Unamed Poem


Publicity Whore
Registered Senior Member

The pains of birth pushed me to the sky
My viens emptied and my skin fell deep
The rain that carved eternal tears down my sides
Mountains and valleys formed after years of uncertainty

Now waters flow from sources unseen.
Etching wrinkles over time
Birds flying overhead keeping me company
A halo of colors telling me everything is okay

Dark clouds drift by giving life freely
Millions of creatures take a sip
Only if man were rain would they ever
Get a glimpse of all I have to offer

I was here before man knew how to speak
I was here when they learned to write
I was here when they walked right by
I hold on as they try to destroy

For years they came and went
Taking for granted all I have to offer
Never stopping to smell the heliconias
Or observe the gilded swordtail

It cost nothing for me to come to be
It cost millions for man to destroy what I am
I offered them food but they desired their own
I offered them shelter but they desired their own

Never content with what can be had for free
Considering money the only thing of value
The clouds are lifting and my halo is gone
The bright sun shines over a cloudy condition

I hear a loud noise and pain shoots through me
A loud crash silences a thousand voices
Never heard by those that silenced them
A shout of victory over an ancient tree that resisted

A thousand fires came and went
A spark from the heavens to renew me
This fire will not cease, burning day and night
To destroy my trees that they may grow their own

As a son stives to overpower his father
Men build concrete fortresses to the sky
Thinking themselves mightier than who created
I shake and they build again in defience.

Water flows through every pore
Through mine water renews again and again
Through theirs, pure water goes in, poison comes out
They have defeated me, I cannot clean this mess

I grow sick but they're too blind to see
I am hungry but they're too busy to care
They have salted my soil with their wretched ways
They have poisoned my blood with their greed

Now they are sick, the sky is not clean
The water they drink cannot be cleansed
The food they eat is contrary to nature
They are never filled and desire more

Soon I am naked but they still want more
I have nothing more to offer so they look to the stars
They see a red planet and seek to go there
That planet is dead, at one time more dead than even I

They have destroyed me and yet are under delussion
That they can build another which has never been as I was
I would have helped them long ago I would
But the resources that would carry them are no longer

Long ago man looked at wonder into heaven
At the stars thinking they one day would travel
They strived for years and hope nearly become reality
But now they can never and their hope is dispair

They die in a ceaspool of their greed
The destruction they caused to me will now be their own
As I rid myself of this human infection
One day I will be reborn. But one day, they will not.

It's the second draft but still needs some work.

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