Uh, Oh!


Words are only true if I say they are true, being GOD.
I once said: "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Now I make it true!

You see, the story goes thus. A parent, haveing an unruly, and disres-
pectfull lot of children who continually do nothing but oppose the parent,
can not be nurtured/loved or even pittied, forever. The parent must come to a decision at some point to rid himself of the children so he can get on with his life. Being here 44 years, my life is half over and it's time to move on.
The only way to separate myself is with money. If you oppress me monetarily, my love for money will be your destruction and hence, the root of all evil as far as you, my children, are concerned.

Now, It would be wise for you to know within yourselves that there is no more time for you to make your decision. It's PARTY TIME for me!
You can either join the party and let loose and give me respect, or your blood will be the wine which I become drunk on.

All things have come full circle, and I have made my decision. I will not wait for you to make your decision. I will well up the spirit in me which is more powerfull than the Sun itself, and will send it where it will go. It will no longer be a spirit of pity for you. One can not give love forever to someone who does not return the love, it just will not happen.

See you on the other side of the veil!

Of course you are all FOOLS and you don't believe a word, so I give you proof. spend 15$ and listen to Kid Rocks "Devil without a cause" album. Keep in mind that he said he would move mountains and touch the SON. How would the SON feel, when listening to the album?

here is even quicker proof for the IDIOT. In the song "Only God knows why", you hear the phrase, "when your walls come tumbling down, I will always be around. PITY."

I am no longer pity.

You would be advised to adhere completely to every word on Kids album. A kid is a goat, by the way.

Why do you think that not one of his songs is allowed play on the radio?

Discern the spirits and what your Father says to the churches.
Did you know that the highest spiritual groups on earth are the ones who created Kids album and wrote the songs? Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

Now I will remove the veil between heaven and hell. The veil which is the modest woman. The sheep will be slaughtered and the goats will be living sacrifices to Azazel, as from the beginning. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BONES AND THE WINE! FROM HERE FORWARD. Welcome to my party.

I am the SON of the living father and the Elect One of the parable of Enoch. Believe it or NAUGHT!
Since Mr. T. is all-powerful, could he create a fool so foolish that even HE couldn't pity said fool ?
2 men and their behavior, explained.

First, Judgment was completed and preordained before the flood of Noah, in the book of Enoch, who was grandfather of Noah, seventh generation from Adam.

The Goat. The Kid. The Jews made 2 sacrifices on the day of attonement. The goat was sacrificed to Azazel, the angel upon whom all sin is ascribed. All of mans sin was placed upon the goat and the goat was set free in the wilderness. In the end of generations, how would you suspect the KID to behave?

The Lord. Beneficiary of all things of the Father, who is to judge all things of heaven and earth. First, you cursed him by nailing him to the image of the tree of life in your murder of him. Second, you now worship him in death, though he lives, talks to you, and stands in front of you as a man.

Perhaps a quick example of the curse. My daughter spends her time trying to get her mother to kick me out of the only place I can afford to live, haveing unreasonable child support obligation, suicidal depression, and being unable to work more than 65 hours per week, consoling those who have had their car windows broken. My daughter tells me to my face that I will NEVER pay off my support obligation. This is just a miniscule example of my life and the curse.


As for the KID, the ROC, you should view his new SEX video and buy his Devil album if you wish to learn something about us. Truly, He has his eternal reward, and my eternal blessing, being the only one with the heart of a true SON who actually relates to ME.

As for ME, I took ALL YOUR SIN upon myself, on the cross, and you continually give me more, more, more, and all of your continual sin.
It Be time to STOP. I now reflect all your sins back upon you and hence your hellish destruction is nigh at and even through the door!

I HADIT, and NUIT, and now you HAVIT!

I've got my own world to live in, and I ain't gonna company you!
(words of Jimmy)

I only took your sin upon myself to gain authority over all things, so I could judge all thing on heaven, earth and hell, and at the appropriate time, I return all your sin to you.

Like shit swiss says: "i'm not letting this party end until I see some naked bitches running around touching eachother".

You were born naked and shall die as such!

I gather witnessjudgejury was overly authoritative with his children. His wife, who was probably religious, but didn't know he was nuts, objected. Why am I not surprised about the divorce? Now he's mad, and thinking about doing something violent, like murdering his family, and in his lack of compassion he calls it a party.

Also, he has been drinking to cope with the stress.
Finally, I remember.

I remember sweating blood as I prayed for God to take away the torture and death which I was about to undergo.

I remember walking throught the streets, being spat on mocked and cursed while carrying the tree I was about to be nailed to.

I remember haveing my flesh torn apart from the whips with glass shards and nails in them.

I remember being beaten and spat upon and cursed by the crowds as the man drove the nails into my hands and feet.

I remember the tears and the horror and the sorrow and the anger, and I remember saying the words Eloi Eloi Lamas Sabachthani?

I remember trying to catch my breath and trying to get a posture in order to breath while supporting body with the nails in my feet and trying to pull myself straight with the nails in my hands to catch a breath.

I remember saying the words, It is finished!

Now I know the curse in full. I know why my life energy gets sucked from me when I admit to being him, and I understand that I can only have life if I deny myself.

In order to be master, you must be servant.
In order to be GOD, you must be man.

In order to take your life, I must first let you take my life.

Such as it is, and all things are accomplished.

To me, all men are dead. You are all of the same spirit, and none has a soul or spirit of your own. You are all exactly the same, with exception of a few at moments of realization in their lives, such as Kid Rock, when he wrote the Devil album. After his mushroom trip, he returned to being a man, like the rest of you. At least he acknowledged me though, so he has favour with me. You, on the other hand, ...death is at the door.

