using Santa Claus as an example is self-disproving. I think more likely there is an undercurrent of the notion that those with faith feel sorry for those with out...but that is not entirely true.