unanswerable question!!!!!



image a force, this force can only go in 1 direction, it is in space and most importantly, its unstoppable .Then theres a wall its also in space, this wall cannot be moved, cannot be bent,streched,cut,broken through, teleported,destroyed, even if hell broke out and tried to suck it in!WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THEY MET??????

your comments would be great :D
I do not know the answer to this but I know someone who does. I'll get back to you on this. Good luck
dont think so

if they merge, creating a bridge then the very function of the wall fails, they cannot merge as they walls very purpose is to stop things getting past, the bridge!

so this cannot happen
Well the question is only unanswerable when it's not defined to the point of workable perimeters.

Is the force created from one spot? Is it going on one direction?, say for instance South, or is it going in all directions? (a one direction being just defined away from the centre)

Does the force lose energy as it travels? If so what it's its ratio of energy to distance?

As for the wall, does it surround the energy bust Spherically?(creating a shell around the forces nuclei) or is it just a straight wall that exists in one plain? Can the wall chain soliton vibrations through it?

If you could answer them the question should be answerable.
Unstoppable force means infinite energy. Immovable wall means the same. So you will have matter converted to pure energy times two and the energy will be released for eternity.

OR it will change all the laws and the time will stop being in the equation....and nothing will happen...that you can perceive...

if you said that time will stop then this is wrong as the primary function of the first force is not being able to stop, its direction is forward, theres no south in space only south to you and not to us the observers. maybe your looking at it too mathamatical or scientificaly, broaden you sight..
Maybe you're looking at it too generally, Tom. I got into this in the "impossible..." thread.

Knowing something is unstoppable shows a definition or knowledge of its interaction with everything else in the universe.

They would have to be of the same material, or have no awareness of each others' differences, so that in effect they WERE unstoppable and impermeable.
The wall would have to constantly change to accomodate new materials and prevent breeches, where the "cosmic arrow" would do the same, so they cannot be of one material, unless the material allows pass-through.

By this definition they would pass through slowly as each found a way to bypass the other, granted any change in composition took at least the smallest amount of time.

I would just as soon say, since it was never defined, they could meet, but only at location, and the time would be different for each, so one couldn't exist in the way of the other.

interesting and thought provoking

it doesn't matter what they are made of, the wall or the other force... it isn't changing and nothing can get past it, i think you have fallen for the obvious mistake many fall, im not asking for ways they can get around this 'equasion' but simple what would happen if this situation were to happen. If you want to get into a debate about 'if' they can then thats fine, but I asked (see above), but i must add your getting close where you said where they meet. i didn't specify where in time but i said they met so they must be in the same time zone and dimaension.

if any-one wants to continue this with me some other time im up for it, so mail me-

im always up for a debate...and im normaly set in stone, so if you wanna good one....

Since none of my questions were truly answered I'll just place my hypothesis.

A force that is unstoppable hits a indestructible and inpenitrable wall, and it bounces back like a ball would do hitting a wall. The force is still moving in it's one direction, forwards, but now the force is going back along the path it came from, weaking it's force on approach to the less than enough to breach the wall.

This could continue as is mentioned in blackbody experiments.
An immovable object by its very definition does not have space beyond what it occupies. There is no place to push it to. In the absense of space, time may not exist....
2 rules broken

this breaks two rules,
1st, as it hits and gets reflected the very instent it must stop before going in the reverse direction which breaks the unstoppable rule
2nd, if its going in reverse it cannot be going in one direction, can it, also when it reaches its starting point its going even more in the wrong direction if you get what i mean
2 rules that you could have just made up!

Do me a favour and define the full rules of what they can't do, then I can guess what they can, otherwise this is a hopeless question to attempt to answer as the goal posts keep moving.

what do you mean by has no space beond it? the 'wall' is a force, u could think of it as a force field, or maybe the edge of the universe(they are example dont hassle me about them) they could have space beond them.
full rules...

im sorry ive got to go now so i regret that i cannot show them to you, but ill leave you on this thought

'look at the start of the forum, whats the question...

otherwise this is a hopeless question to attempt to answer as the goal posts keep moving
Playing with ideas only is too fun and too sticky.

I still say that for that to happen, they must be of the same composition, or a material that can alter itself to guard another material. Eye for an eye.

Given that, then, this could only occur in the mind, since it's the only thing where such things exist. In that case, you can just remove parts of the brain.

This follows the impossible thread, although I must say it rather disproves my take on it.
How about...

The Unstoppible force, moves in one direction, but it accelerates, greater and greater till it gets to the point where it has no mass and can just pass through the wall, where it could continue accelerating or decellerating on the other side of the imperviable wall.

(I noted something in a lightening fork once, where there was a gap when the lightening had reach such a high speed that it was able to travel through the air, without existing for a microsecond, before reentering as electromagnetic flux.
Okay I didnt read any of the replys but heres the answer.

Both of these forces can be described generally as infinite. So thats two infinites in the same frame of time meeting coming from basically Opposite directions. Thats like saying pi squared or what would happen is the beam would travel on an infinite CIRCULAR (or pi) continuam plane forever as the wall would do the same thing only travelling in a stationary position forever which would be the exact opposite plane in space. You see by saying it cant change direction you're inherently saying that it cant completely change its plane in time and pie doesnt. Thats the nice thing about pi or as I like to call - pie.

And my theory of the impossible, impossible prevails.
I have a better way to explain it. Imagine you are travelling on earth and you want to meet the horizon but all that will happen is you will keep going forever in circles. It sounds really complicated when you first think of the problem but the answer is so simple.
If it is given that the force is energy and the wall is mass:

"It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing -- a somewhat unfamilar conception for the average mind. Furthermore, the equation E is equal to m c-squared, in which energy is put equal to mass, multiplied by the square of the velocity of light, showed that very small amounts of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa. The mass and energy were in fact equivalent, according to the formula mentioned before. This was demonstrated by Cockcroft and Walton in 1932, experimentally."

Some type of conversion would most likely take place.