
We have some rather difficult problems to overcome if indeed we are going to believe aliens are abducting various peoples from around the world. Below you will find my specific questions in regards to the current UFO sightings, and the ideas concerning some of these incidents.

1. According to abductees these aliens are capable of moving matter through itself, thus they can be taken through walls, windows, etc.

- The question is this, scientifically speaking I don't see how this can be possible, let us suppose for our discussion the aliens can generate almost unlimited energy, still I've no idea what method they could use to bring this about.

- It's important to note that this may be a side effect of interplanetary traveling, without an ability to phase yourself / machine through matter the smallest impact would be devestating & large. So in theory this kind of technology showing up is actually logical and one would expect it.

2. Genetic manipulation is said to be taking place, yet I don't understand exactly how they can manage it. From what we know around the 1890's abductions began occuring, these with the main purpose of slowly altering DNA in humans to be compatible with that of an insect like species. I asked a genetist if such a plan were practical, his reply was even slowly altering genes over centuries wouldn't have the effect of allowing for cross-species breeding. Thus begs the question, is there any indication at all this would ever be possible. We know the insects are the real aliens an they initially bred the Greys as a sort of test. Now they're completely merging their genes with ours making more human-like people.

- The question is, because science right now tells us there are certain laws about how genes can be manipulated are we to believe a species not even from our own planet could amass more knowledge then we already have. Indications are they probably got here sooner then the 1890's, spent some time researching, then eventually began this hyrbidization program.

- One thing that concerns me, according to abductees these full hyrbids look very human, but yet contain mental charateristics of the insect like beings. To be this makes no sense, you can't just adapt a certain part of DNA so that changes occur in the brain alone?! That's one thing that makes the abductee situation puzzling, it would certainly be useful for blending in but I don't believe you could merge 2 species in this way (keeping only physical charateristics while changing internal ones).

3. Let's assume abductees are paralyzed during abductions, well... I'm slightly confused why it works every single time. I've never heard of one instance where the aliens failed to paralyze someone.

4. The insects are said to be telepathic, yet on this planet no species, no matter their nature, as far as I'm aware, has exhibited telepathic tendencies. Now I realize if humans had telepathy then it would've long ago become the norm for communications, this begs the question does it exist. This is where the UFO phenomena will truly prove fact or fiction. Because no real evidence exists for the concept of telepathy I must conclude that it is impossible, but then where's that leave the abductees?

5. If the insects are telepathic this still doesn't explain how there are instances of them moving objects with their minds. The problem with this is that scientifically all objects have mass, thus in order to move something you must exhert an equal amount of mass on the object in the opposing direction...... you see the issue right? If the aliens can move things with their minds this violates every scientific thought I can muster... they cannot possibly have an organic way of exherting mass on an object, it's just insane.

So what are your thoughts on all this, scientifically let's pretend we agree they either exist or do not. Evidence supposes that they do, yet scientific observations suggest anamolies in the technology which cannot be ignored.
sderenzi said:
We have some rather difficult problems to overcome if indeed we are going to believe aliens are abducting various peoples from around the world. Below you will find my specific questions in regards to the current UFO sightings, and the ideas concerning some of these incidents.

1. According to abductees these aliens are capable of moving matter through itself, thus they can be taken through walls, windows, etc.

- The question is this, scientifically speaking I don't see how this can be possible, let us suppose for our discussion the aliens can generate almost unlimited energy, still I've no idea what method they could use to bring this about.

- It's important to note that this may be a side effect of interplanetary traveling, without an ability to phase yourself / machine through matter the smallest impact would be devestating & large. So in theory this kind of technology showing up is actually logical and one would expect it.

I am very skeptical of the extraterrestrial alien thing in general, so will not comment on most of the points.

Supersolid theory, somewhat similar to the already proved superfluid theory, has been announced to be proved in science experiments. By fortuitous coincidence I was rereading this in a recent back issue of Scientific American just within this past week. I was reviewing back issues of this year and the previous. It was a rather small announcement, not at all a full article. I am unable to be more specific.

Supersolid theory predicts that at a very low temperature two solids may pass through each other with no friction.
Hey, John been to see Janette at library yet? For some educational books? Just walk up Hunterfield Road from your place, and it's on the right hand side past Gore Avenue.

Still haven't figured out how to start threads yet either have you, retard?
sderenzi - One thing that concerns me said:
If you read the book, Acquiring Genomes, by Lynn Margulis, you may be surprised at how incomplete typical genetic theory has been. There is likely so much more to learn, with regards to what is possible genetically, particularly in the realm of genetic engineering. Combining two species, though very very uncommon actually occurs naturally, on occassion.

You seem to be preoccupied with two features of the abductee phenomenon . One --that the beings (not hybrids) are insect like. In what sense do you mean insect like? Biologically, physically, "personality"?

You also mention the psychic feature of the abduction event, with an idea as to the ramifications for mankind if we were all psychic. What draws you to these key features of the "ufo" phenomenon?