UK: 18-year-old girl jailed for a year for bacon


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
UK: 18-year-old girl jailed for a year for putting a slice of bacon on the door handle of a mosque
on Monday, 20 October 2014

Chelsea Lambie and Douglas Cruickshank have been jailed for desecrating an Edinburgh mosque with strips of bacon.
A teenage girl and 39-year old man who desecrated an Edinburgh mosque by attacking it with strips of bacon have both been jailed.
Chelsea Lambie, 18, from Paisley, was sentenced to 12 months and Douglas Cruikshank, from Galashiels, to nine months.
They attached bacon to door handles and threw strips inside Edinburgh's Central Mosque on 31 January 2013.
Cruikshank pled guilty. Lambie was found guilty after denying the charges.
Sheriff Alistair Noble, at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, said: "It does not seem to me there is any way to deal with this case other than by custody."

During an earlier trial, the court heard a Blackberry mobile phone was found in Lambie's clothing when she was arrested at her boyfriend's house.
Messages sent on 31 January included: "Going to invade a mosque, because we can go where we want."
A text to the phone asked: "What you do last night?" The reply was: "Went to the mosque in Edinburgh and wrapped bacon round the door handles, opened the door and threw it in ha ha ha."
'Very disturbing'
Google searches on the phone were for the location of the mosque, addresses for taxis and "Edinburgh mosque bacon search".
A security guard at the mosque told the trial of the offence the bacon would have caused to Muslims.
Usman Mahmood said: "I was surprised if a person did it for a joke. It is against our culture and religion.
"We do not eat pork or even touch it. I felt very bad seeing this meat in my sacred place.
"It hurt my feelings when I saw this meat hanging inside the mosque in the worshipping area. It was very disturbing."
The court heard that during a police interview Lambie had admitted being a member of the Scottish Defence League.
The pair were accused of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner likely to cause fear and alarm.
Cruickshank changed his plea to guilty after racial aggravation was deleted from the indictment.
The pair attached bacon to door handles and threw it inside Edinburgh's Central Mosque on 31 January 2013
A third person involved in the attack, Wayne Stilwel from Gorebridge, pled guilty in August 2013 to a religiously aggravated attack on the mosque and was sentenced to 10 months.
Sentencing Lambie, Sheriff Noble said he accepted she was a mother with a very young child, but she had continued to deny her guilt for the offence.
He accepted that Cruikshank had tried for many months to plead guilty and told him that if he had been found guilty at trial he would have sentenced him to 13 months in prison. Given his plea to the amended charge, he reduced that to nine months.


So someone who leaves a religious tract on my door should get a life sentence.
It sounds like a case of minor vandalism to me. These two probably should have been sentenced to something like x hours of community service. A year in jail sounds excessive.

Of course, what they are really being jailed for is being politically incorrect. Islam seems to have risen to kind of a special favored status in Europe and offending its sensibilities receives particularly harsh reactions from the ruling elites.

The United States isn't all that different. Here we have so-called 'hate-crimes' that also receive especially harsh punishments, based less on what actually happened than on the victims' being members of politically-favored groups.
It sounds like a case of minor vandalism to me. These two probably should have been sentenced to something like x hours of community service. A year in jail sounds excessive.
Vandalism usually reduces to a property crime, causing the victim losses that cost money to fix or replace. And while it may be difficult to assess the motive of vandals, here the motive was to harass and intimidate victims solely on the basis of their ethnicity and/or religion.
Of course, what they are really being jailed for is being politically incorrect. Islam seems to have risen to kind of a special favored status in Europe and offending its sensibilities receives particularly harsh reactions from the ruling elites.
Suppose it was a synagogue. How would you compare the way political correctness factors into protecting against anti-Semitism as opposed to this case?
The United States isn't all that different. Here we have so-called 'hate-crimes' that also receive especially harsh punishments, based less on what actually happened than on the victims' being members of politically-favored groups.

By the language of the US statutes, the severity of the crime increases if the perp was motivated by the same guilty mind that motivates civil rights violations. Do you think the language of such laws is emblematic of political correctness or do you think the statutes are ok, and the PCness is found in the authorities charged with enforcement?
Is the anti-bacon/pork thing a semitic thing or an abrahamic religion thing?

A year in jail for hurting someone's feelings seems to be a tad on the insane side.
Could I be jailed for calling an Irishman a shitfaced drunken bastard son of a shitfaced drunken mic?