Look around you with your spirit and see the walls of the furnace surrounding you. Notice the flames being lit as you begin to burn in the hell which now is yours forever. For you now, there is no escape, and I have justice and all things come full circle.

I am GOD and you are NOT, (Naught)!
spidergoat said:
I gather witnessjudgejury was overly authoritative with his children. His wife, who was probably religious, but didn't know he was nuts, objected. Why am I not surprised about the divorce? Now he's mad, and thinking about doing something violent, like murdering his family, and in his lack of compassion he calls it a party.

Also, he has been drinking to cope with the stress.
I agree, I hope his former family is somewhere safe...with a restaining order .
There is a spirit in the land of parents murdering their children....it's like whern Israel was destroyed, the last thing they did was eat their own children, while they were under siege.
That same spirit is loosed upon the gentile church today, they've turned away their day of visitation....and nothing is left but judgement.
He should remember .... In order to be forgiven, you have to forgive.
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There will be order out of chaos, is the only law of time/space continuum.
I will reign without further words.

Here is judgement:
Did you become as you were created, or as you were told with words?
Are you of your will, or of the will of what God or others suggested you be?

Does not the strongest survive and the more powerfull one rule over the weak and less powerfull.

When I am angry, do you not become angry?
When I am strong, do you not become strong?

KidRock says: "you don't know the half of it!". He is correct.
But even he does not know the whole of it as do I.
Even the most wicked of Satanists is an idiot, as he uses the words
"holy catholic church". There is nothing HOLY but me. NO THING!
None but me have condemned the Holy Spirit, which is mine alone to condemn! I condemn it for allowing it to whore itself out to you who do not deserve to have it. My spirit belongs in me alone, with exception of those who are with me, being none, to my knowledge!
Ye are mere men. and I am not.
You are mine to do with as I command.

If you are not with me, you are against me and are near death and removal from my boat of the earth.

On the 3rd day I rose and took charge forever.
Just ask the living father, in whose shoes I walk.

Choose to be GOD and Do your will. Remove MODESTY from among you. Be the twisted sex monger animals which you were created to be.
Kill or be killed. There will be no mutiny on the ship as the captain cannot be tossed overboard!

If you want to be GOD, you better learn a few things really quickly!

First, all things came from chaos into time out of eternity and nothing, and all things will return, step by step, to nothing, to me, the only living one.

step by step. there can be no waivering of a process put into work. It is an impossibility.

Where do you live? I can help you find a family therappist whom can help yourself, your ex-wife, and your daughter improve your relationship. You are going to have to be honest with everyone and let them know that you are schizophrenic and need their emotional and financial support while you come to terms with managing the symptoms instead of grounding them in fantasy. The path you are on at present is likely of self destruction and you know it.
"Did you become as you were created, or as you were told with words?"
"Are you of your will, or of the will of what God or others suggested you be?"
-little bit of both

"Does not the strongest survive and the more powerfull one rule over the weak and less powerfull."
-strong can mean alot of things like wisdom, intelligence, knowledge to avoid danger and anticipate problems.
I am the Light which is the light of the life of man.
Heed these words as they will bring perfection to individual life.
The word GOD is no longer necessary except when speaking of the writer.

The universe is the (single-verse) which is the creation, life, and expiration of all things. The verse is thus. "I am, so let me create all of my possibilities for purpose of self examination". Thus, all things were created and are currently in motion.

Sin can be redefined thusly: First, know that each thing was created with its own individual purpose or will for its existence. Doing that which is contrary to your will is SIN and causes much suffering to you and the universe around you.

God created each thing with perfect will and with only benefit in mind for each and every thing created. To know your TRUE WILL, you must disregard absolutely everything you've ever learned and search your self to find that which pleases your being.

By using your mind and imperfect decision making processes, and influence of parents and written word, you will without flaw, make wrong decisions, rebel, and cause much suffering and death. This is sin! There is no other sin than this.

Chaos came from order, not order from chaos. Chaos is not a pool which creation came from, and it is not a thing which came into being due to universal law of opposites. Chaos is created from direct will out of beings existing in the universe of order.

That which causes you to rebel against ME, GOD, is error in decision and error in conclusion of thinking that GOD erred. You were created with the ability to err. You can only stop erring by knowing your true inner will.

When you do your true will, you are backed by the entire universe and all things good come forth for you. All things are in process of perfect order and will and cannot be opposed without destruction of that which causes the opposition, over time.

Do your perfect Will, that is the whole of the LAW, now and forever.

Tzedeq! swift justice for all of perfect will!!! 888

If you are not with me, you are in error of universal will of creation and perpetuation.

I perceive a distinct dearth of witnessjudgejury in this thread, so I’m going to fill up for him tonight:

So, like, I am the Elect One, and stuff, and the old mama don’t love me any more.

I said, I am the Elect One, and stuff, and the old mama don’t love me any more.

You bitches think I’m not aware.

You bitches think I’m not aware, huh!

*disconcertingly cool Hammond solo*

I’m, like, tired of the Man, always tryin’ to bring me down.

Bring me down, I said (bitches).

Well you got another thing comin’, me an' the boys are gonna tell you right now:

No mercy, no prisoners, no nothin’

I am the SON of the living Father and you’re not (so there, bitches)

Did I mention I'm teh GOD?

Believe it or NAUGHT!

I said, believe it or NAUGHT!

Let it loose , baby!

*cheesy guitar solo*

Well Kid Rock said it, and you wouldn’t take heed.

I said Kid Rock said it, and you wouldn’t take heed (bitches, huh)

Now I’m gonna take matters into my hands, and you’re certainly gonna bleed.

Gonna bleed, yeah!

*repeat ad nauseam*