uh oh i think im the antichrist....


Registered Member
anyone here ever read the scriptures in genisis that talked about when satan was still in heaven and he challenged gods soverenty?. i remember learning about this back when i was a jehovahs witness. i remember them talking about how satan knew that he coulde'nt say that god was not the ultamate being in the universe and thus had no right to rule the universe. insted he challenged whether or not god had the right to or if it was really necessary for him to rule the universe. i remember this being the explanation as to why god allows satan to exsist. for time to tell wether or not satan is right.

i sat and thought about this one day after being a devote christian for about ten years of my seven-teen years of life.

i sat and thought for about three days...

Now im one of those people who belives in himself. i belive i can do anything. so in that span of time i remebered that in the jw teachings they said that we should alwasy seek gods help because we are all so weak and imperfect.
well... i dont belive that we humans are truly so weak. we dont need traning weels, we dont need a daddy to hold our hand. we dont need god! and about perfection. in the jw religion there are a lot of books you can order for free. they have toons of valuable information. one of them is like a masive dictionary of words they use and their preticular meanings. on perfection i found something very interesting. in that book it said that perfection depends on how well something does what it is ment to do. for example a shovel is perfect as long as it can do what it is ment to do... that is dig. so what about us humans? what are we ment to do? acording to god we are to do his will. but remember i say we are strong! we dont need god. so lets say that i wanted to dig a hole. if i can dig the hole, the wayu i want it then... i am perfect!

so... what am i saying here?

basicly in line with what i said above. if we perfect ourselves and prove that we dont need god. we can prove satan right! then we would no longer need god!

(i think i may have played a bit too much xenogears... but still i know my resoning is corect!!!!)

also i'd like to say if i am the antichrist. then im probably the 1337i57 antichrist there is. cause everyone at www.antichrist.com
is dumb if they actualy agree with any of the stuff on that site.
From antichrist.com-

antichrist: to negate the christ meme which spreads from person to person within a society, impairing normal intellectual growth.


Wow, they must really hate christianity:eek:
i dont belive you are THE anti chrsit but johns says their are many anti christs.
hmmm..... wha?!

well come to think of it i remember somebody saying there would be many anti christs... then again at my "christian meetings" we never really do talk that much about things that are bad, evil, or scary... but, wouldnt it be cool if some people put really well though out post? i think it would... but...
about the uh oh....

i think i said some thing about how i used to be a very devout christian... i, even now still love god. he's done a lot of things for me. heh heh, a lot of things. anyways, i know that armagedon or something just plain bad is coming. i think i may one day have to go up againt god somehow, someday... (i also think i've been playing too much xenogears) actualy i have these dreams that always some how come true... but then i should say that my dreams arn't all amazing and grandly future telling. it usualy things that are realistic and posible of happening. like once i lived in des moines WA, and i made many very good friends (we're all otakus/hardcore anime fans) then i moved back to tacoma washington. well the weird part was that while i was still in
des moines i had this dream that one day i got kinda famous, kinda rich, and well i was just almost to what i imagine being like in the future. anways i was back in des moines for the first time in a few years (for some reson i didnt have a car... still) anyways i went by most of my friends houses. most of them wer'nt living at home anymore, or had gone off to college, or just had moved. the only person who i thought was probably still around, i thought, was this kinda slakerish guy that lived out of walking distance. but i traveled to his hous anyways. when i got there, me and him talked about everyone (especialy my first g/f and a girl he really liked but never had the guts to ask out) then we laughed (and cryed) about everything... e v e r y t h i n g (only prob was that i cant remember what we were saying or what subjects we talked about) anyways that was pretty much the dream. now the weird part is now. now half of my friends friends from there are gone, in one way or another, some of them went to japan, others to college, others i just cant stand to be around because they've changed so much, and vice virsa. also i havent been back to
desmoines for about a two years, (in the dream, this i see as not being back for a long time) i've come up with a to become kind famous and create a samll amount of world peace ( the being kinda famous part) and last time i called anyone in des moines they told me about how a bunch of people have gone or have changed. anyways... when i realized how all this stuff fits to gether i was creeped out really bad. it was'nt the first time this sorta thing had happen'd just the first time i really had been able to nonshalantly watch it happen.

what was i talking about?

<insert five minuet pause>

oh! okay got it. i had this other dream... (this one has'nt and i hope wont occur. maybe that what ppl call a nightmare) i'll try to make this short, im sure you guys dont wanna hear me rant about my dreams and stuff. anyways in reality i know a lot of martial arts, like enough to qualify to be a 1st dan blackbet, enough to kill some one in under a minuet, enough to make me fear losing control of myself. i've noticed in a lot of real fights i've been in i end up blacking out and still be fighting and afterwards not being able to remeber excatly what happend. anyway my dream was about me going crazy like this for a very long amount of time... anyways it went something like i was haveing this really bad day and something or someone made me snap. i ended killing the person, then things from there just escalate into me killing more and more people until i got to the point where i started to kill people for fun and there was somekinda weird manhunt for me. in the end everything would have been fine but i ended up getting shot and dying some how. like i was running from something and some random guy just comes out of nowhere and shoots me. it really sucked. then from there some how i drownded. anyways i can tell this dream is likely not to happen because it was really vauge and the specific things that happen in it always change each time i have this dream. oh also i remeber eating people in this dream... i dont know what relevance this sould have but today in my english class we we're talking about how some people who seem to have an immunity to aids, sars, and the plauge seem to have alltered dna due to that their ansestors were canibals...

anways this dream has all ways given me a weird "holy crap i hope that never happens for real" type feeling. and the reson for the 'uh-oh' that youve all been waiting for is that when i have this dream and when i had this idea hit me, i had the same creepy felling. but this time its slightly differnt because it is happening, kinda. i've started to try to live my live without anykind of prayer to or help from any kind of spirits, gods, or so called higher beings. in fact i want to make my idea known to everyone. so maybe others can do what i am doing and then :m:

and by :m: i dont mean that we can smoke tons of weed i mean that we humans will be free of all godly rule and be truly free to do what we want with the only limitaitions being our minds and hands... and there are ways to trancend those limitations!

you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods you shall be gods

(sorry i've been playing WAY too much xenogears lately)

Originally posted by edgar
i dont belive you are THE anti chrsit but

i atculay ment the whole antichrist thing as a joke. but when i was writing it i noticed it fit TOO well so i desided to take the "i'm just joking" part about me being the antichrist out

:m: :m: :m